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Posts posted by Vizzini

  1. we've had this before and sadly it won't change. we will either see them hoovered up on contract , or a level 1 alt sitting in that port all the time clicking buy as soon as they become available


    If the minimum price the port sells them at was to rise to higher than production cost, then it would be better


    right now it's a license to print extra reals and you either put in a buy contract yourself and join the queue or you craft them yourself and use up valuable crafting hours



  2. 4 minutes ago, Gregory Rainsborough said:

    Cartagena isn't...?

    East coast isn't hiding, that's WO's primetime.


    I'm thinking the concept of time zones is lost on Reverse , after looking at the timers. I only see WO and MONX with timers outside EU hours and they are both ? American based clans and therefore have a primetime that is different from Russia


    somebody enlighten me if I have missed something ? or does he need help with time zones around the world not being the same ?

    • Like 1
  3. 4 minutes ago, North said:

    Russians having power or being big nation is apperantly allways bad, does matter who it is BF, REDS has no meaning... This has happend before, cause server don't like Russians to have a seat at the table as a powerhouse.

    No it's about who is top dog and who isn't. Russians just happen to be on top right now. On old global it was Pirates ruling the roost for a while, it has nothing to do with nationality or the server not liking Russian people.


    Every nation right now has clans in it who would be at war with another whom they cannot attack. Sadly this restriction is restricting gameplay. This added to the fact that arranging a large scale DLC forged paper move for a large clan is extremely time consuming and complicated. This for a service we pay real money for too



    • Like 2
  4. You can only control who comes into your clan, you cannot control how many follow you into your nation

    You cannot cap a nations numbers and any attempt at a system for alliances will force it down to 2 blocks and 99% will end up with a 1-2hour sail to where the opposite block is situated for content, similar to how it was on global.


    I feel certain that reverse and his friends would rather be in their own nation, answerable to nobody and not having to deal with others following them. The same could probably  be said for the other powerbrokers of the larger clans.


    Nobody wants to be on the losing side if they can help it. Havoc get screened out , the Dutch would have got screened out at Bridgetown and right now there is only 1 nation in charge. if a rainbow coalition stops the Russians in their tracks, the Russians will squeal like they did the last time it happened saying the rest are ganging up on them


    Somebody will always be top dog and thats not a bad thing. Less nations = less choice and less gameplay options.  Less need for alts = less sales = less forged paper dlc's


    Work on getting Pirates becoming Pirates / clans / outlaws and the rest of the nations will all slim down a bit while creating clan wars within the Pirates. Leave the rest as they are for those who fancy being an underdog.

    just my thoughts, the games playing well enough to keep the numbers steady



    • Like 1
  5. 4 minutes ago, Knight Stalin said:

    Bring back the old BR ratings for PBS, it meant that peopl actually had to change up their ships and also allowed for smaller nations to RvR since there were less in each battle. Keep maybe afew MAJOR ports at the numbers to need full 1st rates, but i think this game was more fun for RvR when the PBs did not need 25 players to fill + screeners

    I'd prefer it be up to the clans who own the port


    they chose whether it's open to all

    they chose the taxes

    they chose the timers


    let them chose the br ( within parameters )

    • Like 4
  6. 18 minutes ago, Vernon Merrill said:

    A) Imagine getting so worked up over a video game?

    b) People wanted clan wars over nations....  well, here we are...  (thank the "usual suspects")

    If only we had clan wars, this would have been sorted the minute their demands / blackmail was issued to the rest of the nation


    clan wars would be too much content. 100 nations + all vying for the best resources and ports while not having to pay heed to anybody they know they can wallop :)

  7. 190116 but no cigar


    not sure it needs changing, if people are clicking and typing and NOT reading or understanding then losing stuff is likely to happen to them


    we do get a last confirmation that it is what we require and a final warning about loss of items ?


    if you're only asking to have the ability to do it remotely , then why not. It is however likely to cause more loss as you cannot see what is in your inventory of you don't go there first. Sorry if I am being dense or fail to understand what it is you're asking for

    convenience for a few against the losses of the many ( albeit careless people )



  8. I always come back to the same dream, the ability to create my own nation / clan that nobody who i don't want to invite can just arrive


    I wonder how many clans there are who get fed up with others in their nation and have nowhere to go where there will be no drama , except the drama they create for themselves



  9. First things first, I played France for 18months up to release and I have some good friends there

    but you do not wait for your enemies to become strong before you attack them. You see them selling a port to the Polish ( or giving it away ) then you wonder whether they will do the same to other Ports near VP lands.


