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Navalus Magnus

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Posts posted by Navalus Magnus

  1. On 2/23/2020 at 9:17 AM, Sturm561 said:

    Yes, they are there.  They so far have had no effect on any landings ( and they may never) but the in tight to shore battles they make a difference for me as I can't tell you how many times I've grounded a ship.


    Does running aground have an effect on the ship?

  2. 9 hours ago, Sturm561 said:

    Nice addition!!!  Helps a great deal when either landing troops or for those in tight to shore battles.   I never thought of that addition, but very helpful....thanks!  Oh, and by the way, I just noticed it so if it's been there for awhile then just let me live my fantasy ;)


    So far i‘m just an interested spectator, watching YouTube gameplay videos and taking occasional glimpses into the forum.

    But the implementation of different water depths and thier possible impact to the gameplay have crossed my mind repeatedly.

    Please tell me, if they are already there what is thier effect to gameplay so far.

  3. @admin Imo it would be nice to ad a career as naval officer.

    This could contain accomplishing small tasks at the beginning as a midshipman, like commanding a small group of men at an amphibious operation, and lead to the command of a - or even multiple? - ship of the line.

    What do you think of it?

    Is it planned as a dlc or not yet thought of?

    Edit: @admin???

    • Like 2
  4. 54 minutes ago, pandakraut said:

    As far as I know it's not doing much for naval units, but there is already line of sight and stealth system in the game. If you hold L you can see the vision lines from a given area or unit. Units also have spot and stealth stats which influence which units they can reveal.

    Thanx for the answer, didn’t notice it in the gameplay videos i saw.

    After some more thought about that matter I have to admit, that such things seem hard to realize in a strategy game.

    A pity!

  5. Reading naval novels about Jack Aubrey, Horatio Hornblower or Richard Bolitho with pleasure, the following comes to my mind:


    Much of the suspense created in such novels is linked to the narration of stealthy actions, for example an amphibious operation at night.


    @sterner Would it be possible to implement stealth as a game mechanic and thus use its potential for creating suspense ingame?


    For example:

    -       Give Units a certain radius of visibility, depending on thier size (ships as well as land units). This way enemy units would just react to one another, if they are inside of such a radius.

    -       Let this radius of sight be decreased or blocked completely by things like islands at sea, or woods, houses and rocks on land.

    -       Implement night and day scenarios (an automatic change of day and night wouldn’t be necessary).

    -       Implement bad weather like fog, (heavy) rain or storms (also: no autamaticly changing weather necessary).

    -       Let the radius of sight be decreased in general at scenarios at night, or in bad weather.

    -       Allow ships to decrease thier radius of sight further by putting out or screening thier lights at night.

    -       Give units a damage bonus, if they manage to do a surprise attack (getting close undetected) to the enemy.

    -       Create scenarios that could be or must be won by stealth tactics like passing greater enemy forces undetected.

  6. An additional tow dlc seems a good idea at first glance, but it should be handled with care imo, because it also reduces the ow trafic and thus the chance for PvP.

    This said: One additional tow might work, but I certainly wouldn't ad more!

    I’d also advise @admin to test the outcome of an additional tow in terms of ow traffic and PvP before releasing such a dlc.

    • Like 1
  7. It would be awesome, if such vessels (no drawing sails) would

    1. ... need to lower their boats for manoevering at the open sea and thus expose a large amount of thier crew to enemy fire and a possibly quick death, ...

    2. ... or anchored would be able to use a spring to turn the ship to a certain degree (would only be possible close to shore or shallows).

    • Like 2
  8. 6 hours ago, WilliamTheIII said:

    You will be able to use these resources to customize both your fleet and the Ai’s fleet however you desire allowing for any scenario.

    Imo it would be great to have additional means to ...

    - set timers for enemy ai to attack your position

    - set routes for enemy ai to walk,

    - set deadlines for the player, until when he / she has to get to a certain point of the map or defeat a certain enemy unit,

    - write textpopups and link them to a timer or reached goal, that could be used for telling a story e.g.,

    - embed little pictures or videos underlined with text and linked to timers or reached goals,

    - share self designed scenarios with the player-community, so that these could be downloaded and played as extra content.

