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Sven Silberbart

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Posts posted by Sven Silberbart

  1. Dont know what the problem with this suggestion is. The Thread Opener didn't said:

    "Everyone with an alt account on the other side is a spy"

    he just said:

    "Mark the players having an alt account or maybe friends in other nations to make it harder for real spies to beeing uncovered"


    I like the idea and would like to see such an information ingame.


    To interpret a player is a spy or not is the todo for the players.

  2. Svedish was proved are not good friends, they consider us as "logical partners", they are our enemy and we cannot accept this pacifism from the majors Danish clans. 



    You think it is easy for us to accept?



    Stop that. The votes will result to an alliance or not. Every player of both nations have to live with that result. No need to discuss more

    • Like 1
  3. Da gebe ich Haye recht. Als solo spieler hätte ich vermutlich schon aufgehört zu spielen.

    Aber im Team macht es Spass, auch ein halb fertiges Spiel mit nur 800 Testern.

    Wie alle Early Access Titel darf man auch hier eben kein bugfreies, fertiges (Konzept und Umsetzung) Spiel erwarten.


    Bist du schnell generft von unfertigen Spielmechaniken, Exploits und Bugs, dann spar dir das Spiel.

    Kannst du damit umgehen dann empfehle ich dir es zu probieren.

  4. fox2run..you was in our waters before this rewards was posted.

    in result, nothing changes for sverige, instead of someone gives you some additional money for that

    what you already did all the day.


    There are rough clans/players at every nation. So I am very relaxed with this thing.

    I remember much battles against the danish, and i remember some brave captains and gentleman at danish side,

    so i think most of the danish are honorable at war and at peace time. Exceptions are everywhere.


    But what is funny: Much swedes are germans as you know. [Aziz] sounds the same like "Asis". A plural of "Asi", wich means "unsocial behavior" in german.


    A social behavior: Play with your nation as a teamplayer. What you do is the opposite. A council is the try to form a nation as team and represent the majority of the playerbase in a nation

    and makes the nation act as united players behind one flag. Inside the council decisions are democratically. You should think about that.


    Maybe with the coming content patch, this problems are history

    • Like 6
  5. ..One captain - one vote. Its an old principle at sea..


    Ok, you dont understand that, so i try to explain my problem in a completly another way..



    There is a sports hall. You need to pay money to rent this hall, to play your favorite game.

    There are 3 football teams, and 3 tennis teams using the hall at the same time.

    Alle players/teams have payed money for using the sports hall.


    Now, Football Team 1 is voting for their next match. Against wich team they want to play. Football Team 2 or 3.

    Every Player of Football Team 1 have a vote.


    At this point, one player of the Tennis Team 1 - staying at his Tennis court -, lets say his nickname is "fox2vote", calls loudly:

    "HEY! I have also payed to use this sports hall. I also have the right to vote for the next match in Football Team 1! Grrr..."


    Something is wrong with this, isn't it?

    • Like 2
  6. What about clans? That has nothing to do with clans.


    A new player starts getting points by helping his nation (selling goods to nation players, OW solo pvp, OW group pvp, PBs). All these things (maybe more in future) generates points.

    As more points you have as more votes you can do. Help your Nation, act as a RvR-teamplayer and you can vote.


    BUT why the hell players who have noting to do else fishing, collecing bottles or doing pve all the day shall have a right to vote a RvR thing?


    In additon: this is a good motivation to play as a real national.

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