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no more BR limit?


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I believe there is no more br for the time being. I saw a few posts a few days ago about how people were unable to use captured Third Rates and a developer made a comment saying how they would test the removal of BR so players could use the third rate in the campaigns.

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2 hours ago, pandakraut said:

The BR limit was removed in an experimental patch last week that also turned scaling based on player units back on. Consensus seems to be that more players enjoy rampaging around with 3rd rates, so it seems likely to stay.

The scaling still seems off.  I lost two battles and said screw it.  Might go back and try easy again but I shouldn't be force to play in easy.   And I'm not running around in 3rd rates as this was just the 3rd and 4th UK missions.  I'm getting out gun and crew by the ships it places no matter if I bring one 5th rate or 2-3 7-6th rates.  Which I don't get how a 9 lb Cerberus frigate is doing more damage than a 12lb Herm in broad sides, but they are melting my armor and they have more crew so I can't board them as it's 280 crew with ai board mods vs my 270 and no boarding epuiptment (can't afford it).

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On 2/17/2020 at 7:52 PM, Sir Texas Sir said:

The scaling still seems off.  I lost two battles and said screw it.  Might go back and try easy again but I shouldn't be force to play in easy.   And I'm not running around in 3rd rates as this was just the 3rd and 4th UK missions.  I'm getting out gun and crew by the ships it places no matter if I bring one 5th rate or 2-3 7-6th rates.  Which I don't get how a 9 lb Cerberus frigate is doing more damage than a 12lb Herm in broad sides, but they are melting my armor and they have more crew so I can't board them as it's 280 crew with ai board mods vs my 270 and no boarding epuiptment (can't afford it).

I'm on my second play through with it off and I do like the options it allows, however Texas is right about the scaling as I'm just bypassing the rep and experience and moving on after I get my butt handed to me (LOL).  I do go back and try something new every once in awhile, especially after a patch or when I need to be humbled.

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