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Posts posted by Jorge

  1. perfect example of you being blind when you want to be ....take a look at the title of this thread ...read the first post ..your nation declared a re commencement of hostilities .. Britain had not attacked a Spanish port for 3-4 weeks and as a sign of good faith we gave you 13 ports back ... within 24hrs of the new diplomatic patch because the dutch were busy fighting the french you decided to take little cayman ... in life there is a reaction to every action .....you took action and got a reaction ...end of ...

    you poked the wasps nest and got stung

    End of ???

    Pls, look the map...

  2. If you all want a common enemy...please...attack my ISP...3rd day with no internet....will there even be any ports left !!

    There are a few things here, personal insults, out of order. Claims of cheating...or exploiting unless backed up by evidence....out of order (IMO).

    As for the 'blitzkrieg' or to give it its proper name #SpainPainTrain (no blitzes for another 120 odd years), this was the direct result of the Brits needing to make a tactical choice.

    Spain declared war on Britain, lets not get into the shenanaghins about the 3 admiral treaty, diplomacy, insta-port attack.

    The declaration of war while the Brits were losing ground to the Danes, Swedes, Pirates in Haiti/South Cuba, while the Dutch were losing ports in Haiti and on their own East Flank, exposed the Brits to a very bad position.

    Immediately after Spain declared war, it started off by "winning" taking south cuba, misterioasa and Little Caymen. I see no sad panda posts around this period of the war.

    Spain had MORE NUMBERS than Australia in Aussie TZ. Lets be clear here, 8pm in Australia is midday in Spain. We are in the middle of Spanish holidays.

    The Brits (and their Allies) had a simple situation.

    We are being attacked (and are losing) on both the East and West flank.

    The tactic. Focus on one flank. "Break" them, then with that Flank secure/in hold mode, turn to the other flank and engage there.

    This is what the Brits did. After several consecutive nights of meeting SUPERIOR numbers in the Aussie timezone in the Yucutan, we co-ordinated with our allies and in 2 nights we broke Spain there...at the same time our 'day shift' stuck the knife into the southern belly of Cuba 'proper'.

    For Britain and her allies to win 'the war', we need to break a flank, to make that flank not be a threat anymore.

    Forget timers, forget looking for a fair fight, forget the game is in alpha and testing and things will change.

    Tactically. That is what was needed and was done.

    But dont forget, Spain successfully defended Cuyo repeatadly, indeed nearly took Xu Pha until Brits ALLIES came and helped. When we did break through we attacked with THREE fleets totaling about 42 players, split into a 'mad shallow island capping' unit of 6-8 players, a full 4th rate fleet and about 6-8 screeners...who incidentally were defeated (well stopped) by SUPERIOR numbers at Baja in AUSTRALIAN TIMEZONE (this would have been 40-50 Spanish defenders against 35-40 Brit Allied aggressors)....so lets not have all this we 'dont' have anyone on. This was like 12-4pm Spain time. There were ZERO Spanish allies present. 30% of the Brit force were Dutch/US (and thanks btw).

    The Brits have the biggest player base. It is split across US (25%), Euro (50%) and Oceanic (25%) timezones (approx)...that is our STRENGTH...when you attack us....when you declare war against us...DO NOT expect us to not use that strength. If you wan't to fight someone with a 90% Eurotimezone....protip : pick a different enemy.

    Spain is losing because it is alone and it's allies are not helping.

    The Brits are beating Spain because our allies helped us.

    "Choose your friends well and your enemies better." - Jeheil-Sun-Zoo 1803 Cuyo Sports Bar...while internet was down

    Then....where is that 25% this nights ??? Fishing ?? Maybe dancing in Jamaica ?? Taking a breath ??? Looking for empty ports to attack ?? Or maybe your Captains are tired of following your leaders ??

    Finally i must ask to chat moderators why the Spanish have to continue to endure racist and ignorante insults in the global chat by certain players of the British faction.

    • Like 3
  3. not strange ..several reasons

    1 we dont have the player base that you claim

    2 we dont need it

    3 we cant be bothered with you

    4 all the above

    take your pick


    I don't know why, but you always have the truth...????

