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Posts posted by Jorge

  1. Dear Mr Jeheil,

    Thank you for your informative episode 28...but you are forcing me to come here once more and declare it once more!

    We ,the Dutch nation haven't lost the alliances war ,we never lost a single war and you are really misinformed in your last episode.

    I am really curious why you claim defeat for the British and dutch nations and victory for the swedes,Danes,french,Spaniards???

    Why?We know that you are gathering information's from sources from all nations but who told you that we lost??Was it the Danes who told you that?Was it the Spaniards?Was it the French or maybe the Swedes?Where did you get your information's from?

    Did someone from the Dutch nation admitted defeat and if yes can you please name the player who did that?

    Or did you check the map and you decided that since the Dutch have 2 ports then that means that they are defeated....???We would like a clear answer on these questions.

    Do you really know what happened?Do you know why the Dutch decided to stop fighting or you just make assumptions of what actually has happened?

    I respect your job to promote and show the history in this game in a weekly basis but unfortunately i think you got it all wrong here matey,,,

    We watched your episode and let me tell you this...you really frustrated a big portion of the Dutch nation!!!

    You used words that really made our day....

    Let me inform you that we never lost morale or spirit...neither in the west or east...and on top of that you are using words like "collapse","pushed back","2 ports","leak the wounds",etc etc.

    Why are you trying to frustrate us?

    Let me correct you a little bit by writing one more time what has happened...

    We kicked their asses...this is what happened matey....We embarrassed them all 4 of them...and it wasnt even 4v2 it was 5 v 1,5 maybe not even 1.5 and i use 1.5 because the British nation except a specific number of captains who assisted us in the west the rest of the British nation was sailing outside Jamaica doing missions...and i say 5 v 1.5 because i count the 2 pirate fleets down here..

    What have they done and we lost....apart from capturing empty ports???None of them could force us to stop fighting ...we haven't stop playing because we were loosing ...

    I am going to use my beautiful capital letters now in order to emphasize what i want to tell you and dont take it as a shouting and but i would like to show it to our enemies too big letters and finish this matter once and for all!!!


    and let me explain you our decision behind that...

    When you are a dutch captain fighting vs 5 different enemies part of your strategy is to limitize the number and the capabilities of your enemies...

    So pushing the Spaniards back to one port(Baranquila) ,kicking out the Danes from the whole south and focusing to the frenchies and pirates in our waters was the right strategy do you agree or not?In any case either you agree or not...we did that!!!

    After weeks of constant fighting with so many enemies we ACHIEVED to kick out the Danes!!! We ACHIEVED to push back the Spaniards in one port and block them there for days!!!We ACHIEVED TO CAPTURE one port on the east and craft numerous flags against the French!!!We ACHIEVED TO DO ALL THESE THINGS WHILE fighting with pirates fleets too!!!

    WHO IS THE REAL WINNER HERE SO FAR?Is it them or us embarrassing them all????

    We simply stopped fighting since the mechanics of the game allow the exploitation of trading the damn flags....That was THEIR ACHIEVEMENT!!!

    Do you understand how much you frustrate us with your ignorant video today?

    What else have they done? They captured our empty ports!!!That was THEIR ACHIEVEMENT TOO...

    and we let them capture them simply because we refused to spend resources and money for pointless ports which are going to be reseted and go back to Spain in less than a week...

    ...and you are coming today and you are using words to frustrate a whole nation...and i believe and all those British and American captains who spend hours and hours in daily basis to support out cause...

    How in hell you are awarding them victory??? I didn't see you awarding us victory when we made France 3 port nation...I didnt see you awarding us victory when we beat them in the summer in Haiti and Cuba....and who told you that the war is over????I can assure you ...its not OVER JUST YET!

    I really dont know if you are working or not for this company in order to promote the game...i dont know if you are just a youtuber , in any case i am fan of your episodes ,i am one of your subscribers but today you really made us and me personally crazy especially when i saw the crying emoticon...!!!Really now???

    If you are working for the company then i need to advice you to be more careful when you are trying to describe the wars...if you are just a youtuber then please accept my criticism!

    I understand you are an australian captain and you are playing in a different timezone but please be more careful when you gather informations.

    Finally in order to end this post....i would like to send my message to the danes,spaniards and frenchies...


    Congratulations for the empty ports ,congratulations for convincing your communities that you beat us...but in order to beat someone you need to do it in battle not in THE EMPTY PORT CONTEST!!! If we were beaten you ignorant fools you would post screenshots with full 25 ships fleets lost ....we on the other hand we have plenty....

