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UAD moments that you tend to remember


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If you are a long time gamer, sooner or later you will experience extraordinary moments playing. We all get annoyed when AI destroys two of your ships with one salvo each, each one of those hitting the ammo magazine. 

Sometimes gods of randomness roll the dice in your direction and this happened to me in Super dreadnought or battlecruiser naval academy scenario:

Allied DD fires it torpedoes too late missing the opposing DD by breath of hair. The battle rages on and short time later I get message that two enemy light cruisers have been struck by torpedoes. One is immediately sunk while the other sinks shortly after...screen_1920x1080_2020-02-24_08-45-29.thumb.png.134b2f36e25f2bb957c8056768a1381a.png

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I had the Hood vs Bismarck Mission, and my secondary guns just locked on target, my primaries still were turning, i get the Message, that my BB sinks due to structural damage and the screen went dark. I had just enough time to read, that the "Hood" of all enemy ships had sunk my "Bismarck" by "hooding" it with her rangefinding shot of the primary artillery.

And my ship was not a bad build, it was just not the day for Bismarck.

Edited by Teckelmaster
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I played German Pride mission and designed this beautifull ship:


(second screenshoot of modules is here 


This girl blow up Hood no.1/2 turret magazine in span of 30 seconds since she started shooting at Mighty Hood :D

Edited by HusariuS
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Mine was probs seeing USS Kansas ammorack IJN Aki in the newer us super battleship mission, was quite surprised by that lol and Aki clearly didn't like her behind being touched either.

Oh and watching some of the ships split in half remember a french old battleship split in two when it got ammoracked in alpha 2 (i think pre hotfix) quite an amazing sight will need to sift through all of my old screenies again.

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