    • Like 1
  4. Supongo que si las personas designadas para las conversaciones hacen y solo hacen lo que les han encargado no habrá que reprocharles nada en absoluto.

    Álex, eres el troll más grande que he conocido XD, pero cuando hablas en serio te sales.

    Intrépido....ya se quien eres. XD.

    Clearco, tienes razón con los timers, pero eso se acaba en menos de un mes (si estos devs no la cagan...).

    • Like 2
  5. La nacion que tenga mas jugadores y repartidos por distintas franjas horarias siempre tendra ventaja.

    A dia de hoy esa nacion es la Britanica y los Piratas. Los piratas quedaron fuera de juego hace semanas, por eso sin ellos esta campaña ha terminado como lo ha hecho.

    Se ha jugado intentando repetir la anterior campaña cuando la situacion general era radicalmente diferente. No se ha prestado atencion a quien teniamos cerca antes como aliados (piratas) y quien teniamos ahora (nadie), no se ha prestado atencion a los frentes que antes teniamos (3) y a los de ahora (5). Tampoco creo que se pensara en la posibilidad de que hicieran focus en un frente, cuando no es la primera vez (Panama francesa, Panama danesa, España y los Piratas antes justo del tratado de los Tres Almirantes...)

    Y viendo todos estos contras no se hizo mucho por potenciar la necesaria ayuda y coordinacion aliada, y tampoco por mejorar incluso entre nosotros la comunicacion.

    Tienes razón en mucho de lo que dices. Sin embargo en cuanto al tema diplomático estamos jodidos. estamos divididos en múltiples clanes al igual que hay muchos jugadores que juegan sin clan por lo que es imposible tomar una decisión política que nos guste a todos. Se intentó con el Consejo y salió rana. Si alguien habla con una facción cualquiera, que les puede ofrecer o asegurar que podemos hacer si después no es respaldado por el resto de los jugadores. La única solución es nombrar a dos o tres personas (otra vez) y que tengan el respaldo del resto de jugadores o al menos de una gran mayoría. Es muy difícil de conseguir pero si no tenemos a alguien para comunicarse con nuestros aliados y coordinar estrategias seguiremos siempre con el mismo problema.

    Además tened claro que los devs no nos van a solucionar nada y las nuevas mecánicas aún no sabemos cómo van a funcionar.

    • Like 1
  6. Well, how about some roleplay here?

    Spain has been defeated. Our king has been forced to make concessions, we were humiliated, etc.

    Treaty should be reached by which Spain will get its ports back and be forced to ally with the UK and that forced alliance should last at least a month (2 weeks, a week, no idea how much time would be good).

    That way Brits get something strategical with winning this one, Spain gets to play again, there are some welcome changes of scenery in who fights whom and this way in the future all allies in all alliances will get an incentive to help their allies or else their once allies might be forced to turn against them.

    I think big Spanish clans can get enough votes for an alliance with Britain if needed to pretend it's a forced alliance?


  7. all weekend we have been taking undefended spanish ports ..on port timers set by spanish ... if you wanted the ports you could have defended them and the port timers would have been to your liking ...so dont start with this we want to fight

    we have been taking undefended ports all weekend with 2 ships per port in the gulf of mexico ...now you come out with this we want to fight ...you had your chance ... we dont want to defend those ports again at euro times . we will be busy elsewhere ..

    you really have no choice anymore ... and the reason is you wouldnt fight ... if you want some pvp i suggest you go help your pirate friends...or your allies ...they all have port battles at times you want to fight at

    UK, USA and VP against Spain....very impressive organización but too easy. Spain cant afford a fight vs 3 or 4 big flees at the same time. Our allies are too far from our ports. You win. Then you set timers at 06:00 am...very unfair. This is a fact not a cry. We will fight, we can win or we can lose but we never surrender, but we will choose the battles not you.

    PD. August 29, 35°/45° degrees....holidays and gin tonics at night its better than NA

    • Like 3
  8. at the end , with these absurd mechanical , what you will accomplish is that only will fight against ias.

    I agree. Now all you have to do is take it to heart.