    You need to say thank you to the devs for saving you from further embarrassment!!!!

    With respect to Jeheil,

    Cpt Pellasgos o7

    PS1.The episode is here for those who havent watched it.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1v-FcotNf64

    ps2.trolls and haters feel free to come and post your hate.

    ps3.and yes we have a big ego in the Dutch nation...and its not the only big thing we have...

    ps4.thank you my babies...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SywDBIAqpUQ



    PLEASE STAY TILL THE RESET...DONT LEAVE...and believe me....your ships west of cabo de la vela will not stay there either.... :) its a promise!!!

    PS.By the way nice screenshot! :) 2 kills 2 assists...and the photographer going down...ah...almost forgot...it wasnt even 15 vs 25...imagine that...hhahahahahahahahahah

    we know you're a megalomaniac, but at least learn to count.

    ....ahhh, almost forgot, Have you helped your friend Sponge Bob to find his home in the bottom of the sea?

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  3. Mislead by Pellasgos? This guy has a program...i can assure you for that...omg!!!


    Lets reveal the truth now to the ignorant trolls of this forum...


    Was it you shouting in the nation..."looking for pellasgos"????yes or no???


    You came ...we discussed and in the end i told you exactly this...."Feel free to come and find me and talk with me whenever you like if it has to do for the dutch spanish relations....".Does this phrase make me a diplomat yes or no?

    I think no and when i asked you in person if i have told you that i am a diplomat at first you said yes...and when i repeated the same phrase i told you the previous day you said "ah ok you didnt actually said that you are the dutch diplomat ...but i thought you are"...now the question is...why you were shouting in the global chat ...looking for pellasgos and not looking to speak with a dutch diplomat...????If you would use the second phrase we would put you in a channel with a dutch representative and deal with  him...but you said...LOOKING FOR PELLASGOS...who do you try to fool?Me?You cant...simply you cant...you can fool the rest of the dutch haters and trolls who found the opportunity to target me because of your sayings...i take my hat off for this achievement but you cannot fool me dude.You did really well on this one...and i believe that was your target from the beginning!


    Instead let me reveal to the rest of the people what you did...

    You wrote a whole letter to the dutch council the next day after our conversation stating that i told you that i am the diplomat of the dutch nation...causing me a headache in the dutch council ...trying to explain to the rest of the dutch council that either you have misunderstood or you did it in purpose...i strongly believe the second case is more possible!


    Now let me describe exactly what you proposed and what you didnt...

    Yes you offered something but that something wasn't friendship...I tried to establish a good relation with Spain and that was the intention of the 3 Admirals Treaty too but what you asked from us was this...

    You asked from us to accept a ceasefire and accept neutrality (The actual meaning of the Spanish proposition was that we the Dutch we would accept cease fire and stay neutral if their coalition  fight the british,all 4 of them...) against great Britain...this is what you offered...and what did i say to you?


    I said NO!!! A big no...because a ceasefire would automatically mean defeat for the dutch nation and you would be free to gang the british nation all 4 nations Spain Danes France and Swedes...Apart of this big no i proposed you something more fair and something more balanced for the game...

    I told you that we the Dutch we consider Dutch everything east of canalete all the way to Caldonas so i offered you the chance to go and fight the war against the British since you really wanted to fight them and i promised you that we will not intervene in a 1v1 war....west of canalete!!!On the same time i asked the Spanish neutrality in our war with France!This way we could both focus to our targets which for the spaniards was to fight the brits and for us the dutch the french and the danes on the other side of the map...


    But you said no...you said that you honor your alliance with the french and blabla blabla blabla....and i said ok...and WE honor the alliance we have with the brits!

    Actually i am more than sure that you havent even shared my proposition with your nation...I CAN BET 25 SANTISIMAS that you didnt even tell them a single word...


    I clearly told you that if you would agree on this proposition first it would ease the tensions between the 2 nations...it would bring balance to the game...3 we would do a brand new start in our relations as nation after the reset...but noooooooooooo you insisted  for one more time that you want to keep faith to your allies...Your attitude towards the dutch nation was hostile from the beginning and even though both me and gavilan tried to bridge our differences as nations you became the obstacle for everything...i am glad you did...but does your nation know anything about this....I SEVERELY DOUBT about that...!!!


    Even your closest ally of yours the leader of Sorry clan and quite openly i appreciated his efforts to convince you...he told you to stop attacking us...and focus on the British ...he explained you in front of me what is the fair and the most balanced choice....and what you said....????Do you remember? Ill tell you what you said...i need to check with my nation and ill come back to you...

