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Posts posted by vazco

  1. NSANE will respect all the peace deals which will give to Pirates ports providing full set of craftable resources in Mortimer area.

    We will also oppose all other deals, with intent of attacking Prussian ports until this is the case. We owe all clanless pirates that much, even if our own alt economy is stronger than the one we have around Mortimer.

    I consider Prussia was winning war so far, now getting to a costly stalemate which can still go both ways.

    • Like 1
  2. 10 minutes ago, Banished Privateer said:

    Maybe we are all hypocrites and you guys are as bad as we are? But I have to admit - since you left the Prussian nation, the bonds between clans are stronger and relations are better. 

    It's also much better in NSANE than it was in Prussia. I guess it was a good move to leave.

    Now you can return to feeding yourself with drama and slanders - you show very plainly on this forum how you operate. 

  3. 22 minutes ago, Banished Privateer said:


    You inflate irrelevant messages. I was attacked in spanish waters and sank the guy who tagged me, then got sank by a gank. Hardly an escalating factor.

    I won't even comment other messages.They're the same as your internal discord posts. People whom you quoted were in Prussia before and just continued with old style of discussion. 

    Using private forum screenshots publicly is quite low, especially when showing messages without context. I know you don't care though, you don't have internal rules - everything goes.

    • Like 1
  4. 19 minutes ago, Flinch said:

    but fellow pirates wanted to club seals

    Flinch, I think you're the kind of a diplomat whose forte is starting wars :P We had a guy like this in Commonwealth. When we were destroying Prussians a long time ago, they asked for a peace. We sent this guy to negotiate. They changed their mind about war and peace in an instant :) 


    6 minutes ago, Elric said:

    the newer pirate players who seem to be constantly ganked by Prussians

    Prussian new players also suffer in the conflict.

  5. @Flinch you lost your chance for a great title. You should have called it "the infinity wars", I bet then they would make a movie about this then.


    22 minutes ago, Banished Privateer said:

    This war is just a war of money. Both sides spend millions on timers while none of the sides can win the war without a 3rd party intervention :)

    We could have win with you easily when it comes to economy. I just don't consider it moral. 


    As for the rest of your message, eg. provoking Spain against US, it's mostly fake news as always. 

  6. 9 hours ago, Jean Ribault said:

    If this is the wrong location for this topic, mods please relocate it.  It's off-topic, per section description.

    My son spends way too much time on the computer, mostly PC gaming.  But he has expressed interest in becoming a game developer. I had him download Unity and start there, doing tutorials and creative stuff. He is 10 years old.  I am interested if any of the community, especially programmers, have any advice for him to get him going in a sensible direction.

    Any advice is welcome, other than don't bother. :)


    Being a game developer is one of the shittiest jobs as a programmer, at least in Poland. You are often underpaid (at least in relation to other programmers), your work process is not great. There are simply many people who want to do this, that's why game-focused companies don't have to care for their programmers like others.

    Still, being a programmer is great.

    If you want your kid to go into this direction, I would advice you to push him into eg. creating bots for DOTA in the future. I know some 13-year old's who like to do this and learn a lot in the process. For 10 it might be hard though :) 

    For 10-year old you might try eg. games similar to those:

    • Like 1
  7. On 9/16/2018 at 9:22 AM, Preble said:

    Dear @admin,

    As you and the team finalize the Open World UI, I'd like to make the case for bringing back the feature which gives the player's latitude/longitude coordinates in the map, as was in place before one of the previous wipes.

    • Historically, mariners could plot their position with a reasonable degree of accuracy using celestial navigation.  This was obviously not perfect but by the time of the period of the game (roughly 1750-1820) navigators had at their disposal both chronometers and accurate almanacs (for example, The American Practical Navigator, which was published in 1802 as an update to several preceding works on practical navigation).  These were the key instruments for reliably accurate open-water navigation (which had by that point been practiced effectively, though with less certain accuracy, for nearly three centuries).
    • The current system of the protractor and line essentially forces players to only sail from one plotted point to another, generally forcing players to hug coastlines in order to maintain visual points of reference as their only means of knowing their position is by line of sight and dead reckoning.  This is particularly important for when players quit the game while at sea in the OW--since ship orientation can change on the next startup (and plotted course and position disappears) it's impossible to know exactly where you started in the last instance.  This discourages long cruising voyages (which given the speed of travel can practicably only be accomplished across several game sessions), and more importantly, discourages players from attacking targets of opportunity out of sight of land when such an attack would take them off their plotted course to their next visual bearing.  This is harmful to gameplay dynamics for PvP and especially for PvE, and as stated previously, is ahistorical.
    • It would be salutary to bring back the coordinates feature, and perhaps alter/augment it with a periodic mark on the chart made, say, every game hour, to represent celestial fixes taken at a realistic frequency.  This would give players greater freedom and confidence to cruise and engage beyond sight of land as was the historical norm of the period.

