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John Cavanaugh

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Posts posted by John Cavanaugh

  1. 4 hours ago, Baptiste Gallouédec said:

    long cannon damages outside carronade range will be outrepaired 


    This is more true now than during the last damage model, but as always the key when playing a long fitted kiting ship is to split damage. If they rep sails focus hull, if they rep hull focus masts. The ability to deal nearly full structure damage through bow and stern is a boon to long guns though. If anything should be tweaked on the damage model, it is problem of not being able to reduce the last bar of structure through raking. There have been times I’ve been sat on the stern of a larger ship, and simply been unable to finish the fight due to that problem

  2. 2 minutes ago, Henry Durnin said:

    I cannot agree 100%.

    dlc ships still require cannons and repairs.


    cannons and repairs, like Oak/Oak and Fir/Fir non-permit ships (eg aggy) can be clicked out with little to no effort. You cannot say the same for any permit requiring ship, or any ship built with woods other than oak or fir. The exorbitant costs associated with rare woods due to the clan, doubloon, and port constraint bottlenecking on that aspect of the economy has lead to those woods being completely unavailable to most players (read - anyone outside of a small handful of clans). Teak/White oak Ratt with mediums costs you what, 20k reales to gun and outfit? that Oak/Oak Aggy with mediums still cost close to double, and is drastically inferior. a Teak/White Aggy, the closest comparison to the Ratt, would cost you upwards of several million reales to produce, if you can even find someone willing to sell you the requisite woods

    20k vs X millions, cannons and repairs are a drop in the bucket.

  3. 8 hours ago, Forbin said:

    Veteran players will make money to gather ressources in order to craft first rates as soon as possible, spend time in patrols or PvE missions to get CM. Farming noobs in cutter is irrelevant.imho..

    Stop complaining about DLC, they can be bought, even by a noob.

    the problem is just how important woods are. as example - Teak/White indef vs fir/fir Christian and friends. when you can get "4th" rates in super woods, this will be the norm fighting those veterans sailing first rates made of fir and oak.

    Edit- indef wasn't even carro fit. Fir/Fir and Oak/Oak ships just melt compared to solid Teak/White/Live Oak ships.


  4. There you have it folks, Developer statement that economy is to be swept out piecemeal.

    Dont want to deal with the broken rare woods market? buy high rate DLC.

    Dont want to risk moving resources from port to port? investments! no more sailing needed.

    So trade ships will be carrying only FedEx packages, war ships will be only DLC or inferior Oak/Oak ships. Dont bother trying to commit piracy or privateering, you cant capture most enemy ships since they're imported, and if you catch a trade ship, all you get is a mission item that you could have picked up in port at no cost anyway!

    Admin, You have taken a once functional but unpolished sandbox MMO, and turned it an arcade with terrible matchmaking. An RVR game which allows people to entirely opt out of the need to fight for control of rare woods, for control of trade goods, for anything whatsoever, by virtue of being able to buy a DLC which obviates any need for them to do so, is not an RVR game. So your end game content is hollow. Piracy and privateering is pointless when you either cannot keep what you steal. and PvP? all you will have is people bashing their DLC "4th" rates together. We already have a 70 gun "4th" rate, when can we buy a 110 gun "4th" rate? that could probably sell for at least $59.99. You, Admin, have no clue what you're doing, either with a business model, or with running a sandbox MMO. You've bled us of time and money, and I'm done with it. I dont care if you once had a legitimate love and care in what you started, at this point your actions are transparent. Remember that Naval Action Legends you tried once? Go with that, it may be the only way to salvage this mess you've made.

    • Like 10
  5. 1 minute ago, toblerone said:

    Fourth rates now are just aga (which needs no permit and is a good ship), indefatigable (which is on par with aga) and inger (which is a useless ship so no one cares about the permit).

    Problem is in third rates in my opinion, that are ALL under permit.

    the problem is impeded access to woods for crafting. thickness and speed are YUGELY important, and +/- 10 cm or 1kn can determine win/loss. take an Oak/Oak frigate out against a Teak/White ship, the difference is as stark as that between Teak/White and Live/White. The stopgap woods (Sabicu, Mahogany, etc) are just as rare at present due to the rare woods system precluding would-be crafters from acquiring woods from their available ports without being within certain clans. the result is that producing any comparable ship which is not paper thin is incredibly time consuming and expensive, if you even have access to those woods in the first place.

