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John Cavanaugh

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Posts posted by John Cavanaugh

  1. 1 hour ago, z4ys said:

    That happens when community votes for late launch date ships / best of their class. You end up with ships that outperform the early ones.

    Implacable is better but hidden behind a rare permit keeping.


    Noblesse oblige. Those with the final say have necessarily a duty to see beyond the short term wishes of those who, by their nature, cannot or will not see the full cost of what they want. The demands of a small but vocal minority, e.g. forum posters like yourself, should not be ascribed the blame for actions taken by the developers. The decision was not yours. The exact knowledge of which ship would outperform the other was not yours. 

  2. 11 hours ago, AeRoTR said:

    Not only Snow, but also other magical ships like Le Requin, have these acceleration related anomalies. Same happens to bigger ships, with Elite Spanish. So it is a wider range problem which needs correction.

    Demasting has always been meta. The horizontal accuracy of single shot is way too high. 

    Demasting is a necessary evil at the moment, due in a large part to the sailing model. 

    Snow or other such small ship riding the stern of a larger ship, able to regain lost speed at a moment’s notice and thus maintain relative positioning despite turning into the eye of the wind repeatedly? Unless they let you board them or hand you the battle in some other way, dismasting is frequently the only answer left. Making sternway can shake some ships, but any good snow captain has dealt with that trick before. 

    And most people don’t understand how demasting works anyway. Plenty of people can aim, but most don’t fully grasp, or seem to, the full impact of range on penetration, nor just how hard you can make your own masts to hit if you fall back to the boom and zoom tactics of ancient 2016. 

    Fix sailing and demasting will become both more difficult and less necessary.

    • Like 1
  3. 4 hours ago, Gregory Rainsborough said:

    Aye, I've made no secret that I'm writing from the Dutch perspective for a Dutch audience :)

    Still less biased than Jeheil’s pro-SLRN circle jerk. 

  4. 11 hours ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

    Again full time job, what is that 3-4 hour sail there and back?   Also I can't find anything that makes profit like that in Dutch lands that won't send me to the gulf or US Coast line so your going have to travel through a lot of dangerous waters when your going to island that is probly hardly used during your time of play.

    Less a full time job and more turning Navsl action into an idle game for an evening or two. Place some coins on W and walk away. 

  5. 2 hours ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

    See this was my point.  I all read have a full time job so can’t be on 24/7 to get all them good deals.  So we are left with the scrapping of the barrel and not making millions a run like those with no real lives.

    I do two runs a week up to st George Town and back. If I was lucky with buying goods it’s 5kk round trip. If it’s just medicinal or coconut fibers about 3kk

    but those coconut fibers are almost always available. 

    By good money I mean the 90 million a trip @Redman29 does

  6. 10 hours ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

    Only if your on early and buy up all the good items to trade.  I noticed hardly anything is left in shops when I get home from work and online. I have a few items i can pick up but it's scrapping the barrel.  The guys making the millions are prob on all the time or getting the good items when they drop before very one else is.  

    It’s random. If you’re at sea all the time you’ll miss a lot of drops. Trading, due to lack of contract buy(good and bad, at least it allows the little guy to theoretically snipe the good stuff) requires you to estimate when things will drop, and spend thousands of doubloons a week hopping around checking. Making GOOD money through trading is a full time job. 

    Unless you’re in Sweden/Denmark

    the region system and smaller pop numbers makes it easier to turn those massive profit numbers.

  7. On 1/3/2020 at 7:22 PM, erelkivtuadrater said:

    I KNOW! Im not disagreeing with anything you say, but they have used 2 words on it ingame. If you hover over your ship in port it says "Rank X" ship, ofc i know it might aswell say Rate, i also agree that it should be downranked so it gest the 4th-5th rate buffs.

    All the problems with this is because we have mixed ships from such a long timeline. We have the oldest lineship Ingermanland from 1715, then we have heavy frigates like the trincomalee that launched in !1817! over 100 years in difference. Thats why they are struggling to place the ships and balance correctly, because alot changed in building designs of the ships during that time aswell as armament. But the rating system in the RN never changed, it just got new descriptions all the time. Hence why we have the carronade meta because the carronades we have ingame was invented in the 1770's (https://www.rmg.co.uk/discover/explore/what-was-carronade)

    "Pepys's original classification was updated by further definitions in 1714, 1721, 1760, 1782, 1801 and 1817 (the last being the most severe, as it provided for including in the count of guns the carronades that had previously been excluded)."


