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Posts posted by Eyesore

  1. so, the new captured ships will basically be a safety-net for PVE'rs? They can't attack ... they might aswell not be in the game? Maybe you can call those ships cannonfodder?

    Will attacking/sinking capped ships give pvp-marks to the attacker? If not, then they are 'safe' ... they might just aswell sail on another server? Useless eyecandy?


  2. Why would it make a difference? Alts will still simply buy everything?

    Why isn't anybody trying to capture guacata? Why is Almeria in a safezone? why are white oak ports in safezones?

    You would need another overpowered item to make it work (to be interesting/worthwhile enough) ... while everybody is complaining about too much thickness?

    Would this not create an extra problem?

    What if one clan (or nation) holds both the cartagena and the copper port? Introduce a new item for another port?

    Maybe it makes more sense to make a counter for the thickness that is overpowered aswell?

    It's a vicious circle?

    • Like 1
    1. wind changes: too fast, arc is too wide (perhaps make the wind move continuesly (like a pendulum?)(it can move 30degrees in 10 minutes?, next movement might be another 30degrees in the same direction or the other way?, not at intervals
    2. heel: feels ok (have not sailed all ships), some ships should have more (troublesome?) heel
    3. leeway (sideforce) and ship differences: leeway seems ok, there is a difference per ship (perhaps not always that much, but that's probably how it should be, some should perhaps almost be unsailable (perhaps they would actually need that 'keel-upgrade')?) , shipdifferences : there are differences, perhaps not enough? (don't take my word on this :-) )
    4. general turnrates (using rudder or yards or both): seem ok, sometimes it feels weird (it's not a fluid motion, not sure if it is lag or something else)(watch youtube at double speed and look at the wake, it is not a 'natural' curve? (maybe it is just the graphics that are a bit off???) The bow doesn't seem to cut through the water?)
    5. speed curves and ship difference: it maybe feels that sailing badly punishes you more in terms of speed and manouverability (which is good i would say), going upwind is difficult (depending on the ship used)(it feels like you can take more advantage of sailingerrors, or perhaps even setup your opponent to make a mistake)(perhaps on some ships we should relearn on how to sail them efficiently???); shipdifferences : it all needs rebalancing
    6. tacking time : you lose almost all speed, very early, the momentum doesn't seem to carry you very long? I'm ok with some ships that need some backing up to perform a tack (the bigger they are, the slower they should tack, right?)
    7. downwind turning time: seems ok, and is rather controlable (high speed: wide curve, low speed: tight(er) curve)


    Perhaps some (perceived) problemships might need to be 'rediscovered', use different setups than we used to (e.g. maybe they actually benefit from a jibbonus, or quite the opposite), find their new qualities and strengths and weaknesses, sail them differently than what we have become used to?

  3. So, if a trader/smuggler escapes a warship (in a battleinstance) ... should he be awarded with a pvp-mark? After all, from the traderperspective, escaping the raider is a win ...

    It would be a change and perhaps the uber-pvp'ers can stop calling traders that can get away from them noobs? Or perhaps the raider simply loses some of his pvp-marks if he fails to sink or capture a tradeship? After all, the shame of such a failure must cost something?

    And why exactly would you differentiate between a smuggler and a trader? The smuggler is already taking the higher risk?

  4. So, if a trader/smuggler escapes a warship (in a battleinstance) ... should he be awarded with a pvp-mark? After all, from the traderperspective, escaping the raider is a win ...

    It would be a change and perhaps the uber-pvp'ers can stop calling traders that can get away from them noobs? Or perhaps the raider simply loses some of his pvp-marks if he fails to sink or capture a tradeship? After all, the shame of such a failure must cost something?

    And why exactly would you differentiate between a smuggler and a trader? The smuggler is already taking the higher risk?

    • Like 1
  5. 9 minutes ago, Slim Jimmerson said:

    Agreed. Now if we can move along to the actual suggestion, mod I'd appreciate if you remove all the off topic and flame war starting post, mine included.

    Suggesting to read the other threads about your suggestion is flaming  and off-topic?

    I geuss you only want to hear and read what suits you? Ignore everything else? You have already made a thread about noteships, what makes you think the 'arguement' has more weight now? Why split up your own discussion?

  6. Yes, make more noteships, make everything more shallow... 

    Yes, let's make some other mindless shooter. Organization, planning, and thinking are just so tedious and completely unnecessairy ...