    Many thanks for your kind consideration.

    A better approach would be to show player on a map, but disable F12 coordinates. This way GPS accuracy for homing revenge fleets would be gone, but player would still know more or less where he is.

  8. 16 hours ago, Slim McSauce said:

    Let me make this short. I have a quick and easy solution to the current arcadey boarding meta that seems to throw of the rest of combat. To back up this claim I point to DD, a perk that aimed to provide the quickest possible fix to the silly rageboarding meta. The solution I provide is just a step beyond that in simpleness, but I think it will provide a substantial remedy that will hold well, much better than the current way, at least until boarding as a whole gets a revamp

     Here it is:

    Make it so sails don't automatically drop when boarding is initiated. Allow sailing to continue after the ships are grappled together. That's pretty much it. Simple right? How does it affect gameplay?
    For one it's unrealistic that you are forced to raise all your sails once someone boards you, that mechanic directly links to the biggest issue with boarding currently, that once you've been boarded, you're stuck there, frozen and unable to do anything besides play the boarding game.

    My question, why is that limitation needed? A ship with perfectly good sails can still crawl away from the attacking ship, even dragging the ship behind it until the ropes give way. So why are we forced to raise our sails and take the boarding when realistically, there's no reason why you cant just keep sailing.

    There lies the biggest issue with boardng, just as often it's used to halt the opponent to secure and easy kill from surrounding ships, or ram upwind and end any fight quickly with a boarding fitted ship. Now I'm not saying you shouldn't be able to use boarding effectively, I'm saying boarding is TOO effective, very unpractically so and it hurts combat. You can still board and halt a ship with less sailpower, this little change means you have to subdue your enemy before securing the board. Meaning you have to either chain their sails, drop their masts or physically surround them with other ships so they can't sail through.

    That's it, tell me what you think or why you would/would not want this adjustment in boarding

    That's actually an interesting suggestion. If it was introduced, maybe even DD could be removed.

    • Like 1
  9. 50 minutes ago, Banished Privateer said:

    2 nations screening for you + Sadistic DC'ed and lots of kiting and running. I guess we got very unlucky but was a good fight. 

    Getting a screening was the only way to win, as otherwise your MBrigs would massacre us before we could even get to a fight sailing against the wind. With a good wind and standard deployment this port is easier to attack than defend.

    It was a good battle. Nice to see Pirates working well together, thanks guys :) 

    Prussians as always were a skilled enemy.

    • Like 1
  10. 2 hours ago, Wraith said:

    In short: I think why people are pissing and moaning about the Requin is that it made it so even unskilled and less competent players/teams can do what safe zone hunters have always been able to do.

    Almost, but not exactly. People complain because previously safe zone hunters had to have some skill and even then they had a poor win/loose ratio when hunting. Right now skilled hunters are almost harmless, while life in a protected zone becomes really hard in some places. You can't safely travel in safe zone at all - there are plenty of Requins around, tagging in the zone.

    I moved my alt to GB. I loose approx. 2 Indiamans per week to requins in a protected zone. If I loose them, new players stand no chance at all.

    • Like 2
  11. 13 minutes ago, Palatinose said:

    Aside from the fact that you won the pb should be worth more than some shallow ships: why dont you drop out of the battle one by one leaving in different directions if you want to safe your ships? I don't get what difference it makes to stay 15 mins longer in the battle?

    I disagree on ending the battle instance when one side leaves. In rough nights these 15 minutes are the only real breaks one gets when dragged from one battle into the next.

    I don't think that's what he means. I think he would like for a port to flip hands after the score reaches 1000 points, not when battle ends. That's reasonable.

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