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Navalus Magnus

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Posts posted by Navalus Magnus

  1. On 11/5/2020 at 3:00 AM, sterner said:

    We are working on mid-game saves as a top requested feature from players.

    Could you clearify what that means exactly?

    Does the game do an autosave in battle, when players reach half of the requested goals?

  2. 16 hours ago, sterner said:

    Nothing is relevant from described above.
    If you do not like something in the game, started to not like something, or tired from the game then it is not a reason for an overreaction or refund.

    1. I‘m neither tiered of the game nor do i dislike it - i think i already mentioned that above.

    2. Nevertheless I must say, that i‘m utterly disappointed because i didn‘t expect a real time strategy game without the above mentioned save game option. That is quite unusual as far as i know!

    16 hours ago, sterner said:

    It is a design decision. Battles do not take longer than one hour, 80% of battles take less than 30 minutes. Hard to find a game where you have to spend less time.

    3. I don‘t know how you play this game and were you have your data from, but i‘m in the middle of the british campaign (glorious ... of June) and at the Cheseapeake in the american campaign. I played on middle / normal difficulty and had quite a few battles that lasted 2h plus (yes i use the „pause“ or „break“ option frequently, lest to lose control- especially in naval engagements).

    4. From other players posts on this forum i deduce, that - at least sometimes, - they also spend significantly more time to finish a battle, than the time frames you suggested above. 

    5. It should be obvious that every game with a save game option inside of a battle requires players to spend less time at a stretch than UA: AoS!

    16 hours ago, sterner said:

    Nothing is relevant from described above.

    6. This save game option inside of a battle thus is extremely relevant for me and every other player who isn‘t able to run through battles in the times you suggested.

    That‘s because i do not have the time annymore to play 2 hours at a stretch. If i can‘t save my progress, i can‘t finish the game - i can‘t enjoy the fleet battles i bought the game for.

    16 hours ago, sterner said:

    PS! You played Naval Action, how did you live without saves in battles? I think that a save feature in NA Port Battle is a must-have feature for Naval Action.

    7. That is very poor way of arguing Imo, because you well know that these games are no good choice for a comparison concerning save options: NA is an MMO and UA: AoS is a single player real time strategy game!

  3. 4 hours ago, sterner said:

    We do not have plans and resources to implement the feature in the game. It is very complex feature and will require rewriting of multiple components in the game, what will generate zillion bugs. We will consider this functionality in next game. 

    That is very sad to read!

    ... because it basically means i‘m not able to play this game anymore - the battles in the later stages of the campaigns are just too time consuming to get them done before real life interrupts me.

    I‘m really disappointed about that, because almost every single game has such a savegame feature.

    Imo you should be willing and able to realize that, to satisfy your customers!

    Moreso because i‘m quite sure i‘m not able to get a refund!?

  4. On 9/12/2020 at 12:15 PM, Lt Sekiro said:

    Actually First rate are all good compare to old day.

    Santi is Hp ship with very good firepower but bad wind angle and need more time for react

    Ocean got the good hull make him can angle better than santisima  and got the more crew , and can use 36 pd , who are very good (lit less dmg and penetration for better reload and less crew needed)

    Victory got less crew of the 3 , but best hull angle and thikness , but less hp and the 68 pd on top deck


    1st rate meta is good actually

    Admittedly i haven‘t played for a while and i’ve never had been a good pvp-guy, but aren‘t the hp of the Victorys mast top sections a problem in pvp?

    Comparing the values of the 1st rates by using na-map.netlify i see that the Vic only has about 1/3 of the other ships top mast hp - thus dismasting that section seems highly propable to me.

  5. 7 hours ago, Yaramir said:

    With respect to destroying the enemy faster at close range, are either (or both) of Double Shot and Double Charge upgrades worth their cost and weight? 

    The description of Double Charge suggests benefit of longer range, but does it penetrate better at short range, in a way that gets the enemy to sink sooner?  Does the Double Shot deal sufficiently more damage to be worth the expense?

    (I'm planning to put these on a Victory 1st rate and use it against a Victory or Satisima.)

    I’d guess it’s the way you suggest, But i haven’t tried it yet.

    Tip: Create a custom battle, equip the ships you want in the way you want and see for yourself.

