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Posts posted by GrubbyZebra

  1. Don't we already fight from a 3rd person perspective?

    Sailing is done from the captain's view, not the helmsman's (ok, it's really done from bird's eye view, but it is effectively the captain's overall viewpoint). Shooting is either done from the captain's view ([] keys) or the gun captain's view (LMB+ Space or RMB+LMB or RMB+Space), not the actual gunner's view. 

  2. On 2/2/2020 at 5:05 PM, SparkyTheParasite said:

    Hi @admin

    Just a small suggestion. we would love to have a coloured sails dlc and custom made clan flags. so that all clans can fly their custom made banner. 

    i think that all players would like to see this option represented in the pvp and pve. 

    Sails options : Red Sails - Black Sails - Blue Sails - Purple Sails - Green Sails. 

    And perhaps add in a option to make a custom flag editor. 

    i would love to see this in the game. 

    Thank you in advance

    With kind regards

    Sparky The Parasite


    I would be fine with the paint DLC just splitting the hull colour and sail color into two different options (like frame and planking with ship DLC's), that the player can set upon redemption.

  3. 5 hours ago, Sea Fox said:

    Do you consider county capitals to be the main capital that that player starts out with as in Main Capital per Nation? If so trader ships are not allowed there. Enemy AI will sink you in 0.5 seconds

    no, county capitals are the ports with a white circle ring around the port icon, that are no also a national capital. Also, iirc, the privateer fleets won't attack 6th or 7th rate ships (tbrig, tsnow, and tlynx).

    EDIT: Additionally, as players typically hanging around national capitals looking for NPC ships to attack with relative safety, I would caution that sailing any foreign-flagged vessel into a national capital during any time of high activity is a good way to ensure you never make it into the port.

    • Like 1
  4. We used to be able to exchange VMs and CMs, please return to this. 

    The only thing VM's should be used for is RVR (port investment, clan perks, etc). Anything that is not RVR (ship notes, upgrades, permits, etc) should be purchased with CM's. 

    To alleviate the difficulty in obtaining CM's for non-PvP players, or players with smaller ships that don't receive CM's for battles, CM's should be purchasable for doubloons in the Admiralty, as well. 

  5. @Ink I was turning into the Nuevitas harbour tonight when my computer locked and crashed. 

    By the time I was rebooted and able to log back in, I get launched into a combat instance when one of my fleet ships (and Indiaman with 39 medicinal bark + 50 oak logs) was already captured and the enemy player was turning towards my trinc.

    I thought a hard DC like that would prevent your ship from being attacked in open world? I submitted an F11 report, but have no clue how to find the number. 

  6. From admin: 

    • Redoutable (Le suffren) is waiting for approval from valve. Once approved it will be launched immediately
    • Implacable (redoutable sister ship of temeraire class) will be in game by end of month - will definitely be a crafted ship with permit dropping from chests
    • Wrecker class status is still unknown - probably will be in game this month or feb - but we not sure about its status yet (imported vs rare vs crafted)

    on the most popular question on Montagnes - montagnes is not yet in development. We need to fund (budget) it first. 


  7. 21 minutes ago, Bryan Von Gyldenloeve said:

    It cost more. Unless you only think there is only 10 player in a nation. But then let is cost 25% ore the same. I don't care. 

    It may cost more in aggregate, but to the individual player, it costs less, and on average, people tend to look out for themselves, so they will take the "cheaper" option to individually upgrade and be able to "corner" the market for ships or upgrades or whatever.


    Lets take DK. Where I play in. We(Bocar) don't hold the crafting port. But we payed 80 % of the upgrade cost. We fight Sweden, the rest is scared of this. We been told we would be removed if we continoue. So we can continue and lose acces to port bonus.

    For some reason somebody likes us, so we could put crafting alts in there clans. We attacked one of there playerd in OW. We where told we couldn’t. We would be kicked. We dob’t make OW deals, so Wupti we where gone from clan roster.

    We made an attempt on Nassau. If we had a alt clan on Reds friendlist, you Think we would have stayed in it. We will fight, no matter what. But how many you think will?

    The port bonus system have made the strong fight and allmost every one stay in habor, cowarding, hopping for nobody hurting them.

    I do understand and like this gameplay. But mostly because I found a groupe of players that give a shit, and just want fun. But does it give more fighting, a more diverse RvR inviroment.

    Take a port and invest in it, instead, if you are worried about being kicked from the other port holder's friends list. Or, firm up your alliance with the other clans in your nation through economic incentives (purchasing ships, books, upgrades, cannon, etc) or defense incentives (will defend their ports from attack, escort their traders, etc). The point is, the current system almost forces nations to work together if they want to succeed, instead of reinforcing the "clan" as the core unit of diplomacy. This is completely in line with the stated goals of the RvR game.

  8. 3 minutes ago, Bryan Von Gyldenloeve said:

    He is in dk. Some would proberbly say a weak nation. But it has nothing with a weak ore a strong nation. He and others have from the start argued for that crafting should be tied to the player, not the nation/clan.  To much power that they will abuse. 
    Make a Dual system. A nation/clan can do as now. But Allow a port to be upgraded to 55 by basicly buying the points that are needed in admiralty.

    Make it posible for a single player to upgrade his account, at 1/10 cost of what it cost a nation/clan to get the same points.

    This would be a start. But personally I think crafting should be a specilaty. You can either make strong, faster. More crew, more agileand do on. Make maybe it so that you can chose maybe 2. Fast and Crew. Strenght and fast. And so on.