    I think they could MUCH easier for the devs to justify the stats on the USS frigates and the older lineships if they didnt go by rate, but by what type of ship it actually is. I also believe they should even reduce the lineships sailing profiles upwind while also increasing the HP, because as you say and i've said in earlier posts that they were made for line of battle, but not the Constitution (it has ~4k more hp then Agamemnon, AN ACTUAL LINESHIP that fought in the Napoleonic War) and I think it should keep the thickness because thats what she was famous for.


    But do you honestly believe that this would be so hard to understand? //ofcourse more detailed description if people wonder

    • A schooner is a fore aft ship with 2 or more masts.
    • A Brig is just a square rigged ship with 2 masts.

    All these descriptions are expected to be found somewhere, the tutorial in the game or the tips or whatever even the community wiki page would be perfect places to find them.



    • My only concern would be to classify each ship again for the devs (development time and programming concerning upgrades, books etc).


    • Would be much easier later on to justify the stats on a ship, and place it properly.
    • Creates less confusion of what is a 4th rate ingame vs 3rd rate ingame when one ship is remembered to crush frigates vs fighting big battles.
    • Much better immersion imo


    Its just an example since not all ships are added.



    Even here beloved Cherubim/Frigate is forgotten


    • Like 2
  8. One might argue that the kiting tactics are appropriate to the situation for the british in this fight, but i think it is important to note that at no point did the two british attempt to press their advantage in any way, no attempt to actually sink the Herc was ever made other than VERY sporadic shots being put at the bow or stern from about 200 meters, and despite having pressed these tactics for an hour without success, they chose to continue to pursue these tactics to the very end.
    Perhaps they are simply insane and believed that if they continued to do the same thing, something new would happen.
    More likely I think that they are intelligent enough to realize after an hour of battle that their tactic would not win the battle for them, and chose to continue in that fashion regardless. The almost complete absense of hull or structural damage to the herc is sound evidence of that. Some in this thread have blamed Despe for failing to kill them, for failing to bring "correct" armament, and for failing to make "correct" shots. I think anyone speaking honestly can recognize that his actions are not on trial here. His "failings" are in the eyes of these posters are in the choice of guns and in making mistakes in combat. On trial here are people who actively and continuously pursued a tactic which they must assuredly have, at some point, realized was futile, if indeed they ever had the goal of sinking Despe. I refer to the almost complete lack of hull damage suffered by the Herc at any point in the fight. A strange way to sink someone that. "But they wished to cripple the ship before they pressed in!" I hear you protest. If after 45 minutes of shooting sail and masts from 300-500 meters you have not claimed a mast, and do not adjust your tactic i think you do not even care if you succeed, if when your enemy is reduced to ~65% sail by ball shot and chain you do not even then press your advantage, I think it is plain that you Never intended to do so.

    • Like 2
  9. Mechanicaly this change will probably have little effect on actual gameplay. Mechanicaly there is little difference in a surprise with 65cm thickness or 68, in battle .2kn might save you from a gank or help you stay with a damaged ship that needs to be focused down, but won’t itself win the battle.  The reality of the situation doesn’t matter, only the perception of it. 

    To quote Frictional Games dev blog;

    The reality that we sense in front of us is a fiction created by our brains. A host of modules process information in various ways and the end result is a mental model of the outside world. Knowing how this works is crucial to game development as the shape of these mental simulations has a huge effect on how a game feels and plays.”

    Many of us have encountered players who believe in the boogeyman of meta superships. As an anecdote, I joined a small pirate clan for a brief stint about 3 months ago. In battle, this clan sailing a Vic, third rate, and two supporting trincs, the lineships both captured from AI, ran from a single player in a Ratvisaan, voicing on Discord the certainty that they could not possibly win the fight, that the “meta player” couldn’t be killed without meta ships. We all here I should hope know that with good gameplay they could have defeated the player Ratv and covered damaged ships. Instead they sent a lone frigate to cover their escape. 

