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Posts posted by Eyesore

  1. No survivors!

    It was an awesome fight, took 85 minutes to complete. Patrol at La Mona yesterday.

    My shabby bermuda/crew indefat was the obvious weak link, especially as soon as he other team realized that and started to focus me ... luckily I had the inger to hide behind after i had lost 3/4 of my left flank armour.  Unfortunately the circle made us make a tack and I got separated (well played by our opponents) ... All credit goes to T3nZ, who saved the/my day. He ended up with 4 kills.

    The last indefatigable got boarded on the edge of the circle ... both players timed out outside the battlezone (5 minutes battletime left).

    Battleresult for T3nZ : 66.7k

    Battleresult for me : 22.4k



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  2. 8 hours ago, admin said:

    Resources will be repositioned and system of distribution changed - this might cause changes of spawn for standard natural resources in some locations

    Does this mean that resources will/may be found in another port? Only a one time switch when the patch is applied?

    Or will resources continue to switch after patch to another new port after a while? (perhaps some sort of simulation how a port/region gets depleted from it's natural resources and needs time to build up again before it can be harvested again?)(perhaps a port/region gets depleted faster if more players 'harvest' there?(overconsumption?))(perhaps not every port has the same potential (some produce more resources or have larger stores, so it takes considerably(?)longer or is impossible (there is a constant resourcefeed but it is very low?) to deplete those (maybe the harvestingcost could be higher?), to have some more stability(?) and prevent people to completely having to live like hunter-gatherers and move around all the time)

    Will prices be still fixed? Admin already said that distance may play a role in pricedifferences. Will supply and demand matter to set a price?

    Will tradeships still supply the ports? (so they can still be intercepted at sea before delivery?)

    Maybe the ports that are on mainland also get delivered (basic) resources from the continent? While the islands only get supplied by ship?


  3. 12 minutes ago, Hemp Amore said:
    16 minutes ago, Trashumi Cubanwara said:

    If the game gets even more hardcore it will be even more fun, when you have done a really good deal with random goods you will feel really good, trust me.

    This encourage people to discover new ways of trading and re-discovers dead areas of the map.

    That opinion has no basis in reality.  No.   That has no relationship to the trader tool. Nobody is going to explore anything sailing and spending time for a chance of finding a trade route.  That is just rediculous thinking.  Trade needs to be guaranteed and sorry bud they didn’t just sail ships to ports and hope there were good there to make a profit.  You don’t send 60+ crew and a ship to ports unknown and hope you make some money.  Quite the opposite you know what you’re trading, how much revenue and profit or you don’t sail.  

    I'm with Trashumi here.

    Hemp Amore, many people (yes, me too) did just that in the beginning, sail around, look at markets (made spreadsheets) and discovered/developped their own traderoutes.

    So, first you get to know the market (do your research, take notes, with a fast tlynx or immediately use an indiaman if you like) and then decide which goods you want to or can trade. Maybe create a nearby outpost if you found an interesting area where you can stock up your goods (maybe buy in small ammounts, then transport them in bulk to wherever you need them).

    It also creates more traffic everywhere (atleast until everybody has gathered the necessairy intelligence/info, or until the becomes available via 3rd party (hopefully not updated in realtime), a little bit like everybody was/is attacking ai traders (for dubloons, but also resources) (that's how i have gotten all my shipbuildingresources since the last patch (all in enemy waters and in captured lgv's (so nothing lost in the cases i got intercepted)  :-) ), did not waste a single labourhour on extracting them myself).

    Trade is garanteed, a good trader takes his prospecting serious though and as a result doesn't get intercepted very often. Getting intercepted and losing your ship and/or cargo is also a form of trade (looking at the global picture then).

    Availability of goods is/was never garanteed (definately also in the timeperiod, sure, the big tradingcompagnies had agents (=contracts(?)), but those agents had to do the legwork also (daily/hourly?)), even when the tradertool says it is.

    Prices are/were never static, there is/was always fluctuation. Sometimes it is better to hold on to your goods and wait for a better price before you sell, nothing starnge or illogical about that.


