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Posts posted by Eyesore

  1. I ussually try to open communications with the other player when i'm a loki.

    On some occasions I made an agreement not to sink the other player (should he end up losing). I've gotten quite a few compliments from players that weren't really wanting to fight me (another player) afterwards. I have even had one player who didn't want to use his reps (until he actually hadto to survive), because he knew he was fighting a loki. When ending up against an obvious new player, I sometimes only fire one gun instead of the whole broadside, or I push them in the wind (like a boarder would do) and then escape from the boarding and let them try again ... no point in murdering a new guy, is there?

    But yeah, I don't get why anybody that uses a rune, would then try to run away in the battle ... Why did you even use the rune for in the first place? You know you will be in an inferior ship (makes no differene to me, I sail crap in open world all the time) and not likely or supposed to win. You also know that you won't get any xp or gold, so not playing as a loki can only be griefing?

    I have had players that run away as soon as they see it's a loki they are fighting ... I hunt them down as long as i can then (easy to be denied as they only have to chain me once) ... one could say that the player is griefing the loki-player? People have ran away while they were full health and the ship I got was already down to half structure and only half a flank of armour on one side left ... all they had to do was fire one more broadside to make me immobile, but they choose to run away ... I'd say that is griefing  ( 😉 )  I demand to get sunk in every battle!!!

  2. 1.  in tradinghubs, ussually capitals or craftingports

    2. you can craft repairs and rum and ships ... however, if you want to craft ships ... it is better that you are in a clan that owns a (develloped) craftingport or that you are in a clan that is on a friendly list of a clan with a craftingport. this is necessairy because without those privileges, you won't be able to craft ships with portboni (as in , you will make inferior ships that nobody wants to buy, if you make your shipyard in the wrong port, you'll have to reinvest everything to rebuild elsewhere)

    3. freetowns ussually have something to sell (being a new player, i would advise not to buy the expensive stuff (learn how to sink first 😉  only use what you can afford to lose!)

    4. get a higher rank, each rank lets you have more crew.

    • Like 1
  3. 25 minutes ago, admin said:

    Сarronades had other problems which are not simulated in game for example many captains did not like carronades because of their short barrel hot particles often flew back onto ship and into sails.

    Can you not make it so that carronades also (have a higher chance to) cause fire in-game? Perhaps they can do saildamage to the ship that is firing them?

    • Like 1
  4. Hi,

    I was sailing a tbrig, not worth very much, and get intercepted by a hercules. I manage to avoid the tag by tagging an ai-fleet. The pirateplayer, Julien Blackbird (CAPT) then joins the battle on my side. Ok, no problem, i geuss he'll just wait for me to jump out and follow me outside again. But then as I'm getting away, Julien Blackbird decides to shoot my sails and makes me get caught by the ai-fleet.

    I clicked his name in the chatreportthing.

    Screenshots below:

    sails still at 95% out range from the ai:  https://imgur.com/ao2MXjz

    sails at 78% : https://imgur.com/n7f1rip

    sails at 74% : https://imgur.com/GgS9vuD

    sails at 71% : https://imgur.com/TvXiDry

    Sails at 71%, chain visible : https://imgur.com/vsQpjMy

    sails at 59% : https://imgur.com/tu7WfPK






    • Like 3
  5. I'd like to see personal stats.

    Number of fights, br-difference, saildamage done/sustained, wins, losses, draws/escapes, crew killed, masts taken, pve stats are in a different column or something (different to count maybe in mixed fights), etc.

    Maybe we could even have a log from every battle we ever played?

    I don't need to see a ranking to other players, because of reason posted above already.

    • Like 2
  6. you just don't have to care about enemy ai-fleetships, i don't, you chain them a bit and they are out of the fight ussually. They might just aswell not be there, maybe to help the player escape (sacrificing the ai to cover your retreat). They can't retreat in a decent way, they can't fight together in a decent way. Any decent player has no problem with fighting an extra equal rank ai-fleetship.


  7. As the title says ...

    when you have to fight against them they have all kinds of stuff they do, but when you have an ai in your fleet, all they do is nothing ... suddenly they don't fire decent broadsides (or don't hit anything), they get stuck in the wind all the time, etc.  W>hy is there a difference between ow ai and fleet ai?

    Why do they have to be such a liability? or is the point that you have to lose every ai-ship when intercepted? they can't just turn away from their opponent and simply take the safest heading? why do they turn into the enemy when escaping? etc. they are certainly not supporting in a serious degree in any battle, pvp and pve.

    It is a hello kittying nuissance, another waste of time?  why do we just have to give them up when intercepted? nothing can save them from their unbelievable stupidity?

    • Like 3
  8. I just lost 8 runes from my warehouse (La tortue, no outpost there) ... i had 11 of them, used 3 of them.

    Then when i use the 4th one, it loads a screen that closes quickly and i'm back in port ... except this time, there are no runes (7 should be left atleast?).

    I noticed that after the 3rd battle, i still had 10 runes in my warehouse (which is false offcourse, i should have had only 8 runes left). I did not leave port.

    Bugreport was sent ingame aswell.

    Character : Dolhain


    It would be nice to get 7-8 runes back  🙂

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