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Manta Scorpion

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Everything posted by Manta Scorpion

  1. Well, it sounds like potbs was very simpel, but indeed, the fight mecanics can not be compared imo, because there was all about skills, it s like comparing Battlefield to WoW, but the other aspects are even and i just hope, they wont do the same fails as potbs did. NA is a new game a new chance and potbs will always be a nice memory. RIP my most loved game
  2. Historisch gesehen wären die Dänen eine gute Alternative meine Damen und Herren. Aber auch die Franzosen würden sich mit Sicherheit über Ihre Anwesenheit freuen. Hochachtungsvoll Manta Scorpion
  3. i take the names i already had in past games, so if i meet somebody again in a new one, he knows the name. Thats why I m stuck with this silly one
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