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Captain Lust

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Posts posted by Captain Lust

  1. 1 hour ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

    Lets test this on pirates and make them Privateer where clans can enlist them self out for other nations clans as Mercs/Privateers and give us something unique. If you don't want to get involved in RvR part of the game stay solo or not have a contract and than you will be just a pirate/outlaw.  If you want to be a part of the RvR than your clan needs to get a Letter of Marque and become mercs for said clan/nation.  I would do just like I posted above Mercs have 7 day contracts that you can set to auto renew on MWO.   I would leave the auto renew off and just make it 7 days at a time and it cost that nation to hire out the clan for the week.  That way they can fight for Brits one week and french the next week and even help fill small nations port battles to help them win some fights.

    This would be very nice and would finally give pirates some unique flavour. I would like to see that and maybe even come back to vanilla NA for it, playing more active again.

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, admin said:


    please comment on the alliances with clans of foreign nations (for port battle entry rights only).

    For example - you can add a clan from a foreign nation to your friend list - allowing them to help you in port battles. 

    I like this idea. Would it be possible to make your allied clans from other nations able to enter a port owned by your clan even if it is not available to all?

  3. 8 hours ago, Werewolf said:

    Some of us like the pain.

    Quite amusing how you claimed in the other thread to be a casual... what a pile of steaming BS.

    44 minutes ago, rediii said:

    Thats why you either dont participate in portbattles or your nation sucks in RvR

    Agreed. Really sad that the swedes seem to be the only nation that is well organised and good at RvR on PvP EU. At least pirates don't have much RvR power anymore since the outlaw mechanic split the pirate nation and destroys it from within. I don't think pirates should be part of RvR so i like that...

    I would really like to see the new nations added, even if only as more hardmode options. It can't do much harm to the game... would be worth testing how it plays out at least.

    • Like 3
  4. 32 minutes ago, Rickard said:

    I dont advocate against PVP

    PvP rewards promote PvP and being against them thus means you're against more PvP. If you aren't against PvP on the PvP server why are you against PvP rewards? ...

    51 minutes ago, Rickard said:

    there has been enough PVP on both server and I have not heard anyone complain about this in the game

    This is a blatant lie and you know it.

    • Like 3
  5. 3 minutes ago, Rickard said:

    so...? if you weant more PVP go out and find it.

    really... ? If you want more PvE go to the PvE server.


    People who advocate against PvP and PvP rewards on the PvP Server just give me cancer. The problem with PvP marks was that new players got farmed for them but as rediii already mentioned this is not a problem anymore since we have greenzones around the capitals now. I always try to side with new players and casuals but now with greenzones there is no excuse anymore unless you play pirates where you actually get sealclubbed by your own nation in outlaw battles ( at least on the EU server there is alot of drama about it ), which happens even without PvP marks. Even if some people don't like greenzones they solve alot of problems and do alot of good for new players...

    • Like 3
  6. 23 hours ago, admin said:

    The decision spectrum is simple
    We either have 3 large full nations or we have a lot more smaller nations which constantly fight with each other. Having some nations without reinforcement zones and with capturable capitals will allow hardcore players to have as much hardcore rvr gameplay as they want, without affecting the rest of the audience. 

    The main benefits of those nations is the risk and the opportunity to sail their national flags. The nation choice is also historical (could have happened).

    Don't forget its the test. Final test for the RVR/PVP imbalanc

    I would really like to see this. Just give everyone some forged papers so nobody can complain. Did you think about where the capitals would be yet ( if the new nations will have any ) ?

    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, Grundgemunkey said:

    kind of getting fed up ..of those that are leaving brit nation .. in forum and nation chat blaming everyone else for the reason they are leaving .... just go and get on with it ...

    you want to know why smaller clans didnt defend your ports ?    what did you give them ? apart from the opportunity to increase your tax revenue ..

    the clans leaving the brit nation gave the rest of the nation nothing .. but wanted us to defend their ports for the what they called the good of the nation ... when in fact it was for the good of their clans

    cartegena belonging to sweden or ahoy ... i see no difference  i dont benefit either way ... at least the swedes wont spam brit nation chat asking for help to to defend it

    This explains alot...

