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Posts posted by Jorge

  1. Jorge, right now yes, we coordinate with Brits finally, which changes fights from 1 vs 4 to 2 vs 4, making war a bit more interesting. Last two weeks were different though, at times we had only 2 british players helping us, and still doing fine.

    btw, good port battle :) It's much more interesting to fight you than French on the east :)

    Well...3 vs 1 today ????. But it's fine. After fighting all this time I think we are learning to respect each other.

  2. Funny Jorge, you cant really say that its "British helping the Dutch" when Spain is assaulting both our holdings in Panama & Columbia. Their help kicking Spain out of that region is as much self serving as it is helping us. The British 'help' on our western front is unfortunately not representative of the general help they give us on our eastern front.

    Last 3 days you and british bought +-35 flags to spanish ports...yesterday we fought 2 times in Barranquilla, 1 vs brits and 1 vs dutch, another 1st rate fleet screening...tonight brits and dutch bought flag to Barranquilla again, USA bought Cayó de Sal and they Lost PB, brits bought some flags more, only took Jagua (undefended), we won Barranquilla PB (good fight dutch and brits o7)and after Battle we sunk too many 4rd rates outside port.

    In fact your allies are helping you a lot actually.

  3. I guess I understand politics of special events now. It seems all nations except for Dutch already got some new blueprints. Today's special event was cancelled, as Dutch were already efficiently nerfed.

    To be honest, I understand this. We're fighting against 4 nations (Spain, France, Danes and Pirates, as Swedish seem to not to engage into a fight a lot), for a long time with only a limited British help.

    If Dutch nation wasn't nerfed, game would be imbalanced. We can't have a situation where a nation attacked by 4 others can't be brought to a level of 1-port nation for a few weeks now, can we? I really don't feel treated unfair that we can't field most powerful ships in some port battles.

    ps. full disclosure - I heard about some mythical Dutch captain who acquired Heavy Rattlesnake blueprint, however since he didn't craft any ships for port battles, I prefer to treat him as a Carribean legend, "a Flying Heavy Rattlesnake Dutchman".

    Límited british help...25+ first rates and many 4th.

    Dutch players have L'Ocean and rattle hvy....

    The spanish is the only nation Who haven't any new blueprints.

    PD. A few days ago some spanish Captains captured a dutch L'Ocean.

  4. Lo repito por enésima vez, cada uno pone el precio que le da la gana...el que quiere compra y el que no quiere no lo hace.

    Los que estéis en un clan no tendréis problemas para conseguir barcos, el resto puede hacer dos cosas, hacerse ellos mismos los barcos o ganar dinero para comprarlos.

  5. Decid lo que queráis pero es imposible ganarle una guerra económica a los británicos, simplemente son como mínimo 4 veces más que nosotros, juegan en todas las fracciones horarias y, esto es un hecho, siempre tienen los recursos más valiosos a 10 minutos de su capital. Además los jugadores que solo se mueven por Cuba nunca irán a esas zonas.

  6. Internal strife is of all times and of all nations. We (the Dutch) are like a Hydra, one head may lick you, one head may sing to you, one head may yell at you, but in times of peril I've always have seen the Dutch clans do their duty, and that is to turn the heads in the same general direction and bite back where it is needed.

    Yesterday a main fleet in our western fronts turned a Danish 1st rate fleet with some clever fireship tactics yet unseen on a scale like it was executed by Vasco / Pellasgos and his warriors. nlGuinnesnl of the Arse clan led a succesful defensive fleet against French agression towards Fort Oranje and a fleet of XIX and DAS defended the fake Spanish flag on Fort Zoutman and took back the regional capital Caracas as the opportunity arose. All at the same time. I'd say that is pretty good collaboration between parties of a Nation with internal problems. ;)

    Strife, perhaps, worries, for sure, positivity, still there. It is not coincidence that the Dutch motto of Concordia res parvae (Unity makes strength) was changed over the years in the motto:Je mantiendrai (We will maintain); strength does not always come out of unity, but we know it also comes out of diversity and individual contribution.

