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Dave Hadley

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Everything posted by Dave Hadley

  1. Another great conquest for the Nightflipping States of America! NSA! NSA!
  2. You're usually wrong when you think about something
  3. Do you know that for a fact is that just some guessing you doing
  4. You've already bought the game why should they keep you happy if the money is already in their pockets
  5. And there will be even less if USA keeps using timezones to their own advantage just to make them feel like they're great conquerors
  6. Yet you're gonna make this server maybe more than half populated of what it is now with your actions, but hey you will have many ports coloured in green! Yay good!
  7. And you have no reason to complain about ''day flips'' since you have always been in those PBs and you've always had people to help the US nation in those PB. The Eastern Alliance does not have that chance. Saying that US primetime zone is at 04:00 server time is a big lie and an excuse, you're always online way eaerlier and everyone knows that because we can see you in the PBs, in global chat. So while there's no problem from your side, we struggle to gather 25 players to defend ports you attack at 03:00AM spanish time.
  8. You guys are the ones that make fun of ''how you defeated the almighty danish empire'' and things like that. You were so happy with your nightflips, but when someone fights back is not that fun for you huh? And yet we always had full PB and you did not. And no, they were not flipped before 7UP joined you. Ays could have been, but it has always been defended.
  9. Excuse me but did you ask the danish at first about fighting 25vs25 at a time where both sides could have their main fleets when you took almost all their ports? Did you ask us when you started fliping Islamorada and Gasparilla? No, you just did what you wanted and now you excuse yourselves by saying that you can only do PBs at that time. BS, yet all the players I've seen during the different nightflips I've gone to defend are the same guys I've sees at Morgan's Bluff or Ays at 18 server time. You were the ones that started all this so I can't see how you claim you have the right to decide whether our attacks are fair or not, were yours fair when you took all the ports you had? Btw, our attacks, at 18:00, 19:00, 20:00 server time... Completely unfair there's only 500 players playing at that time!!! and problably more than 300 are from your allies!! How can spanish cheat so much omg! So, lets remember, the 07 people joined USA two weeks ago, can you tell me which of our flips have been at ''your weakest period of time'' for those two weeks? I've been doing PB for over 1 month and a half and I bet 3/4 of the PBs I've done have been defending nightflips against you. And your attacks were not in ''our weakest period of time''? Texas? Gasparilla? Islamorada? What was the offense to be attacked at those ports? Please do not petrend to be the victims here. You were the ones that repeatedly attacked our ports when we couldn't defend them, the only thing that made you back off was maybe that you were having so many ports suddenly out of nowhere that it could get the attention of someone you don't want to look into this too much.. Oh and btw, it's very funny that you ''limit them to once a week'' so we are supposed to just sit and wait for you to nightflip one of our ports everyweek and you expect us to do nothing about it? Who the hell you think you are to come that? Of course we will fight back and yet, we were so gentle that we did flip your ports when there was about 500 players online. We could have flipped them for better timers for us and worse for you, far worse, yet we didn't because an empty PB is just boring but how can I know, we've never had an empty PB, is it fun to win? So to finish here, we will not come to any agreement with you, you are the ones starting the hostilities here and we will not just sit and watch how you attack your ports without fighting back. We will answer every nightflip with more attacks. See you at Islamorada.
  10. Maybe forcing is not exactly the word I wanted to use but I bet you if you were in our situation you would see things maybe a bit different. Of course you can come here and say ''it's a game and blablabla'' but we all spend time in this game and it's not because we do not give a shit about what happens in here. If nobody cared about this game this forum wouldn't have as many posts as it has, but people here care about the game all the time, maybe you are one of the people who don't and it's completely fine, but that's not the thing we discussing here.
  11. Sure remove my posts, but leave all those racists and offensive comments and posts towards spanish people that I've been seeing for months since I started playing this game. I will try this again: Spain will never side with the US, we don't like the people who mock about us, who constantly insult and laugh over us, who call us ''the people beyong the wall''. The Eastern Alliance can deal with the two blocks being one sided, we can deal with the britts being more people than us, what we can't deal with is people who constantly put us in the situation of being forced to stay awake during the night sometimes for nothing (yea that day you escaped from the PB as soon as it started). I thought you beating us in Puerto Plata would make you change your approach about nightflipping, seeing that you can defeat something finally, yet you keep doing the same fishy tactics. Good job. On the other side, I love how my alliance is working now, I like so much working together how we are doing, and conquest after conquest we're getting stronger.