  8. 3 hours ago, Peter Goldman said:

    Our 1st rates were in free towns and other places around the map. We moved them BEFORE hostility and PB was flipped. Our shipyards and materials are not in Cartagena and no one could be arsed to spend 3-4 hours sailing 1st rate to Cartagena and then another 3-4 hours back. This is another reason why we leave GB nation, we need 3-4 hours of sailing in PB ships one way. Before you ask why don't we have PB ships in every port... think twice. 

    "Everyone is welcome to try to take Cartagena from us..."

    I said it what... 2-3 weeks ago? You were too late few days for the fight. 2-3 days earlier everyone would defend it.

    Fair enough if this is true and you planned it all so long ago and all but why did your clan give up on cartagena? I probably missed something since im not very active anymore...

    4 hours ago, Peter Goldman said:

    This is another reason why we leave GB nation, we need 3-4 hours of sailing in PB ships one way

    You mean all your shipyards are in KPR? MT isn't that far away tbh... but yeah it's a bit more centralized.

    4 hours ago, Peter Goldman said:

    Before you ask why don't we have PB ships in every port... think twice. 

    I think it is fair to assume that you have at least one shipyard at or around the most important port on the map, if your clan owns it? Especially since components are much lighter now and sailing a bunch of parts / resources for them around is more efficient than bringing the actual ships...

  9. 2 minutes ago, Peter Goldman said:

    Decision was done long time ago.

    Maybe this is true, maybe not. I can not know but...

    3 minutes ago, Peter Goldman said:

    we didn't have ships in Cartagena


    3 minutes ago, Peter Goldman said:

    Our clan economies are strong enough to pump 5-10 1st rates daily.

    Don't you contradict yourself here? All ships are super cheap now and you admit you can pump out 1st rates non-stop. Then why did you not leave some ships for the PB there? All people had to move ships exactly at the time of the PB? Really?

    I normally wouldn't even care but this is a little disappointing from the Brits, after you told me it is good to have the OP cartagena fit only in one port and how it promotes RvR, that you and your clan enjoy so much... And then saying "Everyone is welcome to try to take Cartagena from us..." and now swedes took it without a fight..?

    I am just trying to make sense of it all here...

  10. 1 minute ago, Cabral said:

     I'm trying to talk like an adult, if you want to go that way... cya.


    4 minutes ago, Cabral said:

    Use your little brain and think.

    Yeah, very mature talk right there, my friend. 


    So let me put it like this: You completely lacked the courage to fight the swedes at cartagena, because you knew you would lose.

    • Like 1
  11. On 27.9.2017 at 9:50 PM, admin said:

    Is this the end of the world as we know it? Or is it a beginning of the new empires? 

    Would be interesting to see more nations added to the game. You have a few in game already that didn't play any major role in the caribbean at the time but are some of the strongest in RvR ( like Danmark and Sweden ), while nations that should be strong historically like Spain are super weak compared to that. So i don't see a problem in terms of being historically inaccurate. Would definitely make clan wars more feasible and maybe even split up some big nations to balance all nations overall more...

    • Like 1
  12. 2 hours ago, Dominique Youx said:

    Die Verfügbarkeit des von dir genannten Cartagena Tar hängt nicht von dem Umstand ab, ob man ein Gelegenheitsspieler oder Vielspieler ist, sondern von der Zugehörigkeit der Nation. Auch ich als PIRAT und VIELSPIELER komme momentan nicht an Cartagena Tar ran, da die Briten den Hafen kontrollieren und somit die Verfügbarkeit der Ressource kontrollieren. Und um deine Frage direkt zu beantworten. Vmtl überhaupt nicht, es sei denn du hast als Spanier (und auch ich) einen britischen Zweitaccount und kannst in Cartagena, um diese Ressource mitbieten (eine Lösung die ich nicht gut finde, da ich Crossgaming über zwei Fraktionen ablehne).Oder du und ich finden einen britischen Spieler, der dieses Zeug sein Eigen nennt und es vmtl. zu extrem hohen Preisen verkauft.

    Und dadurch haben die Hardcore Spieler den Vorteil, weil sie mehr Gold zum bieten und oft auch einen zweiten Account, gegenüber dem Gelegenheitsspieler, zur verfügung haben. Die Tatsache, dass auch sehr aktive Spieler wie du nicht and z.B. Cartagena Tar kommen macht es auch nicht wirklich besser...

