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Posts posted by Barbancourt

  1. 1 minute ago, Slim McSauce said:

    I never thought I'd have to coin the term "pvp carebear" if you claim war server is so hardcore with player pvp then what's the problem with hardcore AI? its a staple of all MMOS to me you sounds unwilling to take on the challenge and instead prefer to gank newbs at capitals 

    People on this server don't really want to fight AI.  (and particularly not in fleets of 10)  They just do it for practice and a payday, and otherwise it gets in the way of the other things you want to do.  People will stop leaving port if they're chased by AI all the time. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Draymoor said:

    Should sell the flags by nation for a much lower price. Would would I want to pay for flags that I will never use? I like the DLC but it's too expensive considering I will only use 5 out of all those flags. 

    It would be extra hassle to sell multiple sets of flag dlc, particularly in alpha.  I'm sure it will go on sale at some point.  It's a vanity purchase.  You do get them for both servers, and across nation switches. I just wish they carried over to our (ahem) "other" accounts.  ;D

  3. 11 hours ago, Suricato Rojo said:

    first half of 2019??
    Dont think the player base will stand 7 extra months of testing.
    Right now its on a critical limit below which its impossible to play the game without the feeling you are losing lot of time.

    Well maybe people should stop spreading fear and hysteria about distant "wipes"?  This thing just ain't ready for prime time yet.  Get out there and shoot some cannonballs already. 

  4. 18 minutes ago, John Jacob Astor said:

    I am currently able to get Doubloons in the free ports for about 110 Reals each.  This appears to result in an L3 labor valuation for a fir/fir T-brig (resources + shipyard) of roughly 80,000 Reals.  Which pretty much swamps the straight cost in Reals used for the resources.  And makes an  Admiralty sale pretty much meaningless.

    I am really quite curious to know what you consider "el dorado" prices.  What would you expect to pay for a fir/fir T-brig?

    What does "L3 labor valuation" mean?

  5. 50 minutes ago, Capn Rocko said:

    Many players use basic cutters for transportation. I stole my first art of cargo distribution from a player in a basic cutter.

    But what is silly is that you don't need to transport doubloons.

    Most players don't have Requin, and you can't get them from the ship shop.  I'd rather scout in a Lynx, but Lynx are only occasionally available and Basic Cutter always is.  I don't recall ever seeing a Basic Cutter with fleet...but then I rarely see them at all. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Hethwill the Red Duke said:

    Last Basic Cutter I attacked was a Commodore taxiing 3000 dubloons to somwhere. Sorry brother, I don't buy free lunches.

    Who would anyone do something silly like that? 


    1 hour ago, Capn Rocko said:

    The real question here is what percentage of players actually use the basic cutter because they are stuck with no ship? My guess is that a very low percentage of players actually use the basic cutter for its intended purpose. 

    "Stuck with no ship" is just one of its uses.  It's usually a taxi to get your captain from one port to another without having to move other ships you don't want to move or aren't appropriate to that trip.  Basic Cutter also allows you to do some scouting when you don't have a proper ship for scouting. 

  7. 9 hours ago, admin said:

    Final part of the economy update will be deployed before the end of the year. 

    • Approximately 50+ new goods will be added for trading

    Why add this stuff?  I was hoping "trade goods" would disappear.  Why not have an economy based entirely on resource production, crafting production (labor hours+recipes) and player-to-player selling? 


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  8. 23 minutes ago, Intrepido said:

    My bet is on extreme and hardcore changes fatigue.

    Fine woods patch, patch 9.8... and now patch 27. The same story that keep repeating itself.

    Is it hardcore?  Things cost a bit more, but that isn't necessarily hardcore.  There are 3 activities that produce mucho doubloons, and if you enjoy those activities you have easy access to them, and if you don't enjoy those things you will have to either do them grindy style or pay someone else to. 


  9. 4 minutes ago, Intrepido said:


    Current patch only caters to raiders, gank groups in frigates and DLC owners (specially hercules (it is a plague)).

    Random spawn of ressources (woods, ingredients for upgrades and trading) and harder lineship crafting have finally killed RvR. 

    I'm not sure we'll have any way of knowing how things REALLY are until the economy and resources get a complete reboot with a proper number of players, but then I haven't been involved in the game as long as a lot of people have.  I feel like there's a combination of testbed server fatigue, doubloon-chasing fatigue and low holiday population that's putting a squeeze on the player numbers right now.

  10. 1 hour ago, Rob said:

    So, Naval Action is on sale on steam. Who would recommend me buying this game? Or should I wait for the release?

    It is a very difficult game to learn, with lots of undocumented stuff you can only learn about by doing it.  It's better start learning now rather than later.  Release is many months away.  The game economy is still untested and unstable.  If nothing else you can master the tutorials now and not have to waste time on that later on. 

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