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What Will The Campain Look Like?


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I've read a lot of discussion on the campaign and what people expect or want to see, so I'll add a few ideas of my own. My hope is that these are not overly complex or game-breaking.

Diplomatic use of naval assets: It would be fun to 'show the flag' by sending ships to various parts of the world. Lots of history of this, most memorably for my country, our Great White Fleet circling the globe.

Christening ceremonies: This doesn't have to be much, even just picture popping up showing the launch of a capital ship or a bottle breaking on a bow with a little message. The little event messages that pop up even in very old Total War titles is what I am thinking here.

Naval intelligence: It would be fun to get messages about rivals like, "This nation is planning a new class of large battleships," or, "This navy is expanding its destroyer fleet in the coming years," so that we can respond with our own plans.

Flag ships: I know we have a mechanic about this in battles, but the thing I most look forward to is designing ships and then coveting them for years and many battles to come. The current missions are great, but I do not feel invested in my ships since they will be gone whether I win or lose. The capital ships should feel special, and the loss of key ones should have a profound impact.

Start or end date flexibility: When I first heard about this title, I was only mildly excited because the name and bits of information I heard pointed towards WWI and earlier technology. Granted, just playing this has made that era much more interesting. When I learned that WWII tech and the evolution to it was going into the game, it became a must have. I just hope that later tech, that we all enjoy so much in our academy and custom missions, isn't relegated to the very end of the campaign. Perhaps an options to start a campaign in 1918 to get there sooner, or if the grand campaign will give me time with my shiny toys, I'm all set.

Loving the game so far. Can't wait to see how the campaign is structured.

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Great ideas.

I also hope there will be no fixed ending time. It's so anticlimatic to be in a huge game/war and suddenly it's all over because you've reached December 1940 or August 1945.


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36 minutes ago, fsp said:

I also hope there will be no fixed ending time.

It looks like there's not gonna be ending time because on their official website (link is posted earlier in this discussion) there is written:You fully manage the fleets and naval construction programmes of the following nations that are available with their historical borders from the Imperialism Era to the Interwar Period  (1890-1930 +)

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On 4/25/2020 at 1:13 AM, Jatzi said:

If you've played RTW it'll look a lot like that honestly. And if you havent played RTW I highly suggest it. It's a really good game, basically UA:D but without graphics

I like a lot of things about RTW2, but the fact that the AI nations never go to war with one another on their own is kind of game-breaking IMO. Frequently that leaves me in an eventually boring routine of "beat up on France, make peace, repeat."

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On 5/2/2020 at 10:23 PM, Jakebob said:

I like a lot of things about RTW2, but the fact that the AI nations never go to war with one another on their own is kind of game-breaking IMO. Frequently that leaves me in an eventually boring routine of "beat up on France, make peace, repeat."

100% right here! 

RTW is a great deep and detailed game, but the lack of AI vs AI wars truly is a huge disappointment. Effectively, it is always AIs vs player.

Really hope that UA: Dreadnoughts will have AI fighting AI, if only simulated/ auto-resolved. Without this, the game will be a huge let down for me, especially as it is marketed and geared to be single player only.

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