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Everything posted by Booyaah

  1. Call me crazy, but I feel like a title of 'Master & Commander' feels like it is a bit more prestigious than post/flag captain.
  2. That's what I changed it to. Satellite looks cool from a high out zoom setting, but it's too distracting when you zoom in.
  3. Thanks for the updates everyone. I'm playing around with base map styles, let me know if you like the new version or if I should go back to the original one.
  4. Mitch that was a ton of ports man or someone else entered a lot of French ports as well. I think we are now over 100 ports now. Thanks!
  5. Thanks for the providing the updates Sappo! Now I just need to get someone who has explored South America and Mexico Also I'm wondering if there is a port in Bermuda...wondering if anyone has taken the time to try and actually find it.
  6. Hi guys, I know everyone likes Google Maps and I haven't seen anyone make a public Google Map yet so I decided do this. So I've been plotting out all my port exploration so far. This map has each faction's ports broken out into individual lists on the left hand side, including neutral and pirate ports, so you can easily find a port by name or faction. Basically I need some help from the community to map the rest of the ports (see below). Thanks to everyone who contributed to the map so far, I believe we are well above 250 ports and the devs said there were about 350 ports. There are most likely a bunch of small islands out in the middle of nowhere with ports that no one has found yet. 'Official' Map: At request of some of the community, I have made a locked version of the previous map as some people were moving points around the community map erroneously. UPDATE (June 11th 2015): If you would like a port added or a correction made, just make a post in this thread. Your post to have ports added or data corrected should contain a screenshot of the port with the F11 coords visible and also a picture of where to place the port on the map. See this post for an example: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/5479-booyaahs-one-google-map-to-rule-them-all/page-5#entry108852 I am going to start giving credit out by putting people's names by any new ports found from here on out and it will also help ensure accuracy. MAP SHORT URL: https://goo.gl/ttZkz9 https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=znKaQtPyLToc.kaQduRE0l4HU&usp=sharing (long URL) Preview: Retweet and share the love: https://twitter.com/Booyaah82/status/607015133127151616 Community Map: This map is open to everyone, anyone can edit and add new ports to this map. Let's see how fast we can get the NA community to map everything! All I ask is that if you add a point that you use the in-game name and not the actual modern day name. Some ports like La Tortue being Tortuga are obvious, but some others are not. Also if you can add the in-game coords (F11) and if the port is shallow or deep water as well. For capital cities, just add to the end of the name (Capital City). If you're vain, you can also put - Added by: Your Name Community URL: https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=znKaQtPyLToc.kgARZbleaCZo How to add a point to the community map: 1) Apparently you must be signed in with a Google account to add to the map, so go ahead and do that first. 2) Click on the link above, then zoom in relatively close on the map where you want to add the point using your mouse's scrollwheel up 3) Highlight the country/faction's layer you are adding the point for, you should see a blue vertical bar on the left side of the list. 4) Click 'Add Marker' from the icons right below the google search box. You can drag the waypoint around after dropping it to get the exact placing right. 5) Give it the actual name used in the Naval Action world 6) You can add additional metadata in the description like in-game coords (F11), if it is a deep or shallow water port, or a fun fact if you want. 7) Change the flag to match the appropriate country by hovering over the marker in the list 8) You should see a little paint bucket icon, click on it and it should show you the correct flag. 9) If it does not click on more icons and scroll down to custom icons and you should see the correct flag. General In-Game Sailing, Navigation, and Cartography Tips (just started this, please let me know any cool stuff you find in-game and ill add it to this list) - The wind will move counterclockwise by 5 degrees once every hour of in-game time - A single in-game day in Naval Action lasts ~20 minutes. It takes about 8 seconds of real time for 10 minutes of time to pass in-game. - Each 'tick' mark on the compass rose represents 15 degrees - It takes ~90 seconds to sail 10,000 units in the in-game coord system in a Lynx with favorable wind going about 19-20 kn. - So 15 minutes min to travel 100k in coords (a tad bit faster in trinc/connie) p.s. Also if you are looking for some good sailing/pirate music, check out my YT playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxCv5yXYzYTYz7vJzSgV-vQyfcelOozTS
  7. We were talking about day/night mechanics in-game today. 8 sec real time ~ 10 min of game time. Extrapolated out that makes 1 day in-game ~ 20 minutes of real time.
  8. So I logged into NA today after about a month off (playing sea trials with 30 ppl on for weeks gets boring after a while), and then saw a big pop up with a code for OW invite and got giddy. I was kind of confused though, because I maybe check once a week on the main page blog for info about OW invites for current testers, and was surprised to still see nothing. HINT: You might want to make some kind of announcement or email testers saying OW invites are going out. Also can someone link where it says OW is under NDA? I've seen ppl streaming it already. Are we really not supposed to be posting pictures? I hope they get skirmish mode back up pretty soon as well, I haven't really tested out damage model 4.0 yet, but I'm not gonna keep swapping game versions just to do it.
  9. Yes, who doesn't know about that...the last 500 MB is on a separate bus with 1/8 the bandwidth. I can run Star Citizen racing module at 70 FPS across 3 screens. Surprisingly Arma 3 with a high 2000m draw distance is probably the most intensive game I've run graphically, that and some benchmarks like Valley and 3DMark firestrike, and obviously 4K DSR is only like 20-40 FPS depending on the game. Anyways, I will just sell them once 14nm FinFet GPUs come out in Fall most likely. This game runs near 100 fps with 30 ppl in a storm battle.
  10. http://pcpartpicker.com/b/s7sJ7P
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