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NAR BETA 3.0.2 "Major Powers update" for UAD opt x3

o Barão

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18 minutes ago, Peksern said:

Is it meant to be that guns have no armor at all by default?

Edit: Every type  of armor (both hull and guns) is by default set to the minimum (often 0). That supposed to be?

take a screenshot a post here for me to understand what you are saying.

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5 minutes ago, Peksern said:


Here you go


No. That should not happen. Every hull and turret have a set of value for the code to follow. check the melon loader log (alt+tab) when the game is open or if the files are in the right location.


You should see this In this location... C:\....\Steam\steamapps\common\Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts\Mods

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2 minutes ago, o Barão said:

No. That should not happen. Every hull and turret have a set of value for the code to follow. check the melon loader log (alt+tab) when the game is open or if the files are in the right location.


You should see this In this location... C:\....\Steam\steamapps\common\Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts\Mods

yep, they are. 

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4 minutes ago, o Barão said:

@Peksern did you forget to tell the AI to design a ship? Try that and then check the result


Well, AI generated Ship does have armor values. But... why does that matter?

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7 minutes ago, Peksern said:

Well, AI Ship does have armor values. But... why does that matter?



To make things short for you to understand. For a long time the AI had problems in using correct armor values in game. Could make some areas not well protected or could use insane amount of armors in places where it wasn't needed wasting important hull tonnage that could be used in other critical areas, like guns, speed, range, better components. You know, those little details that make a GOOD SHIP design.


Now for the 1st time we have that in game. So expect to fight much better AI ships in battle or to trust the AI to design the ships for you, if you wish.


Just a little upgrade, not really important you know....🤪

Edited by o Barão
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3 minutes ago, o Barão said:



To make things short for you to understand. For a long time the AI had problems in using correct armor values in game. Could make some areas not well protected or could use insane amount of armors in place where it wasn't needed wasting important hull tonnage that could be used in other critical areas, like guns, speed, range, better components. You know, those little details that make a GOOD SHIP design.


Now for the 1st time we have that in game. So expect to fight much better AI ships in battle or to trust the AI to design the ships for you, if you wish.


Just a little upgrade, not really important you know....🤪

Sorry, if I am annoying you. I got that part. I did read the description of the upgrade and followed the development.

Yet I don't understand why the hull doesn't have default armor values and why I should random generate a ship first to "fix" that? You said yourself the 0 values shouldn't be.

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6 minutes ago, Peksern said:

Yet I don't understand why the hull doesn't have default armor values and why I should random generate a ship first to "fix" that? You said yourself the 0 values shouldn't be.

And you are seeing that on all ships? Because with me only a few starts with no armor values.


As an example. Didn't touched anything

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56 minutes ago, o Barão said:

And you are seeing that on all ships? Because with me only a few starts with no armor values.

Nope, just started a new campaign and its on small battleship and armored cruiser I (american). I think semi armoured cruiser I has some armor. 

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46 minutes ago, PalaiologosTheGreat said:

Update Missions sometimes takes really long. Any fixes to that?

Many new changes were implemented to make the AI build better ships, however this code is in the early stages of implementation and sometimes can make the AI task to get a ship design very hard.


However if I know exactly what is the ship the AI is having troubles, it become easy for me to implement a solution to help the AI. Anyone can help me with that.


go here:

C:\Users\....\AppData\LocalLow\Game Labs\Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts


Open the player log and if you see something like that


Failing to generate 4 times in a row, just type the hull name you see there in the forum and I will know where to look.

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Follow up.  I am having issues with weapon upgrades.   EG my Battleship has only Mk I 10" cannons available, but my Heavy Cruiser has MkII  10" and Mk I 9" (she has the Mk Is 9" as built)

It is as if you HAVE to change the caliber to gain the upgraded weapon.

Again Ottoman Empire


Pictures of the Cruiser showing this weird issue.

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59 minutes ago, Pappystein said:


Ottoman Empire 1890,  Start with 4500t Light Cruisers but do not have 4000ton light cruisers unlocked until later.  Not certain if this was intended or issue.

That is a change I implemented to help the AI to design early light cruisers in 1890 but I forgot to update the description.  I will update tomorrow.

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20 minutes ago, Pappystein said:

Follow up.  I am having issues with weapon upgrades.   EG my Battleship has only Mk I 10" cannons available, but my Heavy Cruiser has MkII  10" and Mk I 9" (she has the Mk Is 9" as built)

It is as if you HAVE to change the caliber to gain the upgraded weapon.

