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Captain Lust

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Posts posted by Captain Lust

  1. 9 minutes ago, ShereKhan said:

    but I think if you want more PVP in the open world the penalty for losing in battle needs to be dramatically smaller.

    And / or the reward much higher but here come the mission jockeys crying out loud... God forbid pvp is actually worthwhile compared pve on the pvp server. Lets just all sit in our bot missions grinding pve like in some lobby game, only sail in OW to enjoy the scenery and the let PvP players wait for NA Legends...

  2. 1 hour ago, AxIslander said:

    Aparently, your type of play chased away 10000 players allready,(numbers according to admin). and all u think of is we need more rewards for pvp to chase away the rest of the players.


    6 minutes ago, Jean Ribault said:

    They want to discuss their ideas and ours for how to make it happen.  Telling someone to go to the pve server because you want to determine how others play does nothing to balance those two elements on the pvp servers, nor does it get us closer to solving the issues

    Read what he commented, please. My "type of play" is PvP.... on the PvP server ( it doesnt mean sealclubbing ) . If anything the increased reward for pvp will increase activity of real pvp players on the pvp server = more content and not chase them away. This guy clearly wants to play only pve and ended up on the wrong server, so i gave him helpful advice. If he actually wanted to play pvp too he would want increased rewards for it since it takes way more time and risk to get a good pvp fight over a npc mission. We have a PvE server for a reason. Can you comprehend?

  3. 1 minute ago, Armored_Sheep said:

    As one cannot rank up by PvP only here

    I played pve to be able to crew a surprise and then ranked up all the way to max rank only with pvp.

    2 minutes ago, Armored_Sheep said:

    noobs are being hunted near national capitals

    How can they be hunted when there will be huge greenzones? Did you even read what this thread is about? Did i say i enjoy sealclubbing or something? Stop using sealclubbers as excuse for your carebearing on the pvp server... 

  4. 5 minutes ago, Batman said:

    maybe its the "PVPers" who are the real snowflakes? Just sayin ...

    Not sure what you're trying to say here mate but if you want to play pve only you might aswell go to the pve server? Can't be right that some carebear pulls a mission in greenzone and gets xp/gold/upgrades with basically no risk while pvp players have to look for hours to get a decent fight, risk their ship and upgrades and all and get as much for sinking a player as for a bot?? ...on the pvp server? I mean what are you guys smoking?

    • Like 2
  5. Just now, admin said:

    so why then online was much lower than today (across all servers) in november december when these features were in game?

    The pvp gank event at La Navasse and Shroud cay? I think because it was all about whoever brought the bigger / better gankfleet won... not sure tho :P

    5x i mean xp and gold for pvp btw... minimum. PvE is too rewarding versus PvP and larger greenzones will only make it worse...

  6. 5 minutes ago, admin said:

    Lets be honest
    Lets imagine a new player. He just got his captain rank. He wants to pvp eventually but he wants to get some foothold first.

    What is the risk/reward for a unexperienced player sailing solo in his cerberus or LGV from KPR to Hispaniola near la navasse?

    I think all you have to do is increase the reward for pvp to a point where noobs can still make progress in the safe zone to get lower ranks but carebears / pve players will suffer trying to get higher ranks and ship knowledge in the green zone.

  7. 6 minutes ago, Jay Gatsby said:

    The game must be realistic

    No, it must be balanced first and foremost. Realism is important but should always come after balance to make the game worth playing. Since we got endless destroyed masts standing up again and crew men raised from the dead by the  hundreds, the realism argument is out of the window anyways...

  8. 23 minutes ago, DrZoidberg said:

    We start at 17.00 H, we finished at 24.00. we could get 1 battle like 6v9, what was really good, but compared that we spent 7 hour for it, thats shame, crap and shit.

    Hear all the fanbois shouting how they always get pvp... they just forget to mention how long it takes them to find it... and without teleports ( teleport to freeport should be possible with player numbers being so low but with 4 - 8 hour cooldown imo or the actual teleport taking 20-30 min on or offline ) you can't just check all "hotzones" that usually have 2-3 people or 1-2 ganksquads roaming about. 

  9. 1 hour ago, Jay Gatsby said:

    Making the double shot more realistic by increasing the damage of 50%, and reducing penetration of 50% compared to the single shot, and making unlimited ammunition as it was in the past, this would make the double shot more strategic because it could only be used at very close range, but it could be devastating and have a great impact on the battle if used at the right time, and would make the use of woods like fir to build a combat ship a more risky choice, and would favor the use of heavier woods for combat ships

    No, unless you remove carronades altogether...

  10. 11 hours ago, admin said:

    check this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casa_de_Contratación  chartered companies existed and established control over cities and towns. Sometimes they fought each other. 
    resources were never in the historical places with the exception of woods and fish
    don't forget its a game too. Companies solve alt problem. Less problems = better game. 

    Just make it happen before people leave again waiting for map reset, please...

    • Like 1
  11. 4 hours ago, Prater said:

    Cant capture bermuda by flag without kidds

    They could just increase the flag timer for bermuda to compensate for the sailing time... given a second thought tho bermuda should either be pirate safe zone too or one of the home ports / greenzones of some other nation like GB, because it is on the outskirts of the map and a perfect place for a safe zone for noobs to rank up without being bothered...

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