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Posts posted by Barbancourt

  1. 6 hours ago, Slim Jimmerson said:

    I'm hoping tutorial fixes this. I still see flag captains and up who aren't manual sailing their turns and don't range their shots. A new player wouldn't know these things are 100% necessary in PVP without explicitly being told, which they aren't at all until a more experience player explains it to them.

    I never range shots.  It puts up a cloud of smoke that obscures your target so you're basically providing a smoke screen for them, and then by the time the shot has registered both the enemy ship or your ship have already moved so the information is old news and it may be too late to fire the broadside at all.

  2. 10 hours ago, maturin said:

    At first I liked looting the sinking ships. It teaches good sailing.

    But holy hello kitty, it is the most inane and infuriating experience possible.

    Inch inch inch inchinchinching towards the sinking hulk, waggle the camera up and down frenetically, looking for that X prompt, hoping the game doesn't decide to say 'hello kitty you, no loot button today because reasons'...


    You have indeed captured the essence of this game. 


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  3. 1 minute ago, maturin said:

    But let's be honest, this kind of screening is totally absurd. The Swedes were already in the port, so they should have been able to join from the port.

    Yeah, the defender has a disadvantage of having to sit inside the inner circle and wait for the timer to tick down.  The attacker has freedom of movement and a far larger join area. 

  4. 4 hours ago, SKurj said:

    well i dunno all the mechanics, but can't other players from the nation hostilities have been started against start tagging ai fleets in the area to combat the hostility?  I may not completely understand the mechanics...  

    I think hostility missions are usually much more efficient at the rate of generating hostility than sinking random AI fleets.  That's part of the reason we have them now. 

  5. 1 hour ago, William Wade said:

    As per your description you have taken the time to develop a beautiful Caribbean map with historic port locations,distances and ships from the age of sail. Adding Russian,Polish and Prussian  only drastically shifts NA away from the history and immersion you've attempted to recreate and represent. 

    Even without them it doesn't bear any resemblance to historical events.  The game is not a historical reenactment. 



    16 hours ago, victor said:

    Risultati immagini per americans

    Their Christmas dinner!

    At lest we will eat good food and drink good wine, won't we?


    Interestingly I have a bunch of fresh made pizza dough ready to go in the fridge for a big holiday weekend of pizza making.  mmmmmmmmmm  :D 

    But I also have lots of wild rice, mushrooms, sweet potatoes and acorn/butternut squash for a nice hearty stew, and plenty of white wine to go with that.   


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    12 hours ago, Fastidius said:

    any idea who that was because we don't know who it was.

    ...meanwhile in a remote corner of the south pacific some suddenly wealthy captain is kicked back on a quiet beach being served mai tais by the local ladies...

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