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Posts posted by Barbancourt

  1. 1 hour ago, Licinio Chiavari said:

    I think you never hunt around as a boarder. So I could suggest to pick a fast ship, make her boarder modded, and try around.


    Will fir/crew space shop ships (e.g. surprise/cerberus) work?  Otherwise that seems like a route to bankruptcy through losing several dozen ships and their cannons/rum/repairs.  (Even with the cheapest ships a lot of PVE hours would be required to fund the experiment) 


    1 hour ago, Licinio Chiavari said:


    When someone was whining about being unable to defend from a sterncamper and that sterncamping is too easy, a wise captain replied: "sterncamp requires the same skill level to not being sterncamped".


    Depends on the ships.  You could sterncamp my LGV all day long without breaking a sweat.  :D  That thing turns like a city bus.


    1 hour ago, Licinio Chiavari said:

    Do you know modifiers to MELEE and FIREPOWER ratios in boarding screen? how they change due to morale, numbers, enemy action? I can assure you: they change and knowing them helps a lot in evaluating what to do and what not to do.


    ...I have no idea what this part means....  🤔


  2. 1 hour ago, Licinio Chiavari said:

    Make more people getting out of Capitol and spread... and the Capitol camping will be solved.

    I read plenty ideas: no shipyards, ship craft limited to 5th, 1/3 of production, no nice stuff dropping around,etc...


    It would be very crippling to lose your shipyards and all the supplies gathered there to build ships, and if your safe shipyards were limited to 5th rates how would you ever capture and hold anything if you got beaten back to your reinforcement zone?  The raiders would gather like vultures around any gains you made knowing all your trade had to be flowing in and out of there.


  3. 2 hours ago, no one said:

         Can the devs consider to add Portugal to the game in the south east corner ? 



    I approve of this message.  Permanent capital Santo Tome de Guayana.  Put a little life into this corner of the map.


    Oh, and bring in the portuguese ship (Princesa?), pretty please.  🤩


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  4. 5 hours ago, Licinio Chiavari said:

    1. Competitive Battle can be PBs. Anything without a mechanic avoiding numbers matter, will end in an uneven fight. Always.


    Most of us don't have much opportunity to participate in port battles, and in my experience more than 90% of port battles are not contested ("empty") anyway.  I just want to roll out in some frigates and have an honorable battle with some other frigates.  Sure battles are uneven, but within reason that isn't a problem and doesn't make it a "gank".  7 frigates fighting 5 frigates is uneven, and competitive.  I've lost battles where we outnumbered by the enemy something like 7 to 2.  A "gank" is not just an uneven fight - a "gank" is an execution, with a foregone conclusion, where the target has no competitive chance.  A "gank" is not fun.  A battle is fun. 

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  5. 36 minutes ago, Licinio Chiavari said:

    - Last note:

    I would like to underline Caribbean server is a PVP one. PVP is normally being ganked and gank.

    If someone doesnt like to be ganked I suggest to reroll in PVE server.

    Still I suspect majority of whiners dont like to be ganked, but they WANT to have chances TO GANK if a nice and safe chance arises.

    So you're saying there's no server for those of us who want fun competetive battles?  I have no interest in either side of a "gank", because they aren't fun for either side.


  6. 4 minutes ago, Banished Privateer said:


    Naval Action Legends was a hot topic but the implementation and testing was terrible. Not our fault the way it was done and many of us would be happy to see it done properly.

    I imagine that a lot of the players that would have been interested in the arena format Legends during the early Sea Trials period probably left the game after it became the time-intensive Open World.  There just wasn't much momentum for a second unrelated Naval Action among people already invested in the Open World game.


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  7. 9 hours ago, vazco said:

    All 5th rates are working and people are using them. Most 6th rates are working as well. I'm ok with sailing all of them. I used Privateer a few times in patrol zones already as well.

    Don't assume that everyone is like you.

    Don't assume what I'm like.  Actually, I'm one of the rare wierdos that has used the gimped 5th rates, just because I have contrarian moments and I don't do solo PVP.  Essex only works in a group, so I've only bought a couple as throw-aways when they're dirt cheap in the ship shop.  I have a few Belles only because I was in France on Global and generally used only french ships.  However, I wouldn't put resources into crafting these handicapped ships when similar ships fully equipped with chasers are available.  It doesn't make sense to waste dock space on them versus a more versatile fully outfitted ship.  If they were fixed I could consider using them. 


    10 hours ago, Sir Hethwill the RedDuke said:

    Good. Means players have choices. Some might not be as popular as others but they are also viable, maybe not metaboyz toyz, but viable.

    Well, keep  in mind that you always have the "choice" to not mount the available chasers if this kind of "variety" of lacking basic features that excites you.  I'm not being snarky - you can really do that if you like. 


  8. 1 hour ago, vazco said:

    Don't break something that works - ship variety is nice. Having or not having stern/bow chasers is part of the variety and makes different ships good for different things. Once you give all ships chasers, game will become unbalanced. We will need 6 more months and a few patches to balance it again - not worth it.

    I'm not sure how you define "working" here.  If these ships don't get chasers then people will continue not using them, which would seem to demonstrate that they aren't "working" or "balanced". 

  9. 15 minutes ago, sveno said:

    I think it would offset balance - i hear already ppl crying about OP Essexes, Poules, Renos and Trincs.


    OP compared to what?  The ships aren't supposed to be equal, and they will always have different BR accordingly.  Sailing profile, manouverability, woods, mods - there are so many other variables.  It would be nice to see a more variety out there on the seas, but not many people want to build and sail something without chasers when they could have them on another ship. 

  10. 1 hour ago, PG Monkey said:


    Would be nice if we could use stern guns on the privateer, even 4 lb cannons the gun ports are already on the model

    If one sloopy ship has them, they should all get them.  (Brigs and frigates should all have standard bow and stern guns as well.) 

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