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In battle when low level

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Hey guys I am not sure if anyone else has outlined this in another post but I thought I would bring some attention to this since I just started a new account in Naval Action. One of the features of the new patch is that the AI will prioritise players over bots, now this is a nice feature when you are a high level with a fleet because the AI will not sail off into the distance fighting your fleet never to be seen or heard of again. However I was fighting in a battle with some friendly AI ships against some enemy ships the list of ships was this; My team with me in a lynx, two snows and a privateer and the enemy team with two snows and two cutters. These are pretty fair teams and I went into the battle feeling good thinking I would be able to get a decent amount of XP and gold but All the enemy ships targeted me and did not touch the AI on my team until I was dead.


I think it would be best if this was addressed as this will make it a little harder for newer players to level and a bit off putting when they are getting targeted by the whole enemy team of AI.

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There will be some updates to AI and fleets next patch. 

Currently the system is this (please spread info if this question arise again)

AI focuses the closest player at battle launch

If there are 2 or more players then bots prioritize the closest one until he sails some distance away and then they switch. 

They will focus on 1 player until he sinks - that was done to make defensive fleets useful and actually help you against players.


Maybe was not the best idea ;) and needs tuning. 

Try to be the second one in the battle. 

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Yes, I think it should be the highest level ship, and not all bots should attack that ship, but it should be spread out between ships.


Last night I was in a Lynx, Northern Wolves was in a Coni.


The AI were 1 Coni, 2 Frigates, 1 Mercury Brig.


They all focused on me, a Lynx, while Northern in a Coni was able to kill them off one by one and even though he was right up alongside them and I had run off far away.


I think what should have happened were the Coni and 2 Frigates target Northern Wolves, the highest rated ship, while the Merc attacked me.

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