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Toxic behavior(open world)

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And they've denounced themselves as Pirates !!! Bad idea  ;)


Each side apologised : Good, everything goes back in order.


But you forget one thing gentlemen !




The penalty for piracy is death by hanging !  :lol:


Let the rape and pillage begin ;)

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Your right it's not, there are a lot of things that should not be joked about, used as insults or said in general. But at the end of the day they are words used in an attempt to elicit a response. You respond the person who said them wins. It's that simple, they accomplished whatever petty bs they meant to.

When you stop caring about the negative words people use, the they lose their ability to agitate you. Not always easy, and it happens to everyone. 9 times out of 10 I just laugh it off, people still get to me, but it's a lot harder for them to do it.


Aye you should laugh it off, but once again when its something such as Cancer that is insulted at you... Many of my family members have suffered from Cancer and I hate people using it as an insult

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As we are all grown ups we should not need a profanity filter. Its Simple Speak to people like you would in the real would. If you threaten to kill someone in the real world there are consequences. If you are at work and you tell some one to say die of cancer like was said in game you would be fired. So the same thing goes here if you cant handle the consequences for the action you have taken. Think twice before you take those actions. This community will not be like the other online gaming communities in regards to online abuse. enough said.  

Edited by Young
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. So the same thing goes here if you cant handle the consequences for the action you have taken. Think twice before you take those actions.


At no point have i said i cant handle the consequences.. You infact liked my post stating that i am fully aware of that in question and acknowledge that. I was merely saying that a profaninty filter would be a good idea for people that cant handle this type of thing, as im sure your aware that over time the devs will not be actioning things like this as the game will be a mere distant memory.

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When you are tempted to start slinging filth just remember this: in all likelyhood your words will do nothing or next to nothing against your opponent, but if they DO, you will be the one punished. (Especially if you do it often.)


Let me put it like this. 1 of 2 things will happen:


A: You tell him to go get cancer, he doesn't give a damn, you waste your time.

B: You tell him to go get cancer, it upsets him, (justifiably) he reports you to tribunal, you are in trouble. Repeat option B a few times and you won't need to worry about any of this because you won't be using chat anymore.


Are competitive multiplayer gamers the least logical people on the planet or what? This isn't some advanced game theory concept or something, its just a lose lose situation. 

Edited by Capt Aerobane
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Parties involved have reached to an agreement. 


Please remember that such insults are not tolerated and all parties involved have been placed on the watch list

If this happens again access to chat function could be withdrawn. 

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