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John Cavanaugh

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Posts posted by John Cavanaugh

  1. 1 hour ago, Wyy said:

    what build, upgrades and ship knowledge's did you test with?

    Also if just the trinc cant get turned into wind by the requin, the requin can still kill the trinc by side hugging and since the trinc cannons are so far above the waterline it wouldnt be able to shoot down at the requin

    This is true of many shallow water ships. LRQ, Prince, Niagara, Privateer, etc. pictures related. The option has always been to 1) create distance at a point of sail that your enemy cant easily follow on so that you can kite while shooting masts and sails. rarely works. 2) reverse sails and depower, reverse ship and slip them off of you. often works when being hugged by ships of a similar weight, rarely works on ships that are significantly faster and more maneuverable. 3) stop ship and prep boarding to either defeat a smaller more lightly crewed ship through boarding, or force it to disengage from your hull.

    1) doesnt work with Requin, prince, or niagara as all can keep up on nearly any point of sail against nearly any ship

    2) doesnt work with requin or niagara as both have sails easily configured to reversing course, rarely works on prince, if and only if the ship in question has little enough mass to quickly stop itself.
    3) works for most ships against Prince and niagara due to crew count, unless the ship has been raked down. in screenshot below of fight vs Consti, he succeeded in boarding me near the end of the fight, but I was able to disengage because he was already severely de crewed. still, even boarding fit I very nearly lost due to his large crew. This approach does not work against LRQ due to its crew numbers.

    IMHO the best approach would be to reduce LRQ's crew to around 170. It already has a severely vulnerable hull and masts. protect your stern from raking, go to battle sails, and a requin will have a very difficult time with you. Also, someone complaining that they lost a boarding when they had no boarding mods is a bit like complaining that you lost a shooting battle with a fir/fir ship and no repair/reload mods. A good build answers many questions, and Marines 5 or Barricades will answer many problems.




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  2. 27 minutes ago, Capn Rocko said:

    The general opinion from players is there should be no reinforcement zones and no capital for pirates.

    8 minutes ago, Capn Rocko said:

    I did not mean the opinion of "all players". I meant the general opinion of those who are suggesting that outlaw battles should return.

    Vague appeal to authority, then moving of goal posts. This is your opinion, do not deflect by claiming to be the mouthpiece of the greater community.



    Is this the sort of poster you're talking about?

    By which I mean the sort who harassed new players until they quit the game, bragged of doing so, and demanded that other players conform to his own vision of what their gameplay should resemble?

  3. 9 minutes ago, Capn Rocko said:

    The general opinion from players is there should be no reinforcement zones and no capital for pirates. This does 2 things: takes away all feelings of safety (because outlaws are never safe) and (more importantly) distributes the pirate population across the game map, instead of focusing everyone in one place. 

    Pirates should not be a starting faction that new players join to learn the game imo. You should have to perform an action in game to turn into a pirate (it could be as easy as sailing to a pirate port and clicking "leave current nation and join pirates"). There are 10 other nations in the game that are better suited for new players. After all, most pirates in real life began their careers as privateers for their home nation. 

    1) Action to turn into pirate existed at beginning of OW. It failed spectacularly and was removed, as many new players became confused as to how they had become pirate, and how to leave pirates. Without a clearly defined set of parameters, and a way to return to your initial country, this idea is simply doomed from its conception.

    2) Whether or not a faction is best suited to new players is utterly irrelevant. A new player is able, and has always been able, to select pirates at character creation. For many this has worked out fine, for others not so much. But it is the choice of the player. as @Angus MacDuff has said, many simply wish to fly the black, and many of these are new players. You have no right to impose upon them your own mental model of what the game should be.

  4. I remember when NSANE made dedicated attempts to drive all pirates they considered care bears out of the faction, bragged of this in nation chat, and ganked noobs until they quit. I remember dumping their discord chat logs into global for all to see. This mechanic was used to farm new players, and to harass those not well liked enough, or without clans to support them. As enjoyable as outlaw mechanics are, and as fun as clan wars was in pirate nation, protections must exist for the new player and the casual gamer. Disabling outlaw tags within the reinforcement zone and for especially low ranked players would essentially fix this IMO

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  5. 2 hours ago, Cornelius Trash said:


    We are not talking about "I died, well, I will respawn soon" gameplay. Getting a PVP ready ship is an investment of time. Grind mission for cash, buy ship, put on upgrade, go pvp. Sink. grind mission for cash, buy ship, less good upgrades because you lost them, sink. And that circle can spiral to a point where you stop playing if you force it. OW PVP is NOt the end all of this game. It is having fun. And forcing people to have your fun when that isn't their fun causes people to stop playing.