  6. @sterner

    On 8/27/2020 at 10:36 PM, Navalus Magnus said:

    Imo it would be awesome if the game could be saved inside a battle.


    Played again yesterday, „Glorious June“, couldn‘t finish it because of rl interruptions, thus i spend 3 hours to no avail, concerning ingame progress.

    I decided not to play again until the save game option is available in battles - please confirm that it’s comming (i like your game)!

    On 8/28/2020 at 4:36 AM, doublebuck said:

    imagine all the glitches and bugs that would populate if that feature was activated now.

    Imagine all the bugs which could be detected and solved thanx to more casuals starting to play this game, because they know they are able to save progress when they want!

  7. On 7/28/2020 at 12:28 AM, Navalus Magnus said:

    Speaking of French Re-Bored: The 42pd and 32pd do have the same weight and reload, range and accuracy values - at least in custom battles.

    That must be a bug, isn’t it!?

    I‘d think the 32pd to have a faster reload and lighter weight than the 42pd surely!?


    Checked it again, it’s still the same, waiting to get fixed.

  8. 11 hours ago, Bonden said:

    It would be nice however for better immersion to show the ship once cleared for action with a different aspect – safety/boarding nettings, open ports, cannons run out, unobstructed view from bow to stern, boats towed astern and… rather silent –  from her aspect she had before clearing for action.

    Imo it would also be nice If players could clear for action without opening the ports and running out the guns.

    This would make sense e.g. if players had the possibility to pretend beeing friendly or unprepared, when in fact they were not.

    • Like 4
  9. @sterner

    Imo it would be awesome if the game could be saved inside a battle.

    That‘s because battles tend be be quite time consuming in UA: AoS and everytime rl intervenes (e.g. childreen cry, friends visit unexpected) players need to quit and later on restart the battle all over again.

    In such cases the ability to save the progress already made would be very helpful!

  10. On 7/28/2020 at 7:32 AM, Seleukos of Olympia said:


    I believe when you click on a tech you can't yet research it highlights the tech you need to unlock it. That's how I found out how to get French re-bored guns.


    As far as i can tell, this just works If you‘ve already unlockt that certain stage of research - in case of the french re-bored stage 3.

    @sternerImo this is rather inconvinient, because you can‘t see what you need to research in advance, to finally unlock for example the french re-bored. Thus you might end up having invested multiple research points in vain.

    It would be cool if this was changed imo!

    You could make the needed research for higher stage upgrades visible, even if the stage hadn’t been unlocked yet.

  11. On 7/28/2020 at 12:28 AM, Navalus Magnus said:

    Anyway, @sterner:

    Speaking of French Re-Bored: The 42pd and 32pd do have the same weight and reload, range and accuracy values - at least in custom battles.

    That must be a bug, isn’t it!?

    I‘d think the 32pd to have a faster reload and lighter weight than the 42pd surely!?


    Checked again today after downloading the latest update: It‘s still the same, please fix it.

    • Like 1
  12. A pity noone knows how to get the French Re-Bored! 😉

    Anyway, @sterner:

    Speaking of French Re-Bored: The 42pd and 32pd do have the same weight and reload, range and accuracy values - at least in custom battles.

    That must be a bug, isn’t it!?

    I‘d think the 32pd to have a faster reload and lighter weight than the 42pd surely!?

  13. @sterner

    Thanx for adding the possibility to save a game!

    I‘d appreciate you to consider the other proposal from above:

    On 7/24/2020 at 1:59 AM, Navalus Magnus said:

    Please give us the opportunity to select between some different maps for each type of battle. For example, if you chose ‚line of battle‘ you could be given the opportunity to chose from an open ocean, coastal waters with some shallows that hamper your movements and coastal waters with enemy coastal batteries (even allowing for a simultaneous amphibious operation).


  14. On 7/19/2020 at 7:37 PM, sterner said:


    It is bug and it is fixed. Patch will be released soon in beta branch.

    Got me the actual beta version and tried Grand Hiver again:

    Still the enemy turns up with Ardent instead of Belloa class SOL (medium difficulty, my fleet: 2x Bellona, 1x Ardent, 1x Leda, 1x Endymion, 1x l‘Hermion, 1x Cutter).

    Is this intended?


    @sterner Tried again after yesterday’s patch (28th of Juli) - there are still just Ardent class SOLs in Grand Hiver.

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