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Port investment and its effects on Population

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By requiring farming of home defense fleets (which I don't mind)  in order to invest into a port.  What is your explanation then for population issues imbalance.   A nation like the Dutch or Prussians do not have the same level of investment as Sweden or Russian.    Faction are quickly falling behind and being alienated due to their lack of port investment, and lack of numbers to run these missions.   


Example: the dutch have struggled with population recently, and run HDFs like 1x a week if people show up.    Sweden can run them every day multiple times perhaps.   Same with Russia, multiple times multiple days.    How is a nation like the dutch or the pirates or Spanish suppose to regain population by sailing/producing significantly worse ships, being more vulnerable to attack.


I'm not here to complain about this.  I"m just wondering what from a design perspective is going to make this game something more than Russians, Sweden, France, GB?


In past games, exp boosts were implemented, but that had no bearing.   Drop rates, increased, had no bearing.  Just wondering what the plan is to increase new player retention and distribute those new players amongst the nations, preferably the under populated nations to make them more viable in rvr.

Edited by Hittings
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You can capture the port someone else have leveled up. Take it for free. Wait until they invest it fully and then capture it unexpectedly. You wont do it from first try, but people will rally for this cause.

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21 hours ago, Hittings said:

 I"m just wondering what from a design perspective is going to make this game something more than Russians, Sweden, France, GB?

You. You (if you are a real leader) can do it. Unite people, train the fleets, practice one-shotting and focus fire, train maneuvers. And then you will start taking their ports. 


Its a sandbox. There are no design perspectives here. Strongest nations win. 

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How are you going to capture another port when they have 4/4/4/4 bonuses to ships and your at 2/4/4/3 or even 2/4/4/2 etc?    If it was a sandbox then every nation would have capital waters instead of just some.   Its statistically extremely unlikely for that to happen.   

I disagree that this game is a sandbox.  If it was a sandbox you would be able to attack anywhere anytime to force timers.  Instead your limited by the 2 port system.


eve is a sandbox, you can attack any system at any time.  Sure there are mechanics to take sov, so you can bring in larger ships etc, and your timers get forced based on the defenders settings.   That would be a sandbox.

Instead the current system promotes strength and penalizes weakness making the weaker nations wither until there population unsustainable.

Edited by Hittings
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1 hour ago, admin said:

You. You (if you are a real leader) can do it. Unite people, train the fleets, practice one-shotting and focus fire, train maneuvers. And then you will start taking their ports. 


Its a sandbox. There are no design perspectives here. Strongest nations win. 

Here is a question to you Admin from a leader. With what people do I train and unite. You simply just do not get it. I have no players left to train or recruit. The grind alone kills any attempt at training. There is simply no drive or willing to motivate these players into doing anything at this point. The point is they left the game. So where are the new players to replace them. You have no answer for this, just like I have answers for this. I am not here to say I am right or you wrong. But I do say this the strongest nation may have won. In the end though we all lose from this so called sand box.

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11 hours ago, Hittings said:

How are you going to capture another port when they have 4/4/4/4 bonuses to ships and your at 2/4/4/3 or even 2/4/4/2 etc?    If it was a sandbox then every nation would have capital waters instead of just some.   Its statistically extremely unlikely for that to happen. 

WTF did it at Santiago de Cuba against LURE, brits had 55 point crafting port, pirates only had a 50 point, but what they lacked in portbonuses they made up for in skills.

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