    @sterner I don’t know if my suggestions could be realized, maybe they are over the top!?

    But it would be awesome to have these tools imo!!!

    Maybe you could sell such an editor as a dlc and this way fund your extra efforts!?

  9. 13 minutes ago, Teutonic said:

    So any game that tries to bring history to life and make things historically accurate...but then allows the player to not follow how history went should be dropped because it's bad?

    if we want history to be exactly history, then you read a book about it. We play games set in historical eras to enjoy what we find cool in that setting, not because we want to be strictly bound to what "happened."

    so we can't play our 7 years war tabletop games differently because history tells us how it ended up? I feel this type of thinking is narrow-minded.

    It‘s a sandbox game sort of, so you can relax I think: A reliving of history won‘t happen!

    The players tell the stories here.

    But as a developer / game disigner you need to decide about certain boundaries and thier impact on the game.

    If you want to have a certain historic setting, picking fitting fractions for example will increase the immersion of players into the chosen setting.

    If you want to sell more copies or show of that your open minded, than you might as well include every single nation of the existing world - well besides China at least Japan and India should also be introduced to the game in such case, because of the potential of rising player numbers.

  10. 2 hours ago, Angus MacDuff said:

    I don't think this should be an issue about whether or not a country had representation in the Caribbean.  Its a game and that means fantasy.

    Of course it is a bit of fantasy involved in every game.

    But imo it‘s sort of inconsistent, if you create a game about a certain period of history and emphasis that your ship models are as close as possible 3D recreations to thier historic originals and at the same time bring fractions into the game that had no part in that area at the chosen period of history.

    In other words: To meet Russian or Chinese warships (or even traders!?)  in the Caribean of the Age of Sail was probably not significantly more likely than meeting Aliens in spaceships at the same time and place.

    • Like 2
  11. 2 hours ago, ManuelSpain said:

    Bringing China would help sell the game more, it would help developers have more money to create new ships etc. We all benefit. and see if we finally have another Spanish ship, it is necessary, we only have the santisima

    I completely agree with you, that the implementation of the Montagñe for example is something like a must.

    But I think that should be achieved by sales from dlcs and the planed low cost version of the game.

    • Like 2
  12. 2 hours ago, admin said:



    all countries that had tried in the americas are described here

    Chinese laborers also had two large settlements in Trinidad and Guadeloupe since 1806. 

    Thank you for the links!

    Just a comment from my point of view:

    The linked texts back up your decisions to implement Polish-Lithuania and Prussia to a certain extent.

    But Russia, according to these informations provided by yourself, had no part in the Carribean.

    Chinese workers were assigned by the British it seems, to solve the lack of men working plantations, after slavery had been forbidden.

    Thus it is clear, that neither a Chinese government nor traders played any (significant) part in the Caribean in the Age of Sail.

    Apart from the mere prospect of selling more copies it seems to me, that there were and are no proper reasons to introduce a Russian or Chinese fraction into the game!

    ... for introducing Portugal on the other hand there are historical reasons a plenty!

    Please consider, that a certain authenticity is also a reason to buy  / play a game and thus for the selling of copies.

    To keep the game financially rewarding I‘d vote for more DLC ships and cosmetics rather than the introduction of another fraction that played no vital part in the period and area NA covers.

    • Like 1
  13. 2 hours ago, adriancairns said:

    This will be a great move to bring China as a Nation, into the Game and should have there own capital . This will help game numbers and DLC Sales

    But it would decrease the authenticy further by a large margin - I know we already had that, but what did China, Russia, Prussia and Poland have to do with the Carribean in the Age of Sail???

    I mean i‘m German, but i don‘t want(ed) Prussia or any other German state of that time to be in game, because they simply held no real possesions in the Carribean!

    Edit: Introducing China into the game would nag at the authentincy even more, because as far as i know, they didn‘t even sailed the type of ships the game is about!

    Okay, granted, they also had ships with sails on them, but ...

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