    If DLC ships were redeemable in only Oak/Fir/Crew Space, it would reduce the problem to an extent, as producing non-permit ships in Oak or Fir, while still requiring a time investment, is negligible compared to producing those same ships in any of the good woods. I for one had no problem with Requin/Hercules under the former economy system - producing a Teak/White oak Surprise cost about 15k reales in total. a comparable ship with its costs covered by about 20 minutes of grinding or one quick trader brig run. obviously still an advantage for the DLC user, but ultimately an acceptable degree of such IMO. This is no longer the case. If quality crafted ships are to be rare, DLC ships must be comparable not to crafted ships but to AI shop ships.

    • Like 1
  6. Cost breakdown for building a Teak/White oak Trincomalee (assuming you're in one of the big clans or on their clan friend list. Using doubloon/CM prices from LT, median between Buy/Sell contract prices)

    Teak Logs - 50,000 doubloons = 1000 logs. 413 logs needed

    White Oak - 50,000 doubloons = 1000 logs (correct?) 194 logs needed

    Permit - 25 CM.

    approximately 30,000 doubloons, at La Tortue median price is between 2.5 and 3.5 million reales baseline cost.

    25 permits, roughly another 1.25 million reales.

    For the crafter to produce the ship, assuming entirely that the crafter has direct and unimpeded access to teak and white oak, the production cost exceeds 4 million reales.

    We all know that the four indiamen trading fleet is the most efficient way of producing reales, so as an example, George Town to Flatts, assuming 160 textile machinery in hold. approximately 8,000 reales profit per item after tax, ~1.3 million reales profit for a dangerous trip that will take about 3 - 4 hours for the round trip. That means that our crafter needs to spend roughly 12 hours in game to generate the money necessary to procure the woods and permit, if he has direct unimpeded access to them in the first place. For those who do not, I would refer you to try to buy teak, or even sabicu, on the open market. it is for sale by contract in no free port, and to my knowledge no nation's capitol, because of its exorbitant cost.

    Conversely, I can put in an hour of overtime tomorrow, buy a Rattvisan and click it out daily, murder my way through a sea of Oak/Oak belle poules, and shitpost in Global about plebs who cant afford to pay to win carebears who sail trading ships in a game about boats.

    • Like 11
  7. 14 minutes ago, Tiedemann said:

    Any plans to lower the amount of ships that needs permits for crafting and/or make the rare woods a bit more accessible?

    This is as I see it the #1 problem with the DLCs. It is incredibly expensive to produce even a Teak white Trincomalee under this system. 50k+ doubloons for the woods alone if you are even able to access them from the few ports available. Market cost in totality approaching 3 million reales IF you can find it. Even Sabicu is fetching 950 reales and higher per log in market. The alternative is to farm Ai traders for days to get the woods necessary. Compared to daily access in DLC. This is undeniable pay to win when 5ths and 4ths are concerned. It is flawed, and must be addressed. If rare woods are to remain in this system, they must be removed from the options for the dlc. 

    • Like 1
  8. 1 minute ago, kevdreck said:

    Only ones i hear crying are vets with their untouchable clans and in fear of coming in a bigger lake where they will not be the biggest fishes anymore.

    I'm pissed off about being mislead by developers, intentional or otherwise. About a game i've spent years in being released in an unfinished state that will probably leave it stillborn.
    t. - solo freeporter who hello kittys about in a privateer all day.

    • Like 1
  9. Just now, admin said:

    But you forgot that rank is easy to get. And crafting level and blueprints is no longer RNG as it was when this promise was made. In pvp you can get top rank maybe in a week or two.

    In regards to leveling up through pvp, sure. if you're quite competent, can get fights quickly, and can (here's the big one) afford the costs that come with outfitting new ships quite frequently. I spend a lot of time in the Help chat, one of the big questions new players ask frequently is how to find a fight. most people dont count among this getting farmed by experienced players. pvp is expensive until you learn how to escape fights you cant win, new players can rarely afford that. make low-reward missions easily obtainable (1 or 2 stars, single ship of equal rate or 2 ships of lower rate) to offset the lack of enemy AI around starter ports - when new players go out to find a fight, they want to get their toes wet before diving in head first. it's that initial hurdle that annoys many.

    • Like 1
  10. 3 hours ago, HachiRoku said:

    Not one of the people said OMG look how cool this trade route is. 

