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Rifle (BluOptics)

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Landsmen (1/13)



  1. good to see some fighting is about to start
  2. pretty sure u can find a post letting us know that PVE missions wont be needed as for a free hand out to crafters that is simply not my point ... think back to when Port battles gave out so much that players turned up in trade boats just so they could get the Loot issue the first 25 land grants to the PB and I see even more trolling of people wanting to go in then before yes the economy is Broken atm, but you wont fix it every game going has people exploiting the market its what they do
  3. I spend all my time ganking the French, I havn't been in a Port Battle for about 8 months ...why you ask? pretty simple .....we took the east from the Spanish then had a group of People not involved in those battles cut a deal to hand it back . the content we had made for ourselves was taken away so I went looking for something else to do. I don't craft that much myself however I know players who have spent the entire time in game doing nothing but Crafting ......why should a game give them sec dibs on a port simply because a few others went on that Port Battle? We are lucky to see 300 online and during most times of the day we see 150-190 ......Upset to many and numbers again drop as they did last year.. it has not recovered. Reading how many so quickly are not happy and yes I see into the future I see a game killing itself ... am I happy about this ? NO I enjoy the game I actually like spending hours looking for a target if they decide to Hide after I have been reported as in the area you ask me if I see the future...... well I ask you what do you see happening here ? I ask the DEVS what do you see happening here ? with these changes coming what plan do you have to replace those who will leave ?
  4. Actually those of us who have played EVE since the start have ripped off new players ever since
  5. correct these guys just made not 1 not 2 but 3 posts that have in a single day killed a game before it is ready for beta let alone a full release .............................. 1 Merge those who PVE to PVP not my thing however some of our PVP map will be lost as its becoming PVE 2 first 25 into PB if they win get the choice of ports due to new land grants 3 no night flips um hello the world is round we all live in dif time zones on the global server how could an Asian night flip a US owned Port or vice versa? hmmm ok join the EU server ... oh wait there is that time zone thing again
  6. 25 Buildings available ?........... and only issued to those that took part in the Battle?................. so for the 90% of players who have not taken part but are very active within the game you are saying screw you................................ to the actual crafter's who have supplied so many ships and spent hours and hours making sure supply of wood, iron etc etc is available you have said screw you..................... to those who have found PVP in other means to protect the coast or attack a coast but can not get online during the so called prefered port battle time you have said screw you..... to those chosen to protect the ports and screen you have said screw you.. you have made a change to change a game that could become a long term enjoyable grind for so many player types, but instead you have said to the PVE players screw you, and to the small group gankers screw you we will give the wealth and the ability to build ships to those who are apart of the elite group of port battle grinders and forget the rest of the player base ... your logic has left us wondering ............................................................
  7. The border in the west is not going to be handed over.
  8. Sorry but the server has crashed a few times and I am shocked you have called it a server crash ...... isn't this a power issue? I mean that's what we have been told in previous post
  9. Rant? only if you have read it this way I simply asked a question. Hundreds of games fail very early in life because they do not think enough of its Players to keep them up to date.. I would like to think these guys are smarter then that
  10. I am simply wondering if these guys are worth testing for? If they understand how important the community is that is testing for them, and how important anyone joining this game once it goes live is important to them
  11. re posting here as well 15 hours down and no new news since i checked 9 hours ago this is an alpha test, so things are meant to go wrong at times... at the fault of the server host or the fault of the devs the lack of follow up here is the key If you wish to keep players testing your game you need to keep them informed when things go wrong otherwise you quickly loose them is this how players will be kept up to date once the game goes live and is no longer in testing ?
  12. 15 Hours and the last update seen from anyone that may know what is going on is over 9 hours old update please
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