    YOU NEVER CAME AND YOU NEVER PLANNED TO COME...so who do you try to fool here???The whole game right now is blocked because of another incapable diplomat who used his ego as a criteria...


    you said...

    "During all these weeks, Spain wanted to stop that meaningless war and prepare the wipe by offering frienship to the Dutch as we will become neighbours, no matter what can spit PellasGoss, we always sticked to this simple target without any perfidy or lies. A Dutch neutrality was an option, considering Dutch nation had for long time this role of neutral power in NA, but the choice was tricky first considering current alliances and second due to the political unstability inter-clan Dutch nation with an obvious lack of consertation."


    Cut the bullshit ...the one who actually spits here is you ...and i can assure everyone even the trolls in this forum that you lie!!!Dutch neutrality was an option yes...but only if we had in our hands the spanish neutrality and that was never the case...so dont try to give us more bullshits dude...i know its your job as a diplomat to throw bullshits  but you need to calm down a bit....


    you also said....


    When we had our meeting, first time we met you, you came with that proposal to preserve basic ports where Dutch could store fleets untill the wipe. By that precise time Fort Zootman was already taken and the flag for Fort Oranje was already sailing...

    Had we have any earlier proposal from Dutch diplomacy, the coalition would have taken it into consideration and this gesture had been agreed without any doubts. Now our "cease-fire" allow you not only to preserve these ports but many more."


    hahahhahaha this is where i need to laugh...we all need to laugh...you really think that you are that smart...guess again...


    and lastly you said...


    To PellasGoss:

    Please do not give to CeltiberoFrog so much power, I try for many month to speak on behalf of Spanish nation, it is not an easy task believe it or not as many clans have different views. So if you need to blame me be sure that there is no effect but blaming the whole Spanish nation. I'm not Spanish but they trust me, so please forget me and carry on spiting on the Spanish nation. You will not get what you expect but only disrespect from all Spanish players"


    I am not blaming nations dude...i blame the damned diplomats in this game because simply they are incompetent people...who dont have the right skills to be a diplomat...do you understand how difficult is to be a diplomat and a successful one?It takes serious skills to be a diplomat who knows what diplomacy is about ...you have to be diplomatic...and seriously...the people who have been given the right to negotiate on behalf of their nations are just failures...so far...i havent met a clever one...and a diplomatic one...you all put your damned egos and a diplomat doesnt put his or her personal ego when he or she negotiates and does diplomacy.

    I also blame the game for not having the mechanics to prevent egoistical actions from people who only  ruin the fun and the game!!!

    Ah and i never spit on a nation...i have lots of spanish captains who salute me everyday and i have great relations with some of them...but i spit on some foolish spanish captains who dont keep their mouth shut since they are not gentlemen enough to make a proper conversation...eg Alex sd....no way to speak with a person like him...or maybe the drunkcard winky wonka...or mrs jorge dollores who only insults...You have my spit for guys like them but not for the entire spanish nation...same with the french ...same with every nation who has bad trolls like them.


    OK?  GOOD...NOW that we all know the truth we can go for some real pvp...


    Pellasgos how well it works your new submarine ?? We hope you can often visit your colleague Bob, on the seabed. We know spend much time there lately, especially every time you try to win a battle to the Spaniards ... yes, we know that we are very bad, surely you always let them win battles....

    Your greatness and wisdom guiding the Dutch navy will be remembered in the annals of the history of naval action.


    PD. My respect and appreciation to the Dutch captains who have so bravely fought against us, often outnumbered. (Pellasgos, this is not for you ...)

    • Like 1
  4. No they are strong because they have learned to fight well together. We need to give credit where credit is due, Over the last 2 months the Spanish have become one of the better fleets in the game. I could see the change after the two battles (first the open world then Escondido the next day) where we sunk alot of there first rates. the Spanish pulled back changed how they fought worked together and built up a strong fleet.

    Only thing i don't like is they never even said "thank you" to the Brits for making them stronger. :)

    Thank you. ;)

  5. The only ones who paid for a visa...its you personally and your fleet...several times...in case you forgot...we are here to remind you...


    Now if you feel that you won something and you are proud of something...then you need to actually win our fleet ...and you haven't just yet!

    What you won is not even a full fleet both in the 4rth and 1st rate battles and that's the funny thing...you claim victory against a nation who didn't even bothered to send a whole fleet to face your fleet full of spanioles!!! :)

    In the first battle you claim victory with 4rth rates...you fought at first 5vs 20 then 10 vs 25 and eventually more arrived and became a 25 vs25 when all was over...and i havent even mentioned that you exploited the flag system with your spanish sisters...on the same time we had some dutch arse sisters sailing around the port and not joining because they prefered licking each other in the nations chat ,trying to troll pellasgos...lmao!So what victory are you talking about?You were all together in the same ts...give us a break!

