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Posts posted by RaimundoJoe

  1. 5 hours ago, admin said:


    As we come closer to the release we need to add additional ways we gather feedback from the community.
    One of the tools some MMOs use Community representatives who are elected by the community and have direct line to devs.  (referred there after as CR)

    We think it would be a good idea and are looking for ideas on this

    • What do you think could be a good method to elect such representative
      • (community vote, or appointment or merit (for example size of the clan, or new player retention in a clan - or a mix of all three)
    • What do you think should be the requirements for a CR?
    • What should be responsibilities for such CR?




    Are u telling us that u don't allready have favorits?

  2. 34 minutes ago, admin said:

    All this "Think about new players" :) is in realty translates into - please think about rear admiral players.

    New players don't cancel missions. Everything is cool and shiny for them. They take an order and sail. Also. new player missions spawn VERY CLOSE TO PORT. Its rear admiral missions that are far away. 

    So its basically rear admirals like me (who know the tricks) want to cancel missions 30 times to find a better spot.
    Orders cannot be declined. 3 declines of orders from the admiralty agents is already too much. Maybe Admiralty wants you to find a place where bots are sailing right near ports and you dont have to sail at all to sink them. 

    People do not mind that a mission spawns on the other side of the world, they mind when they get jumped in the mission.

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  3. He is coming!

    Last time he was in he said "i know what u are doing now" sooner or later they will all find out. Guess its just a matter of time and money!

  4. 53 minutes ago, Banished Privateer said:

    It's not the only battle. There were more battles like that later, with martinm and me at KPR after the battle with HAVOC at Port Morant. AxIslander on Santisima leaves as soon as someone joins. Then the so called "noobs" die while veteran saves his ship.

    Show me more

  5. Thig is, that if u lissten to the audio this guys are cooperating to bait and kill GB players and i left right as they came in one of the players was still in loadig screen.

    THIS IS THA NAVAL ACTION FRENDLY COMMUNITY and they complain that player retention is bad.

    Yeah throw shit at me!

    Show me the other battle were @martinm is telling me, after he joined a basic cutter mission that "he was baiting me for the others" GREAT STUFF throw  more shit

    @admin @Ink is this the intended way to play this game?

  6. I would like to tribunal @Banished Privateeror the old @Srupl for throwing acusations at me without any proof whatsoever.

    The layout is this, the acused started a tread in the forums were he askes, for harder requirements for crafting a 1th rate:

    at page 3 i replied, saying that " Why not ask for diffrent difficulty levels in the game? If u want the game to be hard for u personaly."

    he replied:

    2 hours ago, Banished Privateer said:

    This will not decrease the number of 1st rates. You're the guy jumping every battle in Santisima around Jamaica, but when 2-3 more enemy joins, you're the first one to escape, leaving others to death.

    acusing me of actions i do not feel guilty of ... so i replied: "As per usual, u talk right out of your arse."

    His answer was:

    2 hours ago, Banished Privateer said:

    You talk about the difficulty and making the game harder for others, but to be fair you made the game much harder for many Brits leaving them helpless to death, only participating in 10v1, but escaping from 10v3. You are the reason why all these players die in these battles. @Grundgemunkey and others losing their ships. Santisima the first ship escaping the battle is just pathetic. You should be the one protecting weaker and saving them.

    I have no ideea what he is talking about! so i asked for proof; "What are u talking about? Pointing fingers ? Which battle did i leave ?"

    So he says:

    2 hours ago, Banished Privateer said:

    several battles at Jamaica, one with Prussians and Dutch (HAVOC) at Port Morant, later at KPR battles. Every battle you were the first one to escape and to every battle, you jump in your Santisima. So please don't talk about making a game harder for others, you're doing it every day.

    As a conclusion i told him to: " Show me a battle were i leave! Or STFU! " a bit harsh but i was angry.

    I still demand @Banished Privateer to provide proof of these several battles were i leave in my Santisima and as a result a lot of British captains loose their ships.


  7. 12 minutes ago, admin said:

    Captains who are upset about 2 buffed first rates not appearing from thin air should just let it go.
    We tried no protection and absolute protection and will settle on the best option.
    2 rates was an overkill and while we are preparing tutorial patch for release it will be good to tune some numbers that are long overdue. 

    There will be no more increases in protection on the Caribbean server in the future. This is a closed door now. 

    I am not upset that changes are made to the game, i am dissapointed that only the "hammers" life gets improved while the "nails" are told to keep quiet.

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  8. 36 minutes ago, admin said:

    Even with reinforcements?

    Experienced players come organised close to a capital. They keep a bit of distance to begin with and a lone ship gets close and gets tagged by home players thinking they will gwt some easy pvp mark. Then the organised group join the battle and a massacre happens. I learned this the hard way.😁

    Still this is less of a problem then the fact that you maybe built your ship with materials you buy in KPR were a teak log cost 6000 gold. There is the frustrsation coming from. 

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