Again Ottoman Empire


Pictures of the Cruiser showing this weird issue.

That if I am not mistaken it is one of the new feature implemented by Nathan. When you go to refit your ship, the guns are not upgraded automatically anymore. You will see instead a button to upgrade.


Much more realistic imo.


As an example in this image,  in your left down, below the 3.2" gun "upgrade mark"

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7 hours ago, o Barão said:


<snip army insanity>

but in the next turn everything goes to normal. Also it was impossible for France to have around 1 M troops in this era.

<snip again>

A few more turns they conquered Honduras.


So only a glitch in the matrix?

lol. Yeah I'll look at that tonight. Hopefully it's just something silly, but it's going to require tracing a bunch through decompiled gibberish rather than writing new code myself, and that always takes longer...

3 hours ago, Pappystein said:

Follow up.  I am having issues with weapon upgrades.   EG my Battleship has only Mk I 10" cannons available, but my Heavy Cruiser has MkII  10" and Mk I 9" (she has the Mk Is 9" as built)

It is as if you HAVE to change the caliber to gain the upgraded weapon.

Again Ottoman Empire


Pictures of the Cruiser showing this weird issue.

As @o Barão says, that's a feature. On the left, go down to where you set gun diameter and length offsets and click the Upgrade Mark button. The same thing happens with Torpedoes, only there it's a button beside the Torpedo components (diameter/type/etc) since there's no specific torpedo UI section.

The reason for this, apart from being realistic, is that otherwise you get forced into (a) weight changes and (b) model changes from the automatic upgrade, which can make it impossible to keep the same gun layout. This was a feature the devs attempted for 1.6, and I have no idea why they removed it since it seems to work fine the way I wrote it. Unless they tried to do it per part rather than per caliber, that would be pretty tricky given how the game is coded.

A bunch of folks requested that on the DIP discord which is why I wrote it, apart from my wanting it for realism reasons. Refits in this game are sooooo weird, it's fast to rip out a VTE and replace it with a gas turbine but it's super slow to add a single 2in gun??

Edited by NathanKell
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4 hours ago, NathanKell said:

As @o Barão says, that's a feature. On the left, go down to where you set gun diameter and length offsets and click the Upgrade Mark button. The same thing happens with Torpedoes, only there it's a button beside the Torpedo components (diameter/type/etc) since there's no specific torpedo UI section.

Absolute mad lads, both of you. Thank you for adding something that will cause no end of headaches(The good kind! :D). Automatic gun mark upgrades when doing refits have ruined so many otherwise fine designs (pre-dreads, particularly the German ones, and early to mid-campaign CAs and CLs suffered from it, too).

On a similar note, is it possible to add a button or feature that ties the main gun reload together? IE Nevada with 2x2 14" and 2x3 14" (which have considerably different reload speeds in-game via barrel count) or KGV-types with their 1x2 and 2x4 14" (Similar issue, just increased in issue because of quad turrets).


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10 minutes ago, Peksern said:

@o BarãoI found some more hulls having no default armor values. Do you mind about that at all? It's fine if not, but if you do, I would search through all the hulls via shared design and make a list for you, which hulls are affected. :)

No need. What matters is the AI when designing the ship, the HAL 9000 😁  knows what do now.

When is the player designing, then it is his/her obligation to add the values he/she wants or can use the AI to generate a ramdom design and then work on top of that.

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1 minute ago, o Barão said:

No need. What matters is the AI when designing the ship, the HAL 9000 😁  knows what do now.

When is the player designing, then it is his/her obligation to add the values he/she wants or can use the AI to generate a ramdom design and then work on top of that.

Alrighty! Btw, did it become easier to get stronger armor values on ships? Since the update, it's no problem to put 15 or 16 inch of main belt on many pre-dreadnoughts and early dreadnoughts. I like that, though!

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1 minute ago, Peksern said:

Alrighty! Btw, did it become easier to get stronger armor values on ships? Since the update, it's no problem to put 15 or 16 inch of main belt on many pre-dreadnoughts and early dreadnoughts. I like that, though!

I wouldn't say it is easy. It can happen in rare occasions in that time period, but you are wasting important tonnage in doing so, if it is the right choice for you to do that or not it is up to you.


What I can say is that the HAL 9000 will not do that. ;)

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