    The problem with this is that if it cost less for the player to upgrade as a clan, then you will have 10 players that will have upgrades that no-one else can use, instead of a port with upgrades that potentially the entire nation can use. Such a system would be antithetical to the nation-oriented gameplay currently encouraged.

    • Like 1
  9. 14 hours ago, Despe said:

    Hello, i think that we need some changes in DLCs ships only in that:

    • Docks. Buy a DLC ship must give you one extra more space in dock.
    • Paints. As a not tradeable ship, why paint DLC needs a cooldown when you redem one DLC paint? I think thats is a good idea remove that cooldown for this kind of ships.

    So, do you have a DLC? Enjoy it, you have an extra dock and you can paint it all times that you want!

    Despe makes your game easy,

    Despe loves you :D

    Admiralty DLC already gives you 10 extra spaces, they don't (yet) have 10 DLC ships, so I think have a ship DLC give you a dock space would be competing against themselves.

    I do think the paint cool-down is rather pointless (it should be just like the flags DLC). @admin is there a reason why the paints are limited to 1 per 24hr period, as opposed to something more like Flags that can be switched whenever?

    • Like 1
  10. 1 minute ago, IvanDiego said:
    1. do the tutorials
    2. finish the exams ( you dont need to finish the final exam right away )
    3. find a good clan to join
    4. take a basic cutter and do passenger missions till you have a traders brig and 100k in the bank
    5. use the traders brig and do cargo and passenger missions while you buy two more traders brigs to do more missions till you have around 500k in the bank
    6. use the trader tool in the map menu to learn which trade goods you can buy cheap and sail them to a port that will buy them high
    7. try to keep your reals around 500k and start fighting Ai and players. Your clan mates should have tought you how to use manual sails and how to do pve and pvp already
    8. just don't give up and try to stay away from drama
    9. have fun always

    Can't do passenger missions in a basic cutter except to ports in your same nation. Also, use the list tool, it makes your post readable.

  11. 13 hours ago, Tiedemann said:

    I like that the reward is connected to the activity in a port, this is good and it forced us to do port raids on ports where there are players. But the low reward targets should just not show up at all imo. When players see those they think Port Raids are a unrewarding joke!

    I would rather the player be presented the options and judge the risk/reward for themselves vs the options being limited.


    The fact that you have to sail around and check multiple ports in hope of finding a good port raid missions is super annoying. Why can't all possible port raids be listed in all regional capitals and there be some filter in place so the unrewarding port raids just does not show up. That would make this an easier feature to use imo. 

    Given the size of some of the rewards, I have no problem with players needing to put in some legwork to find the best rewards.

  12. 6 hours ago, Teutonic said:

    I don't mean to sound blunt, but a group of players were thinking of doing raid missions and the rewards, quite frankly, are just flat out bad:




    Honestly if anyone ever asked, I'd tell them to never do raid missions and instead just farm privateer fleets...or heck, if you (or your team) want combat medals, just farm some hunt missions.

    it goes like this

    Victory Marks? probably the only reason to do raid missions IF you don't take part in RvR....but honestly if you're doing raid missions you have the ships, just just engage in RvR. plenty of ports to control, plenty of ways to make victory marks of your own. not to mention players sell them at la tortue for 20-30k each.

    Combat Medals? Hunt Missions, PvP missions are just flat out better return on your investment then ever trying to "farm" them with these raid missions. don't bother

    Doubloons? look at me straight and tell me that after splitting up the rewards to your fellow group mates after a raid that you got enough doubloons for your time. PvP and Cargo Delivery missions are better farming then this and less risky based on the ships you use.

    Real(s)? 10 minutes, in ONE traders brig will literally get you 2x, 3x, or 4x what you're earning here. Again, just like doubloons, after you split it up (which I've never seen happen) it doesn't even cover the cost of repairs used.


    I encourage more screenshots of possible raid mission chest rewards to give a more fair assessment. I personally have never seen the rewards be higher than 30 VMs/CMs and that still is rather lower of rewards when you split them to your group mates.

    The rewards are directly tied to the port's activity level. SDC, with a tax income of 10kk, netted 30k doubloons, 300k reals, VM's, CM's, and some other nice prizes.

    GT has a tax income 1/4 that, so expect it to have 1/4 the reward.

  13. The nations are the alliance system. I would like to see the current mechanics changed so that allied clans define the nation, vs nations defining the clans. This would also simplify clans wishing to switch nations while keeping their ports and other resources, and better integrate the organic clan system with the game's nation scheme.

    And since no clan can own the free towns or national capitals, this won't impact those ports at all.

    • Like 1
  14. On 1/18/2020 at 11:00 AM, Mouth of Sauron said:

    I haven't personally tried the mortars since prior to the release but I've been told that their rate of fire was nerfed.  2 Balls instead of 4 even with the books.  It takes about 40-45mins now for 1 mortar to kill a fort.  and that is with ships running interference because the mortars do not outrange the forts anymore.

    In the shallows a MB is basically useless.  You need 3.  Most of the BR has been reduced to the point where 3 MBs will nerf your fleet too much to take them.

    The MB was over nerfed, imo. I get the elimination of the double shot, fine. But the range needs to be increased to be out of fort range, especially given the reduction to accuracy as well.

  15. 5 hours ago, Earl of Grey said:

    One thought: maybe we should increase the risk for the highest profit trade goods:


    NOW: buy at 10.000 reales, sell 30.000

    Future: buy at 40.000 reales, sell at 60.000

    Profit is the same (ok some more taxes), but risk is much higher ...

    Make this only for the high profit routes, so the "small shore Trader" dont get affected ...


    that would actually lower the ROI for those goods, on the fence as to whether or not that would be desirable...

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