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Manta Scorpion

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Everything posted by Manta Scorpion

  1. DSL leaves the treaty also, we do not agree with it anymore. EDR is a major soc and with the actions and chat behaviour by them, we can not keep this relation.
  2. TBH, now that you destroyed this Topic anways... Sit together in TS, since you both are perhaps equal strong and split the nation in two parts. The hypocritical posts, the bad arguments done by both sides are just poor. DSL had the same like PFK does now, we alse felt cheated in the west. Perhaps nexttime you gonna do non-agression pacte you do a real dutch-meeting first. You just steal the whole dramashow from Brits,dons,rats and americans. or and that is a really crazy and absured idea....fight brits all together
  3. Man kann soviel ich weiss seinen Namen eingeben, rechtsklick, Mail
  4. J'admis que la DSL n'ètait pas très heureux avec le pacte. Nous n'avons pas beaucoup de jouer et nous avons pensé qu'il n y a pas possible de faire de pvp avec le pacte. Mais hier nous avons eu un combat avec ER. Il étais très bien pour tous les jouers et je veux dire merci pour un fight de respect et honeur. Nous avons perdu sans chance de gangner, mais il était une heure d'epic. Merci ER pour fair le combat et auREVOIR. Sorry, my french is kinda bad, I tried. Eric actually told me not to speak it, but i never listen to good advice ...so I hope you wont get eye-cancer. There is the vid i promised you ER-Crew greetings Sceadugengen (Manta)
  5. Hehe,lieber nicht, zwar erschien mir Schweden von der Location her als am interessantesten, bin aber leider kein Fan von zu grossen deutschen Clans + Faktor Gildentreue
  6. Yep, and if you do this in 5 frigs, there will come 15 french guys with a 3th rate in it and in the intention to split you ex: Pampatar expirience
  7. should get pinned at the top and hard moderated
  8. Looks like a good and fun fight and not a spam of 3ths, but I have to ask, did the kaptain in the connie get his sails up?
  9. Scheint auf jedenfall super zu sein bei euch, gibts da auch einen "Tag der offenen Tür"?
  10. not a high quality fight, but at least a fight and not just an other gank.
  11. We should stop argue where everyone can read it, it is not the buisness of the other nations. But i think some guys here should tune down a bit and choose the words better, thats the difference between nation chat and forum.
  12. Nur grinden bringt auch nichts und macht auf jedenfall den spass weg. Und dann muss man halt auf max-rank lernen wie pvp funktioniert.
  13. I think that might is a counterproductive statement, since the PFK situation is by far more complex then the obvious "we dont want an agreement if we win anyways".
  14. We will only come over for the OS PvP, if you then fight us in even numbers or try to gank us is your call. On a side note i hope there will be a time to call the french nation allies and our trust never gets abused. Official: We have a neutral point of view,we understand the concernes and anger of PFK,but Dsl also belives in not abusing the weak ones, unlike the ones trying to abuse our numbers by splitting DSL agrees
  15. friends, the best solution seems to be an alliance of the east, french, dutch, danes and even swedens (because they collapse otherwise) under one banner. 4 nations of the east to rule the british forces and take the west by storm. I dont like this alliance but it s the only way we all can avoid a two front war and the best way for sweden to survive... my 10 cents of propaganda... Brits are just a Zerg trying to hold stuff that does not belong to them!
  16. an alliance between frogs and dutch would be the best for all, because otherwise you always have a man with a knife behind you..not that my word would matter tho and then fight against the large nation, who own more then them belong
  17. its already too much, there should not be anything higher then frigate/bellepoule in shop or capturable
  18. that might help you just let it go
  19. To be fair he did not start this here if i read the dispute right.. as i stated before pls stop this now, before the topic has to be cleaned, it was/is an intressting one...
  20. someday there will be the right moment and time for it
  21. recall all the dsl fights against you guys! ) dont talk about cowards/ganks when your nation is not doing any better On the other hand, i support every step in a direction of fair and even open sea fights
  22. I dont know why you have to fill up the whole topic here with something not really relevent. Jamerson Blackheart and his group probably left because he does not get along with DAS/BOAT and the other way around. That clearly shows here also and the depertment was sad for some, but in the end better for the involved players. There is no reason now to make this drama, just celebreate a huge danish gameplay and be sorry for the french until they recover...probably today in the evening
  23. hihi thats an amusing statement for the nation that ganked us 3 days in a row when we came infront of pampatar for a friendly skirmish ))
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