    I did. Smuggling coal from Pitts Town to KPR, losing trader snows to Pagan Pete or Xemco, hiding behind baracoa waiting for someone to say in nation that they were attacked and using that as a chance to sprint to safety. It was a lot of fun in those early days - trade routes were entirely player driven. The key problem with that specifically is production buildings and trade goods that have no value other than minting money from the AI. 

    Delivery missions might provide something like this, though unlikely. The subject of trade has no easy answer. In so far as providing a baseline for content - location dependent missions. What if 10k north of Atwood there was always a mission available which allowed up to 6 5th rates to join, and contained 2 3rd rates, 4 5th rates, and an Indiaman which had a 30% chance of dropping Instructions aux, or something of similar value. Rather than having players scattered around the map farming Ai fleets for drops, they would congregate around specific locations to fight loosely scripted events for a good chance at a book or module they want. Content for casual or pve players, fighting the mission. Content for pvp players, intercepting groups headed to those locations. Reduction in rarity of rare books combats inflation, and provides Reasonable access for casual or new players. 

    • Like 1
  11. 52 minutes ago, Palatinose said:

    Imo mid sections should be the target of demasting. If their values were changed proportionally to the new DM that would be okay. Lower sections needed a buff for sure. As Hachi said kiting and spraying into masts should not be a thing.

    Increasing gun dispersion as elevation increases would also help with that, or 75 - 100m center mast sniping will still be very viable if as Admin says those hp and thickness values are reduced. More difficult to make a ship dead in the water, but still crippling. 

  12. Just now, z4ys said:

    Trinc vs trinc both carros 320 crew to 145 crew in 4-5 broadsides enough crew dmg?

    I should be more specific. In your instance of the video provided, both ships were at that point on the verge of sinking. This is why I say an adjustment to thickness and structural HP. Things are under the current state of the patch far too heavily weighted in the one direction, but once brought back under consideration a portion of the increase to crew damage should remain. Please also refer to the points at which crew casualties were suffered Most severely - the rake, and when armor already was broken. We should be wary of grape becoming obsolete, but these specific hot spots of crew damage are good, if in need of tuning. 

  13. I’m yugely relieved to see the Devs explicitly working with regard to the “mental model,” Frictional would be proud. A massive broadside weight should indeed devastate smaller vessels, however I do agree with @Teutonic above. An increase to thickness of ships in general, a general increase to structural HP, and an increase to crew casualties from splinter damage. A ship sinking from gun fire should be not quite so quick, but in place of that a ship’s crew should be have its morale broken by the great casualties inflicted by such overwhelming firepower. A general increase to crew damage from splinters while making sinking a bit slower might (possibly) address an issue often raised by @Licinio Chiavari regarding the fact that boarding actions are far less viable between equally weighted vessels, as raking is less of an option than with smaller ships. 

  14. On 1/25/2019 at 4:17 AM, Zlatkowar said:

    Is that a Naval Action boys band name?

    Should have been 15, typo. 

    Point is that Requin’s only advantage over prince or privateer is crew number, but that’s an advantage that is insurmountable for the majority of players because so few run with any precautions against boarding or for boarding smaller ships. People put all their eggs in one basket.

    • Like 1
  15. The changes to the in - battle compass are sometimes confusing, due to the more curved yard icons. when manual sailing it is sometimes difficult to determine from the compass when a yard is positioned correctly due to the overlap of the yards and more rounded shape.
    The icons for Repair, Sailing, Gunnery, etc. I did not find confusing due to familiarity with/expectations of what should be where, but a new player may have difficulty with this. perhaps a hammer icon instead of a nail for repair, a ships wheel instead of a canvas sheet for sailing, a cannon icon similar to that used for mediums of the pood edinorogs for gunnery. the grappling hook icon for boarding is excellent IMO.

  16. 6 hours ago, Christendom said:

    Does anyone still actually need Victory marks?  What a useless mechanic.  



    This is a facile argument. They are no longer convertible from doubloons, and the abundance of them in player possession is due to previous ease of access. Still there are players, myself as example, who have none. One might as well argue that there is no longer a need for white oak or Teak, on the basis that some people have enormous stockpiles. Economy tuning is always slow to have a noticeable effect outside of predictions.

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  17. What if, for the sake of argument, and this is probably not the best part of the forum but it is on topic to subject at hand, a group of SOL and one privateer with 12lb caronade tagged an AI fleet. The SOLs were tasked with boarding the SOLs while the privateer dealt hull damage. The privateer would in most instances get the kill at minimal risk. An exploit yes but not outside of the rules such as they exist

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