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Posts posted by Barbancourt

  1. 13 hours ago, admin said:

    Motivation to fight

    • To discourage running, escape is impossible from the battles created within the patrol zone. 
    • Exit is only possible if all enemies are sank
    • Running from battles is punishable by death (your ship is destroyed)
    • Battle zone within the combat instance gives plenty of room initially, but shrinks to 500m Radius by 1h-25 mins to completely remove the desire to kite or sail around


    So, basically sail a disposable oak/oak ship packed with carronades up there and play bumper boats for one battle hoping you get your 20k damage before getting sunk.  Then build another oak/oak ship to do the same, etc, etc.  It doesn't really seem like an authentic PVP experience. 

    Still struggling to find a game motivation for risking good ships in PvP, which is what we really need. 


  2. 8 minutes ago, Palatinose said:

    Basically what should happen is many defeated nations muss turn against a winning/strong nation. This nation falls, others will rise. To me it seems, we just Need to be more hostile towards each other. That's what this non coalition system is made for. If we are more hostile we can keep up the content. People leave because of few content.

    You can't attack anyone because of either all the stupid deals that have been made between clans that we're supposed to follow, or because trying to make a port battle or doing PvP triggers punitive RvR. 


  3. 10 minutes ago, Christendom said:

    The key is that the rediii alliance can attack EVERYONE else in the game and does not have to be friendly with people in their "nation" that they don't want.  This would eliminate nation strife, rogue clans....all that bullshit. 

    So basically you want few nations, and at the same time you want to be able to force all of the other clans out of the nation...but they'll have nowhere to go, just have to quit the game. 

  4. 1 hour ago, EliteDelta said:

    Personally I enjoy having the map, but I would be happy with removing our ability to see f11 coordinates. Right now lots of new players don't realize they can use them, and it gives a rather unfair advantage to veterans, who can find their exact position with an external tool, and call for reinforcements. 

    f11 coordinates aren't needed to find your position as long as there are port distances on the trader tool that you can triangulate with.  I've never done this f11 coordinate thing, and between the protractor and the trader tool port distances I never get lost. 

    • Like 1
  5. 16 hours ago, Landsman said:

    Sorry for slight off-topic but what actually happens if you get pushed ashore by leeway? Is the ship instantly destroyed or simply stranded / unable to move?

    When leeway was new a few weeks back I was getting blown backwards while turning though the wind, and as soon as my rudder touched bottom I was stuck.  My ship could rotate around its center but its speed was stuck at zero, and my ship started getting blown over on its side so the AI had a nice shot at my belly while my guns were pointed at the sky.  I suicide-boarded the AI ship to end my misery.

  6. 10 hours ago, admin said:

    La Mona Naval Patrol

    • Captain: Your task is to inflict as much damage as possible on the enemy players shipping in the designated areas of the Caribbean. Running is discouraged, preservation of your vessel is not important! Assigned ships Cerberus, Renomme, Surprise.

    Please place at a bit less travelled area.  It's already dodgy enough getting in/out of places like La Mona or Shroud Cay.  I don't want my shipyard blockaded. 

  7. 6 minutes ago, Coraline Vodka said:

    Count your ships? 

    OK, say you have 5 ships.  You still don't know how many dock slots you have. 

    Easiest way seems to be checking the price for expansion.  Somewhere somebody must have a table of how much more dock slots costs.  For instance going from 17 to 20 is a ridiculous 9 million.

    • Like 2
  8. On 2/14/2018 at 2:30 AM, Cetric de Cornusiac said:

    Lost an Indiaman first, then a Cerberus, a Heavy Rattlesnake, couple of days ago a freshly manufactured frigate with her fleet companion, a Mercury. And this noon the frigate I mentioned first. Sent a connection report at 13:16h GMT+1, afterwards, just in case someone at the studio wants to look..

    Unfortunately they can't fix your poor connection/route.  You should pursue that with your ISP, who can diagnose your connection and maybe even change your route to NA servers.  When my girlfriend's Apple products are hogging up all of the internet bandwidth I actually have a lot less connectivity problems with Naval Action than I do with some other games.  (I don't recall ever having the exact problem you describe "disconnected client.exe stopped working" no matter how bad my connection has been) 

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