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Everything posted by Justme

  1. I never said anything about lowering price, or a discount. Why do you think people with families should be punished by paying 2-3 times as much?
  2. So make people with family members should pay 2-3 times or more the amount to play the same game?
  3. Would be nice to have 2, I have a family member who wants to play as well and I'm not buying 2 copies of the game so both of us can play.
  4. Got my computer but realized the monitor I have is a bit dated. I'm running a gtx 970 for my card but the issue is my budget is limited to about 200 bucks. Any thoughts as to what I should get?
  5. About the genre, when someone asked in another forum why there are no good AOS games "Default I will still fire up the original Talonsoft Age of Sail although like all early John Tiller naval games it ignores the existence of little things like land, time of day and for the most part, weather. Age of Sail 2 was a minor improvement in some respects but was self-limiting due to the total absence of a scenario editor. In this age of instant gratification, the pace of any sailing ship combat simulator would be far too slow for the ADHD generation given that movement to contact was typically at a mere 2 or 3 knots. Nelson's ships took some 6-hours to close on the Combined Fleet, every minute of which changed the relative positions of the forces but even with TC would proceed at a snail's pace for the patience challenged out there. Of course the battles could always commence within firing range and so any simulator worthy of the name would probably conclude in historical results as many naval actions were decided before the first shot was fired due to relative positions when combat commenced. Also, graphics fanatics would endlessly nit-pick specific rigging arrangements, paint schemes and of course, the player perspective would require either a horrible god's-eye view (like SES Jutland/Distant Guns) or a quarterdeck POV that would limit the spectacle aspects of the game. Finding common ground for these fundamental programming considerations would be next to impossible. So, I suspect given the very limited potential commercial market and the inherent difficulty of meeting gamer's expectations we will not see any mainstream sailing warship simulator worthy of the name. That said, there's always a chance that some independent person or team will produce one as a labour of love but don't hold your breath. I feel your pain at this omission but do not expect anything to change anytime soon." As seen here http://www.subsim.com/radioroom/showthread.php?t=188692 Looking at some of the discussions and disagreements here, could not help but think of this.
  6. I don't see how it won't be an issue once the game opens for a wider base. You have never seen it happen here, but I have never seen it not happen in any game that allows it. It's not a question as to whether or not players will boost each other, but as of to the scale of it.
  7. Justme

    Ok devs

    I got my computer, you now have my permission to release for early access
  8. Just a humble opinion from a player in waiting. Why not just reduce the xp a pirate player gets for attacking other pirate players, say maybe earn half or even 1/4 less. While doing this add xp bonus to any national or pirate hunter for sinking/ capturing pirates.
  9. As long as it don't go down the subscription route I'm happy. Premium ships definite buy for me, skins, flags etc as long as they are well designed.
  10. I tend to spend to much on premium items in games I enjoy, WOT is going to really miss me lol. At the end of the day just bugs me I have no alternative to support the game until EA.
  11. It would be nice, but I understand the reasoning if not. It's only by their use of PayPal that's keeping me from being an early supporter.
  12. How well will the chat ban system hold in place for rude comments once EA opens up. People will be themselves after all, good or bad. It's one thing in a closed testing environment another in a paid for open game.
  13. I say we capture the Swedish bikini team and hold them for ransom.
  14. Just curious is all. And not being able to get the game until EA just wanted to see how many thought it's ready for that stage.
  15. I know I'm going to catch flak for this. Should those who purchase EA have the chance to buy the yacht? I know for myself I would like the chance. I refuse to use PayPal after I had an issue with an unauthorized purchase and it took me over 6 months to get it resolved, that and I don't feel it would of been right for me to take a testing slot without having a capable PC to run the game.( Friday I hope, ) I imagine others may have the same qualms about PayPal. I understand that it's a gift for early supporters of the game, so don't rip into me for that guys, well not to much lol.
  16. Ok how do I post a YouTube vid? Don't see an option for it
  17. Simple poll. How much time to you plan on playing the game?
  18. Sorry don't know how to post a YouTube vid here Sums up how Americans feel about the Brits lol. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9-r-5kB1Sz0
  19. Just point my cannon to where I can find the British dogs and me and my crew will be happy.
  20. I had my account info stolen when I used PayPal, over 6 months to get my money back. Like ruthless said its a shame people have to use that crooked company to have a shot at the yacht.
  21. I'm assuming it's usable for this game then?
  22. Are they usefull/ helpful for this game? Been tempted to get one but have no experience with them.
  23. I've had issues with PayPal in the past, so just personell preference. It would be nice to get the yacht but it's not worth messing with PayPal again.
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