    Too much civil war inside France has weakened them , players joining France are left confused and isolated if they don't speak the language. There are more French speakers playing for other nations than there are inside France right now.

    A period of consolidation, not expansion is required.

    For anybody who thinks it's unfair...it would be wise to remember what happened when France was strong. They have plenty of good players who will ride this storm




    • Like 5
  10. 3 minutes ago, qw569 said:

    Do you know game with nine year old with uptrend of population?

    NA have downtrend if you look to steamchart. Before wipe there were 49587 accounts on WAR server. After wipe only 8940.

    It's very excite that 8940 player make online more than 1000. But how long this will continue?

    If there is an assumption that the new type of game will be interesting, then why not try.

    most of them probably have no clue the game was released. we are seeing players daily, turn up and ask " where is my stuff ? "

    sending an email to all on forums would have been something , for me, I don't load steam if I don't play NA and I am probably not the only one so a Steam announcement wouldnt have been noticed by me


    The vast majority of purchasers were either unaware or not bothered about the games release. Dismantling it now to pander to players who didn't bother to try and test legends seems like grasping at straws

    did the combat zone bring swarms of players back to the game , pvp on demand ....


    i am pretty sure the devs got tired of tinkering with the formula and decided to launch when they did to fulfil their promise to do so


    if any of us here didn't end up with the perfect game each of us wanted, sad to say but we were never all going to be happy

    • Like 1
  11. 51 minutes ago, Aegishjalmur said:

    I don't find it funny or meme-worthy the already low active player base is further decreased by broken promises and disrespect for the loyal EA playerbase but fair enough... 

    yes fair enough... on your way


    • Like 3
  12. 3 minutes ago, Angus MacDuff said:

    Unfortunately true.  The 1v1 zone would serve the purpose for the arena fans if it weren't in the middle of the gank Patrol Zone.  Of course, they would still have to get there.

    I have asked a number of times to shift the whole gank zone to bermuda and set it all up there


    that way those who only want certain fights can go there and never have to worry about getting whacked on route , change the map every day .. freeport to teleport to etc

  13. i always thought , that 1 slot in a clan dock per member would work. this is based on every account only getting 1 slot per clan they are in ( one )

    already been asked for many times and perhaps there are reasons why , behaves the same way as a clan warehouse ?


    what we cant have is every alt getting a clan dockspace with 50 of their own slots  as we have a dlc for that !! : )

    • Like 1
  14. Well, the tutorial isn't mandatory but at least it was a step in the right direction to try and show players the basic controls and methods of how to sail. Specifically manual sailing

    Without this i feel new players would get frustrated and leave. Of course, many players are now whining that the exams are too hard and I guess many would not bother and continue to level the old ways.

    Some are of course only doing the tutorials for the rewards and instant xp boost, they know how to sail already


    The learning curve is steep enough , the player base ( without reinforcement zones ) won't bother helping the noobs enough and the game is harsh on anybody just starting out. Just look at some of the comments the new players receive when asking basic questions.


    If you really think that the tutorial , on it's own is a bad thing for new players. I don't know what to say. Their hand isn't held , they aren't forced to take the tutorial


    what you say here

    28 minutes ago, koltes said:

    FUN is subjective. What fun for you, is not fun for me.

    and then later


    28 minutes ago, koltes said:

    Now, I dont mean to be rude, but your comment shows exactly why this game stopped being fun as it was long time ago .

    makes me think you're viewing the game from only your pov and not from that of a potential new player


    Without new players, the game dies and dies fairly quickly

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