    2 hours ago, Dominique Youx said:

    Danke das du meine Aussage auf beeindruckende Weise bestättigst


    2 hours ago, Dominique Youx said:

    diesen Hafen den Briten wegzunehmen

    Na da bin ich ja mal gespannt.


  13. 4 hours ago, Dominique Youx said:

    Deine Kritik bezüglich der Verfügbarkeit bzw. Nichtverfügbarkeit von guter bzw. rarer Ausrüstung für Gelegenheitspieler in NA kann ich nicht nachvollziehen. Es gibt keinerlei spieltechnische Einschränkung, die es einem Spieler unmöglich machen an bestimmte Ausrüstung zu kommen. 

    Dann erkläre mir mal bitte wie ein Spanier, der zweimal in der Woche 3 Stunden spielt z.B. an Cartagena tar kommt und zwar nicht nur einmal sondern regelmäßig.

    4 hours ago, Dominique Youx said:

    Im übrigen fällt mir eigentlich kein MMORPG ein, dass ich gespielt habe (WoW, EvE, POTBS, DAOC, ESO, SWG) wo nicht die Leute das bessere Gear hatten, die viel Zeit in das Spiel investieren konnten.

    Das erklärt für mich eigentlich schon deine Meinung. Um diese Spiele würde ich als Gelegenheitsspieler einen großen Bogen machen.

    3 hours ago, Batman said:

    Ich denke,  Spielerschwund ist am eheseten auf die grässliche UI, keinerlei Tutorials und dem hohen Zeitaufwand bereits für Anfänger geschuldet.

    Das sind die ersten Dinge, die man als Neuling sieht. Von RvR oder seltenen Upgrades kriegt man doch anfangs garnichts mit.

    Da kann ich nur zustimmen... und wenn Neulinge durchhalten bis sie die Situation mit RvR und den Upgrades verstehen sind auch nochmal ein paar raus. Übrig bleiben größtenteils die Hardcore Spieler und Segelschiff Enthusiasten, während fast alle Gelegenheitsspieler, die das Spiel eigentlich bräuchte um die OW zu füllen, aufgeben.

  14. 11 hours ago, Jœrnson said:

    Ähm, und du meinst ein Gelegenheitsspieler braucht ganz doll unbedingt diese speziellen Upgrades?

    Wieder jemand der sich angesprochen fühlt? Gelegenheitsspieler haben in einem MMO das etwas wert ist Zugang zu der gleichen Ausrüstung wie die 24/7 Spieler, denn andernfalls merken die Intelligenteren irgendwann, dass sie nur Content für die Hardcore Spieler sind und deinstallieren das Spiel - vollkommen zu Recht ( das passiert übrigens schon seit Monaten in NA, falls es dir entgangen ist... ).

    11 hours ago, Jœrnson said:

    Ein Gelegenheitsspieler ist durchaus in der Lage NA zu spielen und Spaß dabei zu haben.

    Ja, und zwar auf dem PvE server oder bis er erkennt, dass er nicht nur vom Skill und der Erfahrung her unterlegen ist sondern auch noch im Bezug auf Ausrüstung.

    11 hours ago, Jœrnson said:

    Nerds diese Ugrades bekommen, die dafür aber auch richtig Zeit investieren (was gerne mal vergessen wird), dann fehlt mir da etwas das Verständnis und die Logik dahinter.

    Die Logik, die dir hier scheinbar entgeht, ist dass es grundsätzlich einfach nur schwachsinnig in PvP Spielen ist, direkte Vorteile wie bessere Ausrüstung den Gelegenheitsspielern aufgrund der benötigten Zeit Investition zu vorenthalten. Das funktioniert allenfalls in "Free-to-play" Spielen bei denen sich Menschen, die nicht den ganzen Tag im Spiel rumhängen können, einfach den Vorteil kaufen, aber nicht in einem 40€ EA Titel.