    Firstly, if you are unwilling to fight without some perfect build ship, that's your problem, not the rest of the server's. Plenty of people have pointed this out already, and when I used to craft ships for sale in the old days of crafting notes I had dedicated customers who exclusively ordered purple ships rather than gold, because an extra slot meant less to them than having a moderately good ship they can sink for cheap.

    second you say "forcing people to have your fun when it isn't their fun causes people to stop playing." Obviously we don't need reinforcements, but rather a "do you consent to this battle Yes/No" screen every time someone tags.


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  6. 2 hours ago, Malachy said:

    "Blah blah blah I can't find a single argument refuting you so I'll go with the dumbass majority who can't sail their way out of a wet paper bag" -slim 

    Problem with was a is two things mostly - PB meta and pvp demasting meta. On the first - the superior cannon weight allows for penetration at greater range compared to aggy, and with current damage model the DPM philosophy of lighter guns only really work on mid weight ships - not so useful vs thickness build PB ship. On the second, the 32s and second deck of 24s gives much better demasting capable from longer range, basically force multiplier on already strong tactic. Can Connie out sail was a? At some points of wind. Was a still out tacks through wind do to weird physics model on the ship. Can skill Connie pilot kill was a easily? Yes. But I say this - i duel Hachi, his Connie vs my was a. Did with full guns, did with only 24s on main 12s on middle empty top deck. Hachi is much better pilot than me, but I won 3 duels and lost 0, because of Wasa better sailing even when missing masts,

  7. 4 hours ago, sveno said:

    Ahoy Community

    Imagine your port(s) get flipped, you organize a PB fleet, 25 guys drive around ships and nobody shows up.
    That is demotivating, hurts your community and in the end the game.

    In this thread, i want to discuss what mechanic could set a stop to people who are thinking this is a proper style of war or to circumvent the difficulty level of PvE. u wot m8?
    Please leave any political discussion out of this thread, we want to only discuss mechanics here.

    So, my proposition is as follows:

    To be able to flip a port you need an "Admirality Permit" (or whatever name), to obtain that item you need to raise and pay a depot.
    That depot could be as high as 10MM or 1k combat marks, one guy has to get that permit to unlock a port to be able to do hostility there.
    - If the hostility is not flipped within 24h, the depot payer get his depot back.
    - If 5+ guys are in the portbattle and do damage, the depot payer get his depot back, whatever the outcome of the battle is.
    - If 5+ guys are sunk in the PB region 0-30 minutes before the portbattle, the depot payer get his depot back. 
    - But if the portbattle is set, less then 5 players are in the PB and do no damage, the depot is lost. e.g. any time someone flips a neutral port. if you need 5 people to flip an AI port something is severely wrong there.

    That would set a stop to empty PB trolling known to others as a diversion and missusing the RvR system to do easy as pie PvE. if someone wants to go grind hostility missions on a foreign port, knowing that the battle stays open for the full 1.5 hours, and that foreign clans will in all likelihood scramble to intercept them, more power to them. it baits pvp and thus creates content.

    What do you guys think? The amounts are just my numberthrowing. Do you have other/better ideas?

    Lets discuss. o7

    RVR and war in general isn't a mere contest of skill, in which the two sides meet twice weekly and settle their differences with fisticuffs. it's a slog in which the ultimate determining factor is a contest of will. Will you continue to log in and fight, or will you not. When we were still british, ROYAL and SINK, among other clans, sat Port Morant 3 hours a day, every day of the week, for a month when it had a flag pulled on it every day, waiting for an attack that wasn't simply a probe to test our readiness. That's RVR. That's war. Empty port battles are the majority of port battles. want great fleet action? sail a fleet into an enemy's capitol region - some of the best fights i've been in or seen recorded came about simply because someone decided to sail 20-odd ships into KPR, or La Habana. want RVR? be prepared to slog it out for a few months and chase your enemy port by port like we did in the broken baguette campaign. cutting out the option for diversionary attacks, especially as they are already limited by hostility grinding and the lack of warbombing, is simply counter-intuitive.

  8. 1) reducing calibers on gun decks would be a significant nerf, but not the one that is needed. More importantly, and on a tangent, why is Wasa more heavily armed than the basic 3rd rate? #buff3rd

    2) the real issue is it's sailing. It tacks far to well, it's too fast for what it is, it turns to well, and the physics are just borked to hell (I've tacked through the wind missing the top 1/3rd of my main mast and all but bottom 1/3rd of foremast without dropping below 3.5kn) 

    if the wasa lost a kn off its base speed and had a sailing profile more akin to the L'Ocean than the Pfrig, and if its borked tacking was fixed, it would be able to fill the role of super heavy 4th rate, rather than being a bellona with several jet engines strapped to the weather deck

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  9. 13 minutes ago, sveno said:

    So you are not enjoying portbattles or how should we read/understand that?
    We had a lot of fun, especially because it was a hard fight.

    To the Information you got from me:
    Weeks ago we helped you to defend Nassau against the Spainiards, after that we two arranged a OW battle.
    There i told you we had no immidiate plans to attack you. That it grew into a NAP in your head is your fantasy going wild.
    Meanwhile, a very prominent Danish and three major British RvR clans joined the Pirates, making you guys the logical target of Sweden.

