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Posts posted by Eyesore

  1. 4 minutes ago, Teutonic said:

    What should be done is dropping Nations and adding clan based FOREIGN diplomacy. Have a real diplomacy system in place.

    we don't want nations? yes that's actually exactly what would be nice - the Flag becomes your Clan flag, the ports you own are your clan ports. You make friends, you ally them and they can use your ports and vice versa.

    And this would be easier to controle than what we have now?  I geuss when there is a disagreement, you can just kick a clan out? A clan that might not have it's own ports? And nowhere to go? Good luck managing that. Eventually you will/may end up with an equilibrium somewhere ... but I doubt it'll be roses and moonlight for long. How will new players pick where to play? What about clans that are just not good enough to win a pb or can't keep a port defended? Wouldn't you need even more deals to make your comeback possible or even to stay alive?

    I also geuss the endnumber on clan-alliances would be far higher that 3 or 4, a free-for-all and endless drama is what we end up with. Perhaps some carebear-alliance may rise that will harbour the fledglings, no questions asked?

    That the diplomacydepartment in this game needs work is a certainty, but making it so only the strong can survive/thrive is going to attract and retain players how exactly? Join or die? Get out and die? Go play something else?

  2. 15 minutes ago, Christendom said:

    MOST open world MMOs operate with a clan or alliance based system.  Albion for example has no factions, just clans.  EVE has factions, but corporation focused.  Several others are like this.  Why?  because they work.  Lets think of factions instead of nations.  Do you know of any other successful games that have 11 warring factions and a max evening population of 700 players?  

    The game has already taken steps towards a clan/alliance based game.  Clan owned ports.  Friendly clan lists.  BR PBs.  

    Clans and alliances would replace factions.  Clan X would create the rediii alliance and add HRE, CABAL and VCO.  Clan Y would create the Kloothomel alliance and add MRF, BF   etc.  PBs would work just like nations.  The key is that the rediii alliance can attack EVERYONE else in the game and does not have to be friendly with people in their "nation" that they don't want.  This would eliminate nation strife, rogue clans....all that bullshit.  To limit mega alliances you could put a cap on how many clans or even members are in each.  That would bring the game into full realization of it's sandbox potential.  

    Admin can introduce clan flags or alliance flags.  sruPL can create the Prussian alliance and fly his black chicken.  

    Yes, and nations are the factions in NA. All they do is concentrate 'power'. With more 'powerhouses', wouldn't you create more opportunities for players to find the nation/faction they like?

    Wouldn't it also make things less predictable? Make it more diverse?

    More 'diplomacy' is needed, yes, internal problems may arise, yes. It's part of the game I'm afraid.

    I don't want to fight for redii-alliance, or cabal or rubli, or whatever, i want to fight for Sweden, or my bretheren pirates, or whatever.

  3. You'd be surprised about how easy it is to draw a map just for navigation, especially without leeway in open world :-)

    This world we already know, we can see it on sattelitepictures. There would be no point in removing the map from game. In an unknown universe, i think it could be a great feature. The 'Age of Discovery' wouldn't last long anyway, as many people will share their maps.

  4. 29 minutes ago, admin said:

    Regarding the map
    we can remove it, if players dont like it and find it boring. We went the way of open development and listen to players who asked to add the map. I am still 100% against the map in game. It should be players responsibility to learn the surroundings and its fun to chart your way yourself. like real captains - on paper..

    That would be awesome. Don't forget to get rid of GPS first ;-)

  5. Using the name Stalin as forumname and then complaining about some other individual posting something about WW2 ...

    I geuss Stalin was all friendlylike, and there were no gulags and millions of people didn't die in them and everybody had a fair trial before being sent to those non-existing camps. Yes, life was truly fantastic when comrade Stalin was in power. Obviously, the man was an example, almost a real saint. His ideas were also nothing like those the national-socialist germans had; only jews, gays, handicapped, dissident people and traitors were shipped of.

    Political correctness works in both directions :-p  Don't be so sensitive and get the joke/parody.


