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Black Spawn

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Everything posted by Black Spawn

  1. To be honest i am not really satisfied with that answer. 1) He already is pirate, so even if he keeps this up literally nothing will happen 2) He did this at least 2 times with proof - i would bet some folks didnt even take this route of tribunal because: So what else has a troll to do to finally feel consequences?
  2. True first time to OMW and battle take longer than a few months ago. I was just referring to the start if the client itself. usually took me around a good minute and i better not clicked anywhere or it sometimes just closed or faded to whitescreen. And my Rig really isnt that old.
  3. Cant really support that. A 2 Sec timer is utter nonsense. The countdown is there to give the attackers and defender a chance to position themselves in the best possible way according to wind and such. without it especially bigger fleets would easily be scattered. Also the advantages of sailprofile and rigging arent really that great on OWM just because it would make sailing a pain in the ass. Imo either have a decent countdown and better sailprofiles on OWM as it is or no timer and realistic profiles like in battles.
  4. Neat. Thx for the work. Definitely helpful for new players/crafters.
  5. I can only speak for me, but i think the client starts way faster than usual.
  6. Nice one and epic Photoshop-Skills. Does that technically count as a "Screenshot"?
  7. To begin with yes i know: BUT how is it fair if a single Rattlesnake is up against a butthurt French and because he is unable to sink me and has to get support from his Pirate Buddys by green on green. In said battle: Vil Coyote, DesMoines and myself. The "Bougain[..]" i was talking about in chat I encountered earlier in a cutter also RATS Tag (see chattab) - so probably a scout for Coyote or more likely an Alt. DesMoines just cripled my sails so his french buddy and the fleet could have a shot at me since i already shoot their sails down pretty good the battle before (without pirate support) as you can see in chat i thought he joined to help. Also pay attention to the chat in the last image. I indicated multiple times that it was green on green but since he couldnt join a "smugglers"-battle he decided to join my side and was convinced he was doing the right thing. Since he wont have to expect any punishment as i assume (never seen or heard that in case of green on green in general), if there is no reaction to this i am finally out of here.
  8. So since its been a week qw569 asked his question i reckon the API wont get any support for now?
  9. Congrats! Thank YOU for making those videos. Here my part, the day she left the dock:
  10. I recently updated our Clan-Page. One thing which bothers me is how can you interpret "MaxTurningSpeed" and "MaxSpeed" from the ShipTemplates. It doesent seem to be consistent with the ingame data. Thanks in advance.
  11. Thanks for the reply. But still i don't quite get it. How would one get the required parts for a lets say Bellona? As for a question of Mored you stated earlier: I dont see anything pointing from RecipeTemplate to the contained "RecipeResourceTemplate"s. Sorry for bothering again, but did i miss something?
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