    Yes, let's make sure we can't have a working economy and everything is worthless, because that will motivate people to sail out more and fight for more useless stuff ...

    It is completely unheard of that players are supposed to gather mats to build anything, totally new concept in games, definately ... so, scrap it!

    Perhaps the OP coud make a post one of the other threads about this issue? No, because all the counterarguements are written down already? Or He could stop whining about being 'ganked' for 2 days? He could stop making suggestions that only benefit himself?

  7. 5 hours ago, Christendom said:

    Had a PB tonight against the brits.  It turned into a Russian beach party.


    I can appreciate the inclusion of leeyway into the game, but to be honest it's not really that enjoyable.  

    I'm sorry, but you sailed directly into land ... then complain that you can't get back? It is (hopefully) no longer going to be a simple rush to finish off the other ships because yours is 'bigger'? Perhaps finally sailingskill becomes somewhat important?

    • Like 3
  8. 23 minutes ago, maturin said:

    Not sure what the issue is with sailing 'while beached,' though. You shouldn't run aground in the first place.

    True, but there is no real visual cue, i got stuck with a lot of water still under the keel, was going parrallel to the land, an inlet in front of the ship (no land, open deeper water, lost all control (the ship just remained in irons, no movement left or right or forward or backward, manual sails did nothing to change position (100% sails, or minimum amount, powered or not, adding rudderinput), all the ship did was 'jumping' up and down occasionally (as if it were trying).  I have had moments were there is no input but the ship kept turning (no rudderdamage or anything), on manual sails. At first I thought it must be the leewardeffect, but when correcting afterwards the ship would hold its course far better (also on manual again). It felt like the new effect sometimes has a powersurge or something (I was experiencing some lag (i think), so perhaps it's not an issue)).

    The speedchanges are a bit strange yes, I also consider that an effect of the sidewaysdrift. It is a bit annoying as you have to try to time your rudderchanges when tacking.

    Inertia is also a lot of a bigger factor it seems (like admin said, start/stop manouvres earlier to compensate, or more time needed to line up your broadside). Coming out of a turn, putting your rudder to neutral has perhaps a bit too much delay before the ship starts sailing straight (I get it that the other way around, (going into a turn, takes longer), but coming out of a turn, it feels like it should be more 'responsive')

  9. Yes, getting stuck in shallows is game over if the wind comes from the wrong side.

    The leeward/drift-effect seems more pronounced at low speeds (as it should be i think). Made a few manouvres i couldn't do before, now just have to find a use for them ;-)

    I had a weird thing happening when in aiming-view (inputs didn't work, everything slowed down and then jumped suddenly ahead (by a shiplength!), when tacking through the wind), it happened twice, had to get out of aimingview for things to go at a normal speed again (might be a coincidence?). Probably lag of some kind? (never happened to me before)

    A shot out rudder now holds it's position (maybe i missed this before? It is more visible now, or has more impact), as in if you were turning left and you lose your rudder, it gets stuck in that position and the ship continues it turn to the left until repaired. That was nice.

    I was sailing a Wapen.

  10. 2 hours ago, admin said:


    More noteships?

    So, you mean that there will be no economy necessairy ingame? No more crafting? Just mindnumbing, worthless fantasygoods that need to be shipped?

    Small ships will (still) be capturable, 4th rate and up are notes and marks?

    I wonder  ... How will not so good sailors ever win enough notes or marks to replace their ships? Oh, wait, they should probably do some PVE to earn gold and buy everything from the ones that do the winning?

  11. No VM-conversion anymore?

    Hmm, I still will not like the portbattles ... or try to arrange my real life to be able to attend one ...

    The winning nation or clan can replace their big ships, can thus easily grind some more pve-income and overpower the losing side even more. The losing nation gets stuck in inferior ships ... The imbalance just becomes even bigger?

    The losing side can't put up a winnable team/fight ... why would they even bother to defend more ports, when they have no chance to win, and/or lose even more (unreplacable) ships? So, more empty battles for the dominating nations/clans, easy mapwin ... that will keep people interested?

    The plus-side is offcourse that we are almost being forced to have an alt. More income development?

    Perhaps it would be more opportune to find a way to make PB more attractive before you impliment more restrictions on how we can fight them?

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