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Captain corn blower

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Everything posted by Captain corn blower

  1. Admiralty Here's what you do . you bring the new nation in were ever there going after the this happens lets say my level 3 ship yard and factory are on that port , nothing happens to them but I can't access them then you issue moving papers sail to you new port and open or you won't to join a new nation the the same press move sail to new port and open .
  2. What you also need to do is issue moving paper for are main ship yard and factory so we don't have to abandon and destroy every time you make a big change to the game that screws up were we operate out of .
  3. Sorry I don't count levels . but it very much is by being a 2 rate , but yes it's in between buy 40 crew
  4. Was talking about crew level . at devil. your of course 800 and the bucentar fully crew 840
  5. Yeah I know .but they should adjust them so they can be fully crewed . even under crewed at 40 can make a battle a massive challenge
  6. Several player pointed out bucentar screwy crew level I never looked at it till now .two of them just made devil in are clan and they of cores are at 800 now but ,the bucentar full crew is 840 for a 2 rate . so why have the dev not raised the XP level for devil and other nations ranks so that it can be crewed properly at that rank or move the ships crew level down to fit the rank for a 2 rate , clearly this must be and over site and should fixed .
  7. Well guys I play on the PVE server maybe some day I come over to the dark side and play on the PVP server but for now I'm kind of happy but what I have noticed is a big drop in players this last week or so .maybe they have other things to do I know we all have life's but even my clan mate are getting scares and reading chat on global national forum are getting borded . the one thing that is in almost all conversation is lack of new content and and types of missions and as well as more ship even sea going music . guys like this quote it and add suggestions to it and maybe we can get more stuff add to bring new life and players to the game .we need to grow the game
  8. Doesn't mater if the video is old or new still a good and entertaining video. Don't hate on the vid Hodo brother
  9. Is there a list of what works with what or doesn't with each other or a link to a list some one created . which bring back to big modes like treaties to saltpeater for superior gunpowder and British gunnery sergeant and exspert northern carpenter's mod should be available say for 4 or 500 CM installable mod . or if you don't won't to buy it then wait to get the drops in the next 5 years .it would be nice to have the choice and for thoughs who don't won't it then don't get it , but for us who do we would like to be able to .it should be the captains choice !!.
  10. Why is there not a foating battery for 6/7 rates .having it would only be fair for the smaller ships .yes I know there fast and more maneuverable but being able to take punch better so you can stay in the fight longer is what it's about baby
  11. What's the chances you guys will add 2 more Purm slots to ship crafting for better balancing ship mods
  12. Yes please check bottle drops and NPC loot as I said before treatys to salt peter . or expert northern carpenter note . and other mods 1rt steel tool box why have them in game if you never get them . I have had contract in ports for them , and still none . make them a craftable note pertchasted with CM then get blue print and thing needed for it and then craft the mod and also 2 more permedent slots to balance your perma mods better
  13. What thought would be better then the lose your ship and craft or buy a new one .would be like a lot of game out there say your in a battle and you get sunk or even capped by your adversarie .he would get credit for the kill or even a idinical copy of your ship if caped , but you don't really lose your ship but you would lose all cargo cannons and your ship would need a complete rebuild in your ship yard which would cost you money and labor hours and that way you would not lose your mods and say it would take 24 or even 48 refit it before you could use it .
  14. I think at this point in the game All the ship should be back in this game and all mods should be able to be crafted in including the rare ones which you never get or see ..
  15. Which brings me to a nother piont why are there no Indiman trader AI in game to loot and plunder even if you can't cap them you can still loot and sink them
  16. It definitely was .Also there are less smaller feets to attack with you smaller ships like privateer
  17. So what's up with the bottle drops .I have been sailing grate distance all or the map reestablishing new trade routes and in the last 2 week have only gotten 2 bottles . I had up to 17 bottle in my warehouse now im down to 3 and any drops in any of them . also have Tryed opening them in different areas of the map .I have never seen treaties to saltpeater. Or expert carpenters note book .what good is crafting if you never get thoughs thing to be able to craft the mods . and yes I have never got eneything other the rum and hull repairs sinking war ships. . I think making them craftable say buying them with CM then buying the blueprints and then being able to craft them and also have at least 5 permanent slot on your ship not just 3 to balance your ship mods better
  18. Patch notes would be nice to have . also sorry but that 10 percent tax needs to go away its killing trading
  19. And which a nother fine point about us pirates we are not a nation as you pointed out witch we should be able to place contracts in any port of any nation I'd say😀
  20. That is true all I have been killing is LGVs little of nothing on them no value some sugar . and 10 tabaco that's it . stuff like that all I have been getting off of them .some I or let sink with the ship its not worth taking .
  21. Also like say thanks for the reply .I think the PVE server gets over looked some times. My self I operate by my self a lot and single warships and 2 and 3 ship small fleets are what I prey on
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