    Hence I will say to everyone listening:

    We are the Dutch Nation; in all of its diversity and impossible personae! We love this game and we love playing it with you! ;)

    From spanish player...well done. You are doing the same we did in Mantua a few months ago and Robras 2 weeks ago. Bravo.

    • Like 3
  7. no one forced spain to declare war on the british but you did and cried when you were attacked ...your 4 v1 zerg on the dutch is exactly what your were complaining about less than a month ago ..lets hope your words dont come back to bite you after the port reset and you start crying about how unfair it is again

    you lack the honour of some of your fellow spanish captains that have posted on this thread

    Honor. You do not know what that is.

  8. People like you, who leave false and biased reviews/comments on Steam, are the reason Steam reviews/comments are untrustworthy. Grow up. The only one at fault here is you, and the developers shouldn't suffer because of your childish mentality. Since when is "give us your tacos" considered a racist comment? "F U Brit" isn't racist either, but it's a hell of a lot closer to being racist than Bobzillah's original comment.


    I've spent a fair amount of time playing alongside Bobzillah, and he is a good guy who enjoys the occasional bit of trash talk. Oh, and for the record, he's German, not British. If you want to attack him, at least get his nationality correct.


    People like you who defends such comments did not care when we salute your German friend with a "Hi nazi"..... is the same trash talk you say, I do not think he likes ... but it's true, not it is racist.

  9. So, I had a conversation to understand the "why" of "why is this offensive." It certainly might be an issue where it came up because of somebody's race, yet hereit seems to be an issue of the nation that you play under.

    Here, tacos are misattributed to Spain, and extended to players that fly the Spanish flag. There can be some issues here if we navel-gaze long enough, but it seems to be more in the nature of good-natured ribbing.


    It is very hard to determine motive in an online format, and more so on the fly, as we go. It is possible it was meant maliciously. It seems more likely that it was not. However, this leaves any moderator a judgement call: Do I punish, try to move the conversation, or let it slide?

    This is an issue we are constantly exploring. We try to find just the right "level" of moderation. Not too firm, not too soft. Indeed, many Spanish players have changed their signatures to imply that moderators are of the Inquisition, as our moderation was deemed "too harsh."

    Now, you tell us it is too light. We understand people want the benefit of the doubt. Spanish players have made this very clear to us. Yet now you do not wish us to extend that.

    Rather than using this as an example of explanation of WHY this is offensive to create dialogue, you have sought simple punishment. Here, it seems that you don't want to come to greater understanding, instead you want to try to force control: Over the player by getting him or her silenced by moderators; and over the game by attempting to blackmail the rest of the staff with threats of negative commentary in other forums.

    Let us use this as a place of actual dialogue, instead of the daily power struggle that is so unproductive, and takes time away from other, more productive things.


    Ok, I agree with much of what you say, but you have to understand that we are tired of comments like that. It is true that moderators are not responsible for the education of the players. But from my point of view should refrain from making certain comments that cast doubt on its function within the game. Certainly there are terms that may seem culturally offensive and even racist depending on who has the say.

  10. How long will be the moderators abusing our patience?
    Is it not enough to tolerate racism ignorance and contempt of some players? Now we must face not only the acquiescence of some moderators with this kind of attitude, in addition some of them rejoice in such comments.


    For the record, i will publish these facts in the comments of Steam, for Spanish speakers know what kind of game will buy. Thank you.


    • Like 1
  11. Spanish have achieved their goal ..they have bored us to death ...no one wants to defend against Spanish because its boring ..much more fun to fight against french and Danes because they fight rather than float around shooting sails ...turning up and capping an undefended port isnt good coordination ...its easy ...we did it to spanish so we know

    Jajajajajaja jajajajajaja jajajajajaja jajajajajaja jajajajajaja jajajajajaja


    Hahahahahaha hahahahahaha hahahahahaha

    Hahahahahaha hahahahahaha hahahahahaha

    • Like 1
  12. Hello everybody.