    • Like 4
  4. If i get tagged by one, maybe two players while in a tradeship (possibly one in fleet aswell) ... perhaps allowing to even have some sort of a fight (even if it is obvious that i'll lose), then i don't destroy anything (even when i'm overloaded). Good on that player (or the two of them) for catching/encountering me.

    If i get tagged by some ganksquad (3-4 vs 1, or even worse), i destroy as much cargo as i can can and try to make the fight as boring/long as i can ... i see those fights as griefing, so no rewards should go to the attackers. Ussually, these fights also have nothing to do with having an interesting encounter, it's just murdering/farming a helpless player, not even fleetships get spared (although they would get dubloons again if they retag you), they just want to hello kitty up your day and make the encounter as painfull as possible (because they can)(i have not seen a raider so far that has kept one/any of my lost tradeships (even when valuable cargo is/was on board)).

    Why would i not dump any dubloons that i may have found or earned from battles? I can destroy repairs to gain some extra speed, but not dubloons? I destroy them too, if the other side doesn't want to give the opportunity to give a somewhat inetresting fight (win/or lose), then why would i feel like accomodating them and saving my dubloons to hand them over?

    Since the patch, i have had more fights though, more people are/seem to be willing to just have a fight (one even let me go after he had beaten me, just because apperantly i put up a good fight (was in patrolzone, dubloonfarming is maybe less important there ... i had 1200 dubloons in my hold during that fight, would have gladly given them to that player, who gave me atleast an opportunity to 'play')).

  5. How does boarding work? What are the rules? Is it just gear and dumb (last second) luck?

    How does morale work? what effect does it have? and on what? How does the boardingame makes any sense?

    HOW DOES IT WORK????? randomclicking against ai gives me the same result as trying to win the game ...

    • Like 1
  6. Considering that it is a free ship:

    - Hercules is just too fast,

    - accelerates too fast,

    - has too heavy guns

    - it bounces like crazy (because of it's hull-form and turnrate mostly probably?)


    Which equivalent ship can be captured in open world? With the same 'good' builds?

    Which options/alternatives do non-dlc'ers have? That is atleast comparable?


    Considering that there is no decent alternative, why is it allowed in events, portbattles or anything that is not 'open world'-related?


    I'm sorry, this ship is really an 'eyesore' or troll-ship and i really fail to see how it (or it's implementation?) brings anything positive to the open world.

    • Like 1
  7. Will insurance-payments go up for captains that lose their ship and/or cargo every time?

    Like a bonus-malus-system (car-insurance)? The more you have the insurancecompany making payments to you because you screwed up, the higher the fee will be (the fee comes down offcourse after some time without 'accidents'?  To combat insurrance-scamming a little bit 😉    (But that might eventually undercut the point of the OP maybe?)

  8. Just having the ability (ingame tools) to pinpoint your location and add a mark, yourself, on the map would be more than enough.

    Automatically showing your position takes the whole navigating-part out of the game. F11 is just a 'cheat' during testing (as stated by admin, don't know where anymore and maybe not up-to-date anymore given his earlier reply in this thread).

    It is not difficult to do, you just have to pay attention. It is another layer of situational awareness. All this radio and radar-stuff was not available in the timeperiod. The tradertool makes navigating extremely easy atm, impossible to get lost.

    If you want to sail around, you have to learn how to navigate.

    If you decide to change course in the middle of the ocean, then it is up to the captain to measure time and direction of the new course and compensate to get back on the original heading.

    As for the people asking for grids ... there are lines you can draw from ports, and use the intersections as a sort of coordinate ...

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  9. 2 minutes ago, Banished Privateer said:

    It does not allow putting more guns, swivels or chasers (differences between mentioned ships). 3rd Rate always had smaller guns than Bellona but it's same ship in theory.

    No, they don't. Perhaps a new upgrade or module could be created for that (not really a fan of these things btw, but that is not on-topic) ... what kind of monstrocities/frankensteins would we be able to make? If it could be done, should something like that be easy or hard to do? (to prevent too much unbalance)

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