  12. Como rimas es lo que tenéis en Portugal, toallas, oporto y rap?
  13. Tal vez tenga algo que ver con que ESPAÑA NO ESTÁ EN AMERICA IGNORANTE DE MIERDA
  14. Vosotros seguir con vuestras pajas mentales que mientras unos cuantos vamos a seguir atacando y defendiendo los puertos españoles, porque aquí veo mucho lloro pero luego somos algunos los que nos quedamos hasta las putas 3 de la mañana para defender puertos, y somos otros los que organizamos defensas en menos de 1 hora y llenamos una puta batalla con 25 tíos gracias a nuestros aliados daneses, franceses y suecos. Así que menos llorar. Por otro lado, bonito repaso a las tácticas que se han utilizado esta ultima semana en las Batallas de Puertos, destacar sobretodo Castries.
  15. Tenéis que dejar las pajas, herejes onanistas
  16. Tienen que hacer con las Batallas de Puerto y concretamente con los nightflips, de nuevo, la noche de jueves a viernes a las 2:30 AM.
  17. No va a haber acuerdos. Solo tenéis que leer un día cualquiera el chat global para daros cuenta de que (concretamente ellos) los americanos no van a honrar ningún tratado, ni van a respetar las horas, ni nada. No pararán hasta teñir todo de verde y sin haber disparado un solo cañón. Lo de las ''Prime time'' es un poco mentira y un poco interesado. A las 4 de la mañana hora española muchas veces no hay ni 150 jugadores, Jeheil en su video dice que hay casi 300. Eso es una mentira como una catedral. La población del servidor suele estar de 2 de la tarde hora española hasta las 12 de la noche en unos 500 jugadores. A partir de esa hora se va vaciando hasta quedar 150, 200 a lo sumo. Luego resulta que tu atacas un puerto a las 10 de la noche hora española, y resulta que te encuentras a los americanos haciendo bloqueo, ¿sorpresa? ¿cómo ellos por ahí si no están en su ''prime time''?. Es una excusa barata para justificarse. Lo cierto es que en una batalla justa de 25vs25 seguramente no tendrían ninguna oportunidad contra flotas como la danesa, podrían perfectamente atacar los puertos daneses a las 10, a las 11 de la noche si les saliera de ahí, pero resulta que solo les sale a las 2 de noche ¿casualidad? Respecto a lo del cambio de alianzas, yo estoy un poco harto de sus comentarios racistas hacia España, se piensan que somos una horda de toreros en un país subdesarrollado que apenas tenemos electricidad, estoy harto de sus comentarios llamándonos ''tacos'' que lo hacen con todo el tono despectivo del mundo y con todo el ánimo de ofender. Así que yo nunca me aliaría con ellos, antes (muy a lo juego de Tronos) visto el negro.
  18. Poca gente he visto ahí patrullando eh PD: los que quieran participar en la defensa de Salamanca, pasaros por el TS y hablad con la gente así podréis coordinaros y todo irá mucho mejor
  19. A mí me gustaría ayudaros en el tema diplomático, tengo buen inglés y ganas de hacer algo dentro de la facción, pero me gustaría tener a mas gente y sobretodo alguien que ya haya ejercido y pueda ayudarme
  20. Uno de los grandes problemas que tenéis y que ya mencionasteis ayer es la disciplina. Ayer estuve con vosotros en TS escuchando la batalla y la verdad que aquello era un desastre. No sé nada de táctica naval, apenas sé algo de Naval Action puesto que llevo poco mas de 1 semana jugando pero vengo de un Clan de simulación de Arma 3, en el que hay un sistema muy férreo de disciplina y la verdad con vosotros ayer me quedé bastante sorprendido. Con esto pretendo daros la opinión de alguien externo, que aún no os conoce a ninguno y que puede tener una opinión mas o menos imparcial de esto. En primer lugar, vosotros mismos decidisteis que la batalla la liderase Alex SD, os pregunto: ¿para qué? cuando Alex dio la primera orden, ya hubo replicas, cuando dio la segunda, mas replicas y así todo el rato, escogisteis alguien que os liderase y luego no le hicisteis ni caso, muchos cuestionasteis sus decisiones en esos momentos y eso es algo que NO podéis hacer, si elegís quien lidera debéis seguirlo a ciegas, aunque eso acabe con todos hundidos. Es muy legítimo que cada uno tengáis vuestras propias opiniones acerca de como llevar una batalla, pero expresarlas en medio del combate no hace mas que minar la confianza de todos los demás en el líder, con lo que su autoridad queda mucho mas cuestionada y la gente es menos propensa a seguirla. Esto tiene una solución muy fácil, y es que nazca de cada uno el decir: vale me voy a callar la boca y voy a acatar lo que me digan, por muy mal que yo crea que esté y voy a seguir a este tío hasta que ganemos o me hundan. Otra cosa que tenéis que mirar son los ruidos en el TS en medio de la batalla, que si la respiración de uno, que si la tele del otro... Como ya os he dicho, esta es la opinión de alguien que ha llegado hace muy poco, que no sabe de táctica naval, pero que espera que su opinión os eche una mano en lo que buenamente pueda.
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