    You have accomplished the first step now since we all know: recognition of a problem is the first step for betterment

    and the problem is always the other , never yours

  9. This is the biggest pile of lies, nonesense and shit you could possibly compile in such a short message. I simply can't take you seriously anymore - it would do you go to actually put your words and all that to the test in a battle - I never see you there! I genuinely feel I should report you for this intentional collection of lies and bullshit which ruin the players forum and ingame fun and will ahve a torpedoing effect on possible future diplomacy.

    If you say a lie one thousand times It not becomes truth.

  10. Very amusing how ppl think to play on british side is the "easy mode"

    U have no clue how difficult it is to fight on several frontlines at the same time over weeks and months!

    And now u blame others... If i remember, u attacked the british at first after the treaty, dont forget that!

    Jajajajajaja jajajajajaja jajajajajaja jajajajajaja jajajajajaja jajajajajaja
  11. Esto es un disparate. Y no me cansaré de decirlo. Por escrito, en el Discord y en el TS a cualquiera que me quiera escuchar. Usad un poco la cabeza y entended que La Habana con las nuevas mecánicas puede que no llegue a ser "ideal", pero es la opción menos mala de todas las posibles.

    Por una vez estaremos en el sitio correcto, en el momento correcto. En vez de estudiar las posibilidades y prepararnos, lloriqueamos pidiendo un cambio, sobre el que ni siquiera hemos recapacitado (sólo hay que ver que todas las alternativas tienen un punto de locura).

    Por favor, seamos serios.

    Postdata: me da igual enfadarme con mi clan, con dos clanes, con tres ó con todos. Esto es un disparate.

    Yo personalmente estoy contigo.

  12. Yo eske el otro día pensando y pensando como hacerlo....llegué a más o menos una posible solución con respecto a estos temas, lo he dejado caer antes pero lo explico.

    Un gremio de jugadores único que se dedique activamente a comerciar/craftear que impongan entre ellos unos precios minimos/máximos por puerto o por facción por ejemplo. En el que se contemplen casos de guerra.


    Soy crafter de barcos, nivel 50 y actualmente gano mucho dinero vendiendo yo que se victorys.

    Entro en el foro o ts o lo ke sea del gremio y miro los precios a los que puedo poner la victory, como estamos en epoca de relativa paz, tengo más margen de beneficio y en el gremio son mas flexibles on los minimos y maximos.

    O en casos de tiempos de guerra intensa, no le puedo o no le debo sacar tanta tajada al victory, puesto que ese barco podria ser de utilidad en una batalla de puerto. Ademas el gremio estableceria una cadena de produccion entre todos para sacar barcos a la faccion de manera relativamente barata.

    No se, por soñar jeje se que es un poco terreno pantanoso porque entiendo que cada uno podria hscer lo que quiera y poner el precio que quiera evidentemente....al igual que como dice Alvar tambien los que compran pueden no comprar a precios demasiado elevados y se acabó la historia.

    Como he dicho en el post anterior esto ya funciona así en los clanes organizados.

  13. Lo que decís es cierto pero solo querría hacer una puntualización.

    Yo y muchos otros que hemos subido el crafting a lvl 50 hace mucho tiempo, no cobramos ni un duro por hacer un barco a aquel que nos trae los materiales. Por lo tanto poco lucro sacamos después de partirnos los cuernos consiguiendo materiales o, por suerte, teniendo amigos que nos ayudan a conseguirlos para llegar a lvl 50 y conseguir las BPs. Aún así es entendible que uno le ponga el precio que estime oportuno a lo que el quiera vender en la tienda. De todas formas los precios han bajado muchísimo con respecto hace dos o tres meses. Creo que todo aquel que suele estar por el TS tiene conocimiento de esto, el problema es que por desgracia mucha gente no entra por que no sabe que existe o porque pasa o no le gusta.

    Edito este post porque creo que debería de saberse que los clanes EI, CELTI, RAE, etc, tienen muy bien organizado el tema de la construcción de barcos para sus miembros. Esto es otro punto a favor para que los que no tienen clan se impliquen en uno de ellos, no solo de esos tres que nombré, lo cual será beneficioso para el jugador y a su vez a la facción española.

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