    11 hours ago, Jœrnson said:

    Wenn man sich allerdings hinstellt und einen auf bockig macht, weil nur die s.g. Nerds diese Ugrades bekommen

    Haha, "auf bockig machen".... schöne Umschreibung für angebrachte Kritik. Da du ja begünstigt zu sein scheinst, ist mir klar warum dir das vollkommen egal ist... Ich habe übrigens selbst mehr als genug dieser Upgrades, aber im Gegensatz zu dir und den anderen habe ich den nötigen Charakter und kann zugeben, dass es nicht richtig ist den Gelegenheitsspielern die Upgrades zu vorenthalten. ;)

    11 hours ago, Jœrnson said:

    Zur Navigation sage ich jetzt mal lieber nichts. So wie es jetzt ist, passt es wunderbar. Erfordert wie alles etwas Übung, aber bis jetzt ist noch niemand verloren gegangen. Und mit der Möglicheit des Teleportierens findet man auch garantiert immer zu irgendeinem Hafen zurück, wenn man wirklich mal nicht weiter weiß. 

    Also gibst du zu, dass es völlig sinnlos war die Navigation umzugestalten? Das neue System stellt keine Herausforderung dar und ist unrealistischer als das Vorherige für den im Spiel suggerierten Zeitrahmen...

  15. 10 hours ago, Briegel said:

    Zwar kann man "British Gunnery Sergant" als Blueprint erhalten (100 Combatmarks), aber der zur Herstellung benötigte "The old Flag Officer" ist nirgendwo zu erhalten.

    Das Teil kannst du nur mit viel Glück von NPCs looten. Noch besser sind die Upgrades bei denen man spezielle Resourcen braucht die nur in 1-2 Häfen auf der Map in sehr begrenzter Anzahl erhältlich sind... Den Nerds in den großen Clans geht dabei richtig einer ab, wenn sie um die Kontrolle dieser Häfen kämpfen ( und wer kann es ihnen übel nehmen, wenn das Spiel sonst kaum Inhalt hat ) während die Gelegenheitspieler leer ausgehen und nur mit viel Gold und / oder Glück an diese Upgrades kommen... 

    10 hours ago, Briegel said:

    Navigation das schlechteste was ich bisher erlebt habe und zudem nicht stimmig zur gespielten zeitlinie.

    Lustigerweise hatten sie vorher Koordinaten zum navigieren im Spiel, bis irgendein Nerd vorgeschlagen hat die wieder raus zu nehmen. Aber zum Glück haben wir ja jetzt das tolle Winkelmesser tool auf der Map - so kann man auch "content" gestalten...

  16. On 17.9.2017 at 1:16 PM, admin said:

    Premium ships(or gift ships). (if the decision to have premium ships is made). We cannot add premium ships during early access as we are afraid of the potential backlash - but if users request we can reconsider.

    I think it would be good if you added them so you / the game gets more funding BUT those premium ships should be versions of regular ships in the game with a unique paintjob and other name ( like shipnames were changed when another nation captured them maybe ) that give a xp, gold and combat mark bonus over regular ships ( more reward seems like a fair selling point for premium ships ). Premium ships should not be OP or have a very special role / strength in my opinion as this would ruin balance between those who have it and those who do not...

  17. 22 minutes ago, EliteDelta said:

    It makes me sad to find out the rattlesnake is now a rare gift ship... Can't we just get it in-game and make it crazy expensive? At least then I could at least save up for it...

    Yeah, same with Santa Ceicilia... i'd rather have it stupid expensive ( CM not useless gold ) than only gifted to a few once in a blue moon. This would actually increase the value of the ship depending on how high the price is, since people actually have to pay for it instead of getting it for free...

    The few people who got it last time didn't even dare to leave port out of fear of losing it... Only @Liq had the balls to pull it out and actually sail it ( which should be the case instead of letting it rot in your docks, so you can jerk off to having one every once in a while ) and people didn't just capture it.... they actually sank it in a 10vs1 or 15vs1... or so i heard. Sounds too retarded to be true tbh...


    I guess the devs rather have almost nobody sail those ships out of fear to lose them... :(

    • Like 1
  18. 6 hours ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

    I just want the gunboat back myself..  Had way to much fun with that little boat.  Though I do think with Unity 5 up we should get the rattler back and would be nice if we got paints back until they do what ever they planing with them.  Alll the ships look way to much alike right now it's getting a bit bland in game.

    Amen brother. It's not like they can't still remove them again later and add them as premium, if that is their plan...

  19. On 1.9.2017 at 7:47 PM, admin said:

    Beautiful ship. Did you check her in game? Any feedback?

    It's very well done. My compliments to you and your team. I don't like the colour but that doesn't take anything away from the great model, it looks just like the real one.

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