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Posts posted by Vizzini

  1. 11 minutes ago, Graf Bernadotte said:

    Russia didn't implode with a single attack. Russia lost a lot of experienced players long before, who took a break or quit the game. Russias problem was that devs forced us into a race over the map. Which was not winnable on the long run with a small player base.

    Without changes in VM mechanic we would never have expanded in an extent we couldn 't manage anymore. Controlling the map is a time consuming and boring game play, as long as you don't have enough traders who share all those sails necessary to ensure supply with repairs and ships in so many different regions. Boring game play leads to a loss of players.

    Impossible nations don't work, if Devs make access to 1. Rates at the same time so hard for small nations that only the very best players with a lot of PvP marks can pay for them. Knowing that move of Devs before, almost nobody would have joined those nations.

    Russia didn't implode losing battles. Russia got backstabbed by Devs. It would have happened to all other impossible nations as well, if they would have been successful in the beginning like Russia was. Devs have to decide if they wanna test the impact of small nations without safe ports or if they wanna test the impact having only big nations. But they cannot test both on the same time.

    Devs didn't kill Russia ..  look somewhere else for your scapegoat.  The same names keep appearing with failed nations that got so riddled with hate and i guess I am not the only one to notice.

  2. What would be the point in having fewer nations ... forcing people to side with players they don't like or want anything to do with ?


    Clan based would have been the way to go but too many hysterical historicals started throwing tantrums. If we went clan based then it would be extremely similar to having a far greater number of nations. Why force people into 2 teams , you can't have clan based inside a nation without the toxicity levels rising to global level. Look what happens to every possbile green on green

    For a nation with no safe zone and no true historical basis , we had an awful lot of players chose Russia and I suspect many of the others in Poland or Prussia and the other nations are happiest under their own flag. Why force them into a nation they don't want to play in

    I do think that every nation in the game as it is, needs a capital, they could have no safe zone to make it harder if needed


    If every clan could fight another clan and could be their own nation if they wanted... rather than shoe-horning players into national agreements they want no part of


    i feel certain there are changes coming to Pirates , but I am also hopeful the devs learned their lesson from the last time


    Clan based / no nations  , speak the language you want and invite who you want , play how you want

    • Like 2
  3. Wouldn't need a national identity as most of us would support our chosen clan mates rather than the teams inside nations we are forced by the game to put up with now


    Create your own nation if you desire , only allow in the players you want. Fight over your own territory , not via the choice of some council who don't even know your name.

    Your national flag could be your starting zone or where you get ported back to, when somebody robs you of your port and possessions. A clan shouldn't have a safe zone , the national capitals could, as now to allow rebuilding.


    Diplomacy would become more important however , something that has been shown to be lacking in recent events. The ability to play nice with others in the sandbox has been shown to be woefully lacking in the usual areas



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  4. How you treat your allies is often reflected in how they treat you when you want something from them. I feel sure that this episode won't be the end of Russia , it might spell the end for some of the fair weather Russians who only jumped onto the coat tails of a perceived winner.

    Every empire that was of any consequence has risen and then fallen. The Barbarians have been baying at the gate for a while now and perhaps a lesson in humility was needed for some of those who thought themselves above the others.  The rest who too all the jokes in good humour , good on you. The ones, who at the slightest jest , took offence and retaliated with malicious words... well that's on you and now you are being laughed at.


    If you happily dish it out, then be prepared to take it the same way.


    It might have been a bad night for some but imho it was  a good night for the game



    • Like 2
  5. 57 minutes ago, Jake Newport said:

    After another battle yesterday that we lost due to some tactical, i had thought that the french were getting a bit braver again. However this morning i see that another french port has been put on a timer of 03:00 to 06:00. It seems that not only in battle but also in the whole RvR, the only thing they can do is run away froom a fight. We all know their kiting tactics but now we can even be kited in a port battle because of the absurd timers.

    Our friends the french declared very formally a war with GB but honestly if you only put your timers at times our better players arent on it can only be that you are scared to fight.

    Meet you on the battlefield, I hope ....

    perhaps we should try and arrange our war , around the tea time of your "better" players ....

    Would you like a weeks notice, so you can inform your council to arrange a meeting of the better players , then inform your council as to the time and date of the meeting, to see if you can let the French council know what time will be best for the battles to start

    Most of the large nations now appear to have players from multiple time zones now and will set timers according to their whims and or tactics


    • Like 1
  6. Is there a real reason why we persist with various different units of currency ?

    PVP mark




    It could well be something trivial I am missing but to me it  makes everything a little more complicated than it needs to be. Of course if items you could purchase with crypto currencies were BOA or untradeable then it would make a little more sense.

    Appologies if I am being dense, I am not sure they serve a purpose other than to reduce the tax take in port shops :)

    • Like 1
  7. 15 minutes ago, z4ys said:

    But what is the motivation for a big nation to help a small one?

    ask the Spanish... or the Ruskys

    why have the Swedes helped other nations from time to time and other nations too ?  France.... GB



    When it's mutualy beneficial normally and many times people like to support the underdog. Have you seriously never asked for help ingame ? or IRL ?

    You chose an impossible nation , what part of impossible didn't people understand

  8. 3 minutes ago, Bart Smith said:

    Kind of. Whole screening thing favor high populated nation so small ones have low chances even close to PB - means half of people lost interest in any RvR at all. Even old PotBS lobby PB system works more fun than this. Current promote zerg, hiding in battles and all kind of unwanted actions - in result we losing more and more players. Half of PFK went to other game since we can`t do anything against zergs with 15 people.

    you could argue that this is where diplomacy needs to come in, small nations have always asked for help IRL and I don't see much difference ingame. This will however cause a lot of whingeing as to why the larger nations get attacked by the others banding together

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