    Another anecdote but one I hope more players will have encountered, in earlier iterations of this game 2016/2017 we had Actual meta ships, like pump stacked fourth rated that took half an hour to sink after their sides were completely gone. Yet on the whole people still chose to fight, not because of the reality of the odds of success, but because people had the perception that the fight was largely down to player skill and the actual hull and rate of the ships involved.

    we are straying dangerously into territory where new players are bombarded in help chat and in nation with recipes for ships, the correct wood choices and what mods they need, and people complain that a “pvp ship” is prohibitively expensive, such that a casual player could not possibly compete. The reality doesn’t matter, only the perception of those players. 

    I had a fun fight yesterday. Among the other participants were myself in a Fir/fir belle poule, against Drakonis in a Cagurian constitution. I made the false assumption based on his thickness and maneuverability that he must be in a nice ship, when in reality it was a usable ship handled nicely.

    it is not the older players who know better who fear pvp in anything less than a meta ship, it is the new players who believe that every enemy they spot cannot be anything else. But we are reaching a point where that misconception is harder to argue against, and that player perception is harder to shift. It has to be done on the developmental level.

    • Like 2
  10. 23 minutes ago, Ferdinand de LaSalle said:

    Dear DEV´s,

    i can´t believe , what you done with the last game change: Aggressive ai fleets attacking now all ships !!!!!!!!!!! of other nations in the central area around capitals.

    Sorry that make really no sense to attack all foreign ships. Why:

    1. There are alliances between friendly nations

    2. There are only traders, who want to trade in foreign ports. Now they will be attacked by a fleet of ai-fighting ships.


    You revitalise the trade part weeks ago, now you kill this progress, because no normal trader can reach ports nearby  a foreign capital anymore.

    As i bet you weeks ago, to strengthen the defence around capitals, i meant not to kill all ships which entered the area with another flag.

    This defense only should prevent attacks from aggresive raiders, which enter the are in battle groups, but not single and peaceful traders.

    So pls correct immediatly this totally wrong way and focus the defence to warships.


    Thank you


    Ferdinand de La Salle

    I like this idea! Let me raid with Indiamen and Lgv :D

    • Like 2
  11. 14 hours ago, erelkivtuadrater said:

    I cant relate to that.

    The pirates that are at baracoa and MT are only new players so why even hunt those? better to go after the one on the northern side of cuba coast. Brits you can hunt in belize area and south side of cuba. Russians are doing ALOT of trading from nouvelle orleans and vera cruz, i know a guy that actually use el rancho often and gets to kill russians often. Swedes are at the french boarder and around san juan, danes are mostly around san juan.

    But honestly if you need to go to the capital area to hunt players, you are most likely after easy kills because you know that the new players would attack you without knowing better.

    Pitts to Baracoa, MT to Baracoa, and Grand Turk to Baracoa are heavily used trade routes due to the region system of trading, not just new players in that area but the majority of pirates. Baracoa is also the primary crafting port alongside Nuevitas. If you wish to hunt for Indiamen this is a prime place for it. 

    Islamorada and key west are used as grinding ports by Russians. 

    San Juan is a destination port for many USA players hauling Cuirass. 

    Would it be preferable to your sensibilities that someone should hunt British noobs at Trinidad? To assume that new players are in one place and none other is fallacious. Decline attacking navy brigs and surprises just outside capitol zone certainly, but these are high traffic areas used by not exclusively players with only a few hours. 

    • Like 2
  12. On 12/11/2019 at 6:50 AM, erelkivtuadrater said:

    why are you even seeking for pvp near the capital?

    In some cases it is difficult to find players of a particular nation without dealing with these fleets.

    Pirates are a good example. Hunt at Baracoa, there are fleets. Hunt the route between Pitts and Baracoa, used by many as a trade route, there are fleets. 

    Russians are another. Hunt near islamorada or key west and encounter Spanish privateer fleets. 

    Danish/Swedish another, hunt around San Juan and you may encounter fleets. 