    In the second battle you fought and won let me inform you that it was a battle 25 vs 17 then 18 of us ...and then it became 21 vs 25 (with half of the fleet not even being in the ts)with spanioles in your fleet....so where is the glory on that...?PFFF and you are allowing this Kloothomel guy to come here and prove us what exactly...?That he is licking France and das clan like crazy???You can be with das in the same teamspeak and coordinate together your actions vs the dutch nation...WE DONT CARE...but you are selling irony...and whenever we found you and we had equal numbers we beat you quite fair and we didnt even bothered to make a comment!...having a dutch diplomat working for the interest of the danish nation is not that good idea if you want my opinion...thats an advice.

    So Stolichnaya i would recommend you watch your mouth when you refer to visas...because not only we embarrassed your nation ...we embarrassed all 4 nations ....and in a weeks time all this will belong to the past...so it was a mistake to drop youserf into this level...i had more respect for you to be honest as nation and fleet...but you are forcing me now to expose you and its something i dint want to...

    We simply outmaneuvered ,outplayed and beat all of you ...except the Spanish in the battle of Barranquila and that was logical to happen...we beat them 2 out of our 4-5 tries but we lost the opportunity to capture the port so in the end was still a victory for spain and we lost greatly another 2.So what?The Spaniards have the right to be proud only for Barranquila because anywhere else we beat them like crazy...

    oh and dont read the trolls...read the results of what we have done to all of you the last 2 weeks...

    Sailing among a whole french, danish, 2 pirate,and one spanish fleet is not the easiest thing...

    We kicked you out...but you exploited the flag system with the Spanioles and you came back...lol what forced you do this huh??? We pushed back the Spanioles and made them hide into one port...we pushed back the french croissants ,,,,

    we outmaneuvered 2 screening fleets danish and french when we captured Piritou and gave the opportunity tp the captains and clans on the east to craft flags against you(even das and arse crafted flags against you...imagine.... :)) and they did...so we played you all fair honest and manly and now you can start counting now how many ports we have ...our economy hasnt been affected at all....do you think they are enough till the reset?Because we think they are just enough to maintain ourselfs for one more week...

    So what paintings and visas and victories you are talking about? Think again of what you achieved and what you have lost down here...

    Now let me inform you what you gona get from your visas you are asking...nothing!!!

    Why?Because we dont care...the reset is coming...so everything you did was pointless and cannot affect us at all!!!We achieved everything we wanted to achieve...and we took Pampatar back...and all our ships there...so qq to all of you...who came down here!!

    Enough with the trolling ,,, i would also like to thank you for the training you provided so many new captains who joined the dutch navy on the west...they took very good experience

    from those battles and on top of that you gave them something to remember for the future... :)

    The Dutch nation never became neither one or 3 port nation...ok frenchies and Tenakhanoob???

    o7 pellasgos





    You have a very big mouth and biggest ego i ever see. Pls learn to lose, dont throw shit on your opponents, maybe they are better than you.

    • Like 1
  6. Eres el unico que pierde el tiempo basicamente.

    A ver si te das cuenta que la necesidad de plata para hacer un barco es minima en comparacion con otros materiales y los requirimientos para las mid grade notes igual.

    Para que te hagas una idea, en la habana se produce silver y las mid grade estan mas caras que en Port Royal.

    Da igual el idioma en que lo escribas...

    Este vive en su mundo y es feliz así.

  7. Esta publicado en las reglas tambien... alli se admiten descalificaciones "del nivel de un periodico de la epoca"...aun asi se pasan. Personalmente ni entro casi alli por ese mismo motivo.... supuestamente es la sala "valvula de escape"

    Perfecto, pero sigo sin ver donde esta el insulto o la descalificación en el gif de Alucard.

    PD. Se me olvidaba, una descalificación no es un insulto.

    • Like 1
  8. Lamento tener que repetir que si para expresaros tenéis que legar al insulto las reglas del foro son claras y las tienes publicadas.

    Las descalificaciones personales en lugar del intercambio de ideas están fuera de lugar , las diferencias de opinión son normales y la razón esquiva, pero el respeto hacia las personas es algo que no es compatible con la "libertad de expresion".

    La sección en castellano no incluye "national news" (afortunadamente en mi opinión)

    Sinceramente, no veo nada de lo que dices en los post que has borrado.

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