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Posts posted by GrubbyZebra

  1. 3 hours ago, admin said:

    We don't and wont have them because of the number of programmers: 2.
    If programmers work on feature A, they wont work on feature B.
    Battle results were done when we had bigger team which was possible because ratings were higher, sales were better and grass was greener.
    Also - we never really gave hard promises on clan tools/logs. If you really want them - we will give the options to pay for them in march. You can already start supporting new unpromised features by buying forged papers :)

    Really? You need programmers to code database lookup tools? No problem, where do I sign up? Have done database management for almost 20 years now.

  2. 2 hours ago, z4ys said:

    You can still see the BR and why do you have to talk to an enemy? Its red kill it. Dont let a new player think "oh it might be Clan xy i am not allowed to kill it". Its red sink it. No names best recent change.

    Or du you miss the alt protection that you could write "hey i am xys alt dont attack me" ?

    Smaller nations/clans form alliances with other clans across national borders. The removal of this info makes this nearly impossible now.

    Also, many have friends in other nations that they like to talk to when they see them in OW. Also was useful for arranging 1v1 duels before clicking attack.

    • Like 1
  3. 2 hours ago, admin said:

    You don't understand one thing
    Game need players more than advanced mass tax tools
    Amount of players interested in mass tax tools is extremely limited compared to players interested in the tutorials and new player experience.

    If game ratings improve we can expand the scope of things we work on, but until then our hands are tied.

     Sorry @admin, but it is you who doesn't understand.

    You have built an MMOG. The core defining characteristic of such a game is mulitple players, and tons of them. In order to attract and retain such requires in-game social tools (chat, dm, and most importantly, clans). If you want large, active, healthy clans to fulfill the core characteristic of the genre, they must have access to in-game tools to manage the clan. Warehouse and member activity logs, quick-look and single screen financial tools, and a functional two-way all-clan communication system.

    Instead you continue to trivialise clan tools and actually go so far as to remove social mechanics in a social game! People may come for the combat, but it is the community that keeps them logging in. Time to fix it.

    • Like 7
  4. So picked up an 1896 printing of The Influence of Sea Power upon History 1660-1783 by Cpt. A.T. Mahan, USN. 

    Can't wait to read it. Gonna look for the follow one about the French Revolution (1793-1812) as well. Wish he had written a final volume covering the Napoleonic and steam eras. If anyone has recommendations, please post.

    • Like 1
  5. 12 hours ago, Louis Garneray said:

    I know some people who fight often purposely in trader ships.  A kill should produce PvP marks whatever ship is on the other side unless it's capped.

    Yes and no. 

    PvP marks should be awarded for equal battles, or where the weaker opponent defeats a stronger one. Marks should not be awarded for clubbing baby seals.

    Also, give marks for capturing ships as well as sinking them. 

    • Like 1
  6. 7 hours ago, CaptainSparckles said:

    The admin says what he will announce in patch 18 about this . If you want to find that topic , just search down pages .

    Yea, they've already shown they cam tweak it with a hotfix and not require a major patch. Have the AI strike at 20% hull remaining would be fine, or better yet, give XP and marks for boarding actions and then it's a non-starter. (Boarding makes looting so mich easier, but you can't build up xp that way)

  7. 6 hours ago, Thonys said:

    perhaps you should adapt to the mechanic 

    when the structure is a 30 % the ship is going to turn and slow s down in speed 

    at that point it is better if you want to loot the ship, to sail in his wake... ( and  turn to come behind him )

    you don't have to shoot the whole ship to complete destruction  and loot after that  it will do the trick to get the loot ,but be patient, and smart.

    read your wind .


    Are you smarter than a Ai or........


    What do you think I do? 

    All the planning in the world can't account for the stupid fast wind changes that outpace every SoL turn rate.

  8. Between leeway and 120 deg wind changes, looting has gone from frustrating to insufferable in large ships. Spend 30 min sink a 1st rate, end up sinking him when I am literally bowsprit to bowsprit. Too far away from the X, can't sail into him because of the wind, tack, get in position to tack back, and Oh, wing change! By the time I get there it's too late to loot and so I basically just wasted my time getting jack squat for my efforts. Can't afford to buy books because people want stupid prices, and can't get them from drops because the looting mechanic sux ballz.

    Getting tired of it.

    • Like 10
  9. 1 hour ago, Landsman said:

    Yeah, it would be like now but with the hostility raid mission actually being worth doing so people get some actual reward and thus incentive to do it? Also more PvP going to happen around it when defenders get notified in advance and have more reason to prevent the hostility / raid?

    I was meaning just regular PvE/PvP in OW building a national hostility without specific missions. 

     PvE or PvP hostility building mechanics that replace the current system for specific ports would also be desirable (raids, blockades, etc)

  10. 8 hours ago, Palatinose said:

    Most of what is to be read here is: I want more for free. I can go with the price crew 1 thingy, the rest just should stay as it is. Prepared, DS, DC, rigging specialist and so on (and the eco perks on the other hand) are powerful tools and one should have to choose. 

    No captain would enter a battle with having his guns loaded and run out. Prepared should be on by default, it is a gamey waste of a perk slot.


    DC and DS are also not "specialised" enough to warrant a perk, but could be an acquired skill. 

    Fleet 1 is self explanatory. Capt should get it automatically upon 1st rank up.

    Fleet 3 and hold optimization should cost the same perk points as the two are mutually exclusive.

    The rest should stay as perks. Would still require a lot decision making and trade offs.

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