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pve vs pvp: is the choice locked



hi thinking about getting game with 3 others...what we want to know is if we choose pve server are we locked into that choice or can we switch to pvp once we learn the game...


if we can move to pvp do we start completely over or do we just log into a diff server with our stuff?

what happens to things like dlc ships if we get any...are they locked to whatever server u are on at time of purch or are they account owned regardless of server

any answers would be awesome...


edit: one last question: how long will it take for like 4 people to get up and running in something more than a cutter in this game (is it possible for 4 people or do we have to join a clan?)

Edited by gogopher
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13 answers to this question

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1 hour ago, gogopher said:

hi thinking about getting game with 3 others...what we want to know is if we choose pve server are we locked into that choice or can we switch to pvp once we learn the game...


if we can move to pvp do we start completely over or do we just log into a diff server with our stuff?

Characters on the War Server and Peace Server are separate, so you start each character from the beginning. I'm not sure how the exam rank works, as that is tied to your steam ID (so in theory, it could/should transfer). If you are considering the PvP server, my recommendation would be to start there.


what happens to things like dlc ships if we get any...are they locked to whatever server u are on at time of purch or are they account owned regardless of server

any answers would be awesome...

DLC are tied to your steam acct, not your character.


edit: one last question: how long will it take for like 4 people to get up and running in something more than a cutter in this game (is it possible for 4 people or do we have to join a clan?)

A couple of weeks, especially if you do the exams to jump start yourselves.

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6 hours ago, gogopher said:

hi thinking about getting game with 3 others...what we want to know is if we choose pve server are we locked into that choice or can we switch to pvp once we learn the game...

I highly recommend you start on the Peace server and learn the ropes.  Switch to PVP once you have a good idea of fighting and trading and crafting.  Ask lots of questions.  New players on the PVP server routinely get murdered by more experienced hunters.


if we can move to pvp do we start completely over or do we just log into a diff server with our stuff?

You don't keep your stuff (or even your name) from the peace server when you switch.

what happens to things like dlc ships if we get any...are they locked to whatever server u are on at time of purch or are they account owned regardless of server

Any DLC that you buy is available to you on both servers.

any answers would be awesome...


edit: one last question: how long will it take for like 4 people to get up and running in something more than a cutter in this game (is it possible for 4 people or do we have to join a clan?)

The best way to get ahead is to do the tutorials/exams.  This will start you out with rank (which gives bigger crews), Repairs, Ships, and money.  You do the exams separately on each server, so if you did it on peace server, you will want to do it again on War server.  Joining a clan will give you good mentorship, but you can go ahead and make your own clan as well.  Many clans will only accept players who have done the final exam.


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18 minutes ago, Je maintiendrai said:

In regards to the post above; No amount of PvE will teach you how to PvP. To get good at PvP battles you'd have to be on the PvP server. 
Then again I can imagine PvE is way more relaxing then sailing around in the PvP server where there is constant danger of someone trying to sink you :D

While this is true to a minor point, you can not really get far in the pvp server if you can barely get out of the harbor. The one thing that is not mentioned is that many nations currently are under constant siege and new players are prime targets for veterans seeking to complete pvp missions.

Playing on the PVE server will get you familiar with how the ships respond and it will allow your group to learn to operate as a unit. Starting off on the PVP server would be a mistake without knowing how to play the game. The only thing that the pvp server has that the pve does not is the ability to attack other players. Currently the pvp server is very toxic with some of the attitudes as can be expected from most pvp games where players have been able to build up and then use those elite items to hunt down new players who not only lack gear but knowledge of how to play the game. 

Start on the pve server, get used to gaining ranks, try out multiple types of ships and weapon loadouts. Practice sailing with and against the wind. Get used to angling your ship to reduce damage from enemy ships. Try boarding at least a few times and maneuvering a ship into a boarding position.

When you have gotten used to the ships and the mechanics, then consider playing on the pvp server.There is one massive difference to keep in mind, on the pve server you can enter any port regardless of nation and setup an outpost. This is not permitted on the pvp server. So when you want to join the pvp server, create a character and look at the map and see who controls what. Certain nations are not really worth joining at the current time due to low populations and lack of resources. There currently are 3 nations that pretty much have the run of the place and are more than willing to beat the other nations down at will. Until things change, I would avoid joining Britain, Poland, France, or Spain just to name a few.

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2 hours ago, Je maintiendrai said:

Personally i think the most efficient way of becoming good at the game (not saying im good) is by doing PvP. But i think we are drifting from the main point of the question of this person in general. 
It is an option to create an account on both servers and test both servers out @gogopher

The reason I disagree is that a person who is new to the game has a lot to learn on operating a ship before diving into being actively fired upon by another player. It is rather difficult learning the basics of the ship when you have only about 5 min before being sunk. At least starting out on the pve server a player can learn the basics in battles of his choosing instead of being a target from the very beginning. This is evident from the population growth upon release to just a couple of months afterward. A new player will get discouraged rather quickly if their first impression of a game is that they will not survive long enough to build up something that has even a minuscule chance of surviving. The OP's question regarding accounts was already addressed. I wanted to clarify which server to join first to learn the game and still maintain a good chance that he would not get overwhelmed from the very beginning. The pvp server has not shown any real desire to aid in player retention except those that chose to join a clan (lotto on that one). Not all players will want to commit to a group they do not know on day one.

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In regards to the post above; No amount of PvE will teach you how to PvP. To get good at PvP battles you'd have to be on the PvP server. 
Then again I can imagine PvE is way more relaxing then sailing around in the PvP server where there is constant danger of someone trying to sink you :D

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Some general tips when starting in the PvP server; join a clan, try to get some funds, dont spend too much on ships at the start of your PvP career (because you will get sunk many many many times), try opening outposts at freetowns if you want 'quick' action, but most importantly is try to enjoy it :D
And in regards to toxicity, I dont experience the toxicity as explained above^. Some people do have a toxic mindset, and ganking (massive outnumbering/overpowering) someone happens but that's part of the game.

Edited by Je maintiendrai
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14 minutes ago, rediii said:

How are they under siege with the homewater fleets protecting the starting area?

The best way to learn pvp is to join a clan that can support you and show you some basics and then go out and sink and learn from it. All of the mentioned veterans did exactly this.

Capitals are generally  camped 24/7 by people in small ships with a BR too low to be attacked by the home fleets.  They then quite often attack a bigger ship, witch means the victim has only 2 mins to get help but the attackers friends have 20 mins to dog pile in. 

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55 minutes ago, rediii said:

How are they under siege with the homewater fleets protecting the starting area?

The best way to learn pvp is to join a clan that can support you and show you some basics and then go out and sink and learn from it. All of the mentioned veterans did exactly this.

It is a well known fact that the homefleets only protect against large ships. It is also known that the homefleets do not operate as intended with some patrolling areas far distant from their capital while other ones do not engage at all. 

I stand by my previous recommendation of starting out on the pve server to learn the basics of sailing and gunnery. Attempting to learn that while on the pvp server would be a big mistake given the current situation of the server in general.

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21 minutes ago, Raekur said:


I stand by my previous recommendation of starting out on the pve server to learn the basics of sailing and gunnery. Attempting to learn that while on the pvp server would be a big mistake given the current situation of the server in general.

Personally i think the most efficient way of becoming good at the game (not saying im good) is by doing PvP. But i think we are drifting from the main point of the question of this person in general. 
It is an option to create an account on both servers and test both servers out @gogopher

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What helped me improve was watching youtube vids of players pvp'ing (especially on tacking).

Edited by Je maintiendrai
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