    The opperational range of these fleets is such that they engage targets well outside of the capitol county, and lone vessels less than 14kn, or subject to an unlucky tag, are dead in seconds

    • Like 1
  13. On 11/14/2019 at 4:15 PM, Henry Long Castle said:

    Why are you in a line ship alone with no escorts?

    Consider the following- 

    Bellona, Inger, Aggy, 3rd rate, and especially the Wasa have the firepower, armor, and maneuverability to engage multiple smaller ships and win on the proviso that they can remain moving and deny the stern to the most severe raking, and on the proviso that they can cripple the enemies’ ability to repeatedly disengage and repair. Some speed fitted and/or Elite Spanish rigged 3rd and heavy 4th rated ships are faster than some 5th rates while bringing much more boom. 

    If you question this from an historical point, well my friend, you play the game you have. Playing the game that exists only in your mind ends in calling people “Meta-boy” -q.Hethwill- while engaging much heavier ships from the edge of your long 6lb range. 

  14. Hypothetical scenario. You are in bellona. Two trincomalee tag you. You sail close hauled and reverse to deny your stern, but one trinc gets a good rake and a crew shock. The other rushes and boards your side. You are dead quickly as continued takes make the boarding one sided. Compare to now, you have a much better chance to recover from that one miss timed reverse. Is this good change or will it only promote more the ganking and bring back the days of rage boarding?

    • Like 3
  15. 33 minutes ago, cursed monkey said:

    You should not go solo hunt in a teak/white oak Endymion, period. Simply because you are way to slow. Soon as a gank group is formed you are screwed. Teak/White oak is for group battles or pve. Or 1 v 1 battles where no risc of involvement from others. (Solo patrol zone etc).

    You should not go solo hunt in fir/fir either because you are simply too weak to handle bigger ships. Fir/fir only a valid option if you are only interesting in attacking trade ships or other smaller ships. (Unless you are very skilled and opponent is not, then of course fir/fir can beat any wood).

    So my advise... (if you are not willing to risc bringing purple/gold teak/teak very fast ship with all the best speed upgrades etc) 

    ... is to go in a ship that you don't care about loosing.

    Fir/fir is fine. Especially for fighting things larger than yourself. Fir/fir snow and BP are lovely. Lrn2sterncamp

  16. 8 hours ago, Intrepido said:

    I remember upgrades costing me several times the price of my ship.


    Dont think the word functional is the most appropiate one.

    It is a thriving market then. Many people compete to purchase the necessary resources, and are then able to sell a completed product at a profit. Large amounts of reals leave the market in player - environment purchases so reducing inflation caused by money minting missions. 

    Compare to ship market, where most ships you’ll find are either sold at loss to recoup crafting costs, at exorbitant prices (see national capitals and LT) or are AI captured boats being sold at whatever price the market will bear. Where there is no resource competition whatsoever outside of buy contracts for doubloons, and little cost besides this after the start up cost. 

    Another functional market is hull repairs. Many purchase cheaply in national capitals and resell elsewhere. Purchase hull repairs in LT, so close to a capital. From average 150 reals cost to 550-650 sale price. Go to Dariena, and they are 1100+. Supply and demand. 

  17. 5 hours ago, HachiRoku said:

    How do you think inflation should be solved? As long as missions give you money there will be major inflation. Its like printing loads of money. Imo player production makes it worse because in the old system you had to return some of that gold to the ai at least. Economy is very complicated and its very likely that no one on these forums is qualified to design it. Including the devs. Games and real life have nothing in common because in real life there must be deficit were there is profit. Not everyone can get rich in real life but in game everyone can. The only way to improve the economy is to increase the gold grind. I doubt that people will welcome that. People cry that inflation is to high yet also cry when gold is to hard yo get. It's one or the other so choose. 

    Supply and demand is relatively simple. There is no scarcity for basic shipbuilding resources outside of doubloons. Upgrades are a functional market, draw from this. I remember the iron and hemp shortage in GB in early 2016, when there were no buildings for resources. Either all items must be gotten from AI in the same way as for upgrades (raise prices and sink reals out of market) or make all things tied to building resource,(drive all costs down and let more people have nice things). 

    Scarcity and fight for resources drives RVR. Universal plenty creates complacency and boredom 

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