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Milkman van Swallows

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Everything posted by Milkman van Swallows

  1. Have you tried turning it off and on again? Sorry, had to xD. But in all seriousness, try clearing cookies/different browser with which you have not visited this site before.
  2. Jumping missions does not count towards points on the leaderboard. Now I dont know if this is a bug or not but I like it. If you are jumping into a mission you are going for a target fitted for PVE not fully capable of defending itself against a PVP fitted ship and thus, in my opinion atleast, should not yield any points towards leaderboard rankings.
  3. Because there is NO leadership here, we are a small group of guys focussing on OW pvp. Ignoring all politics & PB's. Vicious is out of the picture here so there is no hate to be spewed. About believing us, obviously us splitting from [SORRY] before the shitshow went down and most of them disappeared should tell you enough. If not I guess time will tell.
  4. No worries, i've heard more than 1 person say I was farming alts last monday even tho I got em all across the map...
  5. Ahoy Pirates & National Scum, There has been a good few rumors going around about us that we'd like to clear. This is not in any way a thread to defend ourselves but just to show our decent intentions and trying to keep our clean start CLEAN. First of all to those who think or say that we are [SORRY], we are everything BUT [SORRY]. We split from the clan for several good reasons and of course we do NOT want to be associated with the name any longer. Secondly. We, by default, DO NOT do black on black. If you do however see us in an outlaw battle, it is to settle a dispute. Either they or one of their respective clan members attacked one of ours and we are exacting revenge. Lastly, we do not have any formal alliances with any clan/nation/individuals. If you have any questions about us, ask them here and we will gladly answer them. Or if you like you can come on our teamspeak and we will have a chat. eu125.ts3.cloud:13543
  6. Something might be wrong with the patch that rolled out yesterday. Since we are able to see ship builds within combat to decide weither we want to take it or sink it, the OW ship inspection doesnt seem to show the complete picture as it does within combat. I think the intention was to scale it down but instead its scaled up and most information is not showing due to that. Also I have not crafted anything in over 2 days and my labor hours should have been @ 2000 seeing as I am a level 50 crafter. But for some odd reason they even went down?!?? They were @ a little over 1100 and when I checked just now after literally 2 days they are at 1060. Now I have 0 hello kittying clue when it comes to coding things but it seems like positives and negatives are mixed up in these 2 particular situations. Please look into this. Rergars, Lord Bomgordel
  7. I too feel cheated, I worked my ass of and sank ships that I could otherwise have sold for a grand total of 2-3mil. Obviously incentive to pvp for being on the leaderboard is completely gone with no rewards available atm, can we expect this to change? Or is it going to stay like this?
  8. The name of the new ship is the 'Pandora' and you can read about it here But i think what they mean is a change to the current damage model of the ships.
  9. Take your time, and do it right. Delayance in this situation was obvious to a lot of people as the testing was not complete yet, but its nice to be kept in the loop about this stuff. Thnx!
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