    If only a small part of the NA community would get their act togheter, Sweden wouldn't stand a chance.
    We barely could have two fleets going and are also only cooking with water.

    1) there is no united pirate nation. Those British clans have already started a thread in which they point out that they are for hire. PLANB, LEGO, etc are not allied with them.

    2) this in no way negates previous talks and your promises. 

    3) I will leave the subject of RDNN/LEGO to them to address

    4) you state here that you view us as the logical choice of conquest, in the face of your own statement immediately prior to the port battle that you had no intention of invasion and would return the port to neutrality. By your own words, this is a lie. 

    We will never again hear your words, receive your diplomats, or treat with you in good faith. Your promises and treaties are invariably lies. 

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  10. Birth of actual fleet composition doctrines as opposed to spamming 23-25 of the same ship brings a tear to my eye. When SLRN was building the first pavels and victories, seeing those mixed fleets fight was far more interesting than the monofleets of today. Think it will mesh very nicely with zone control as well - frigates and mid rate ships grabbing points, and the handful of SOLs being deployed where they can be most effective will bring a much looser style of fleet action

    Makes me happy that we're going in reverse order of EVE- instead of starting with interesting fleets and devolving into tengu only fleets and 1 man bomber wings[BORING], we're starting with single ship doctrine and making our way to something beautiful. Gives me hope for the game, rvr has been a boring slog for a long time, this might make it fun again

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  11. 16 minutes ago, rediii said:

    Yea so 1st rate pbs are possible, 4ths are not

    And with the new pb system ofc no pb is possible as soon as na has a decent enough playerbase

    It works for now, but with the port system seemingly phasing towards a more economically motivated one - we may need a dominion-sov style approach to port ownership less based on directly conquering a port and more on usage/clan development 

  12. 2 minutes ago, rediii said:


    Morgans bluff is the current swedish rvr flert port in the bahama campaign

    HRE's diplomats have told us repeatedly that you have no intention of taking and holding what is the core of pirate territory in the southern bahamas, Spain has fully withdrawn, and George's town has not been flipped neutral despite assurances made by Sveno that it was not a matter of conquest- simply a bit of fun. 

    We have DM'd your diplomats, and would appreciate a reply.

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  13. 2 minutes ago, Genma Saotome said:

    Europe maps have been debated before.  IMO one map for Europe is waaaay too large and when you consider that where its land and water are located is the inverse of the Caribbean you'll understand the problem: You cannot sail thru the center of the map... there is no as the crow flies journey.  Everything in a Europe map is done around the outer edges.  Talk about a grind!!

    IMO one map for the Med would be perfect: not as tall but about twice the width so the sailing area is about the same as NA.

    Let the Barbary wars commence!

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  14. Precisely - and with current fleet tactic of blobbing - sterns are protected and are (marginally) less vulnerable to mortars, sailing and maneuvering is largely limited to splinters that rush capture points. If we want variety in fleet composition you have to eliminate the ability to spam 24 1sts. Their role was as lynchpin of fleet- like Posts in rugby, not the entirety of the fleet. QM failed to limit their use, just neutered people who couldn't get them. It needs direct addressing e.g. Fleet br cap. If that were the case you could conceive of using other ships, but as it is - bring 10 1sts and 10 bellonas and unless the wind hands you victory on a plate you will lose. 


    Cap BR to 10k in lineship battles and you'll see people bring a mix of rates as well as L'oceans load lighter guns to DPS down the smaller ships. 

  15. 9 minutes ago, Batman said:

    I already said in the past I would rather have the 42's removed - as all navies got rid of them over time. Heavy on gunpowder, heavy on weight, heavy on crew. On HMS Victory Website you can actually read that she was first equipped with 42pd guns but they were removed for given reasons. Give 36pd guns to 1st and 2nd rates, hell maybe even only 32's as well so 3rd rate ships can be a logical choice in port battle and don't get reload shocked every broadside they receive from a bigger ship.

    3rd rates will never be a logical choice in a port battle so long as we have no incentive to mix fleet construction. You can argue maneuverability, but we can all see from streamed port battles that people who want the turning and speed will still just build 1sts, but with lighter woods. In order to see fleets with diverse and realistic compositions a BR cap/limit to number of each rate of ship for PB, and ideally OW battles as well, as suggested frequently in the past, is the only way to do that. Even with immediate post wipe QM limitations the rush was immediately on for the old mono fleet- nothing competes in this model

  16. 22 hours ago, HachiRoku said:

    do people buy a game like this to trade? I bought it for naval action and not the time sink it has been for a while now. 

    Actually I bought this game in the first place because it popped up as relevant to Port Royal 3... don't get me wrong, I didn't put in several thousand hours for love of trading with the Ai, the RVR and pvp held interest, but theres no reason not to flesh out a side of the game that is currently barren

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