    There has been a lot of discussion lately about timers, faction size, game balance, etc. In this forum and National news.

    One thing I believe is clear is that Spain is not a "comfortable" nation to non Spanish speaking players. Despite some efforts to improve, especially in the nation chat, most of the information is still exchanged in Spanish, and the TS dynamics are mostly carried out in Cervantes tongue.

    Of course, this poses a difficulty, especially in a moment when Spain needs new players, broaden our connection timers, to try to match those of other nations hostile to Spain, with a larger, and more geographically diverse population.

    So, I would like to start this discussion for all of Spain´s Captains, to exchange ideas on how to make life easier for those of us that do not speak Spanish. Here I toss a couple of ideas:

    - In the TS: establish a corps of translators, that are nominated liaisons to non Spanish speaking clans, Russians, Germans, and our large and always welcome population of Polynesians. One or two liaison officers would do the trick, to pass on essential information about port battles, political situation, check about their needs and opinions, etc.

    - In the National chat: The same, all essential information about enemy fleets/privateers, battles, should be shared in an English-friendly code: for example Holand instead of berenjeno, sharing coordinates instead of indications, etc.

    - In Havana: Try to create a friendlier environment for new players. Restarting the activities of the Naval Academy, with volunteer experienced captains from all clans, to do missions, train and escort the new players. Maybe a Schedule of missions could be established for different grades, in English and Spanish, with some of us sharing the responsibility of training recruits.

    Any other ideas or suggestions? thank you for sharing your opinions here.

    Brigadier Don Sancho Navarro

    Hola a todos:

    Últimamente se han dado muchas discusiones sobre los timers, tamaño de las facciones, equilibrio en el juego, etc. En este foro y en el de National News.

    Una cosa que creo que queda clara es que España no es una facción "cómoda" para los jugadores que no hablan español. Pese a algunos esfuerzos por mejorar, especialmente en el chat de nación, la mayor parte de la información se sigue intercambiando en Español, y las dinámicas del TS se siguen llevando a cabo en la lengua de Cervantes.

    Por supuesto que esto nos supone una dificultad, especialmente en momentos en los que españa necesita nuevos jugadores, para ampliar nuestros horarios de juego, e intentar armonizarlos con otras naciones hostiles a España, con poblaciones mayores y geográficamente más diversas.

    Así que me gustaría empezar esta discusión para todos los capitanes de España, para intercambiar ideas sobre cómo hacer la vida más fácil para aquellos de nosotros que no hablan Esañol. Aquí lanzo un par de ideas:

    - En el TS: Establecer un cuerpo de traductores que hagan de vínculo con los clanes no hispanohablantes: los rusos, alemanes y nuestra gran población de polinesios. Uno o dos oficiales de enlace serían suficientes para pasarles información esencial sobre batallas de puerto, situación política, y consultarles sobre sus necesidades y opiniones.

    - En el chat nacional: Lo mismo, información esencial sobre flotas enemigas, corsarios y batallas se debería de compartir en un código más entendible a los angloparlantes: por ejemplo, Holand en vez de berenjeno, compartir coordinadas en vez de indicaciones, etc.

    - En Habana: Intentar crear un ambiente más amistoso poara los nuevos jugadores. Reactivar las actividades de la Academia Naval con capitanes voluntarios de experiencia de todos los clanes, para hacer misiones, entrenar y escoltar a los jugadores nuevos. Quizás estableciendo un horario de misiones para los diferentes grados en Inglés y Español, con algunos de nosotros compartiendo la responsabilidad de entrenar a los reclutas.

    ¿Otras ideas o sugerencias? Gracias por compartir vuestra opinión aquí.

    Brigadier Don Sancho Navarro.

    Totally agree.

    They must take part in decision -making.

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