    • Like 2
  6. 6 minutes ago, Davos Seasworth said:

    The issue I have with this change is the port battle timer. With only about three hours to grind hostility it would be very difficult to grind enough hostility in smaller ships to flip a port. Extend the time frame of ports then I can see this as a reasonable solution @admin. Otherwise I feel there is a need for a new system.

    50%  (or less?) of hostility can be created outside of the window? The rest has to be during the window?

  7. Why would it make a difference? Alts will still simply buy everything?

    Why isn't anybody trying to capture guacata? Why is Almeria in a safezone? why are white oak ports in safezones?

    You would need another overpowered item to make it work (to be interesting/worthwhile enough) ... while everybody is complaining about too much thickness?

    Would this not create an extra problem?

    What if one clan (or nation) holds both the cartagena and the copper port? Introduce a new item for another port?

    Maybe it makes more sense to make a counter for the thickness that is overpowered aswell?

    It's a vicious circle?

    • Like 1
    1. wind changes: too fast, arc is too wide (perhaps make the wind move continuesly (like a pendulum?)(it can move 30degrees in 10 minutes?, next movement might be another 30degrees in the same direction or the other way?, not at intervals
    2. heel: feels ok (have not sailed all ships), some ships should have more (troublesome?) heel
    3. leeway (sideforce) and ship differences: leeway seems ok, there is a difference per ship (perhaps not always that much, but that's probably how it should be, some should perhaps almost be unsailable (perhaps they would actually need that 'keel-upgrade')?) , shipdifferences : there are differences, perhaps not enough? (don't take my word on this :-) )
    4. general turnrates (using rudder or yards or both): seem ok, sometimes it feels weird (it's not a fluid motion, not sure if it is lag or something else)(watch youtube at double speed and look at the wake, it is not a 'natural' curve? (maybe it is just the graphics that are a bit off???) The bow doesn't seem to cut through the water?)
    5. speed curves and ship difference: it maybe feels that sailing badly punishes you more in terms of speed and manouverability (which is good i would say), going upwind is difficult (depending on the ship used)(it feels like you can take more advantage of sailingerrors, or perhaps even setup your opponent to make a mistake)(perhaps on some ships we should relearn on how to sail them efficiently???); shipdifferences : it all needs rebalancing
    6. tacking time : you lose almost all speed, very early, the momentum doesn't seem to carry you very long? I'm ok with some ships that need some backing up to perform a tack (the bigger they are, the slower they should tack, right?)
    7. downwind turning time: seems ok, and is rather controlable (high speed: wide curve, low speed: tight(er) curve)


    Perhaps some (perceived) problemships might need to be 'rediscovered', use different setups than we used to (e.g. maybe they actually benefit from a jibbonus, or quite the opposite), find their new qualities and strengths and weaknesses, sail them differently than what we have become used to?

  8. So, if a trader/smuggler escapes a warship (in a battleinstance) ... should he be awarded with a pvp-mark? After all, from the traderperspective, escaping the raider is a win ...

    It would be a change and perhaps the uber-pvp'ers can stop calling traders that can get away from them noobs? Or perhaps the raider simply loses some of his pvp-marks if he fails to sink or capture a tradeship? After all, the shame of such a failure must cost something?

    And why exactly would you differentiate between a smuggler and a trader? The smuggler is already taking the higher risk?

  9. So, if a trader/smuggler escapes a warship (in a battleinstance) ... should he be awarded with a pvp-mark? After all, from the traderperspective, escaping the raider is a win ...

    It would be a change and perhaps the uber-pvp'ers can stop calling traders that can get away from them noobs? Or perhaps the raider simply loses some of his pvp-marks if he fails to sink or capture a tradeship? After all, the shame of such a failure must cost something?

    And why exactly would you differentiate between a smuggler and a trader? The smuggler is already taking the higher risk?

    • Like 1
  10. 9 minutes ago, Slim Jimmerson said:

    Agreed. Now if we can move along to the actual suggestion, mod I'd appreciate if you remove all the off topic and flame war starting post, mine included.

    Suggesting to read the other threads about your suggestion is flaming  and off-topic?

    I geuss you only want to hear and read what suits you? Ignore everything else? You have already made a thread about noteships, what makes you think the 'arguement' has more weight now? Why split up your own discussion?

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