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Hostility Missions

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I'd like to put hostility missions back to the way they used to be. At the moment they can spawn miles and miles away from the port so the defenders have no chance of even seeing there is hostility.

Or, something should be done to let the nation know that a hostility mission has begun. When CombatNews says it's at 25% it's usually already finished.

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We can't both have pecan and strawberry pie.

RvR players asked for a smaller grind to set up a PB so they could spent more time on more interesting gameplay. This was accomplished by making setting up a PB easier.

The downside is clear as day - it's easy to set up a PB.


I'd like to suggest something a bit more revolutionary.. I'd like to suggest that we re-introduce hostility bombs but make them untradeable. That way fx. Denmark-Norway would have to craft war-supplies and then sail them to fx. Pasaje with no means of having an alt to sail it for them (and thus prevent the attacked nation from intercepting). At the same time you can't gather bundles of warsupplies (unless u have the numbers in players, but that goes for the current system as well) so that u can drive host from 0-100 in one drop.

At the same time it'll make combat patrolling in threatened regions more important since reconoittering the supply ships becomes vital in order to prevent an attack.

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18 minutes ago, Gregory Rainsborough said:

I'd like to put hostility missions back to the way they used to be. At the moment they can spawn miles and miles away from the port so the defenders have no chance of even seeing there is hostility.

Or, something should be done to let the nation know that a hostility mission has begun. When CombatNews says it's at 25% it's usually already finished.

Use shiplog book

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Hostility mission are incredibly easy to counter, if you can find them.  I'm not necessarily a fan of making them easier to spot simply for that reason.  However I don't like how easy it is to flip ports.  In particular shallow ports.  3 guys in 1st rates can instantly flip one.  10 guys in 1st rates can flip a 5700 BR port.  Zero ability to respond.  And in the case of Russia it would appear that a certain Nation can flip 2-3 of them before we have the ability to respond....and then show up to none of them.

There should be an increased risk of discovery while flipping.  Perhaps make it so A mission can only do 50% hostility max so there has to be 2 and the defenders have the ability to respond.  Something like that.

Also not related to hostility but battle management in general.  The cooldown on unsuccessful port flips should be higher and I would like to see the amount of port battles one nation can set against the other back down to 3.  

Edited by Mouth of Sauron
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Well, seeing as this discussion is going around again I might as well post this:

Old topic is a bit outdated now but some of the ideas I believe would be good as a complement to or replacement of existing hostility mechanics.


Edit and raids have been added since the topic was created.

Edited by StaleMemes
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Why I am ok with the current system:

1. Everyone knows when the hostility window is, so it already narrows it down for defenders.

2. Hostility missions seem to all have a set amount of locations for each port...usually not very far from port.

3. Hostility missions can be spoiled very easily if they are found by defenders or other nations.

4. Use ship logbooks to find battles.

Things that I would like changed:

1. Shallow port hostility missions should be limited to shallow water ships.

2. Message sent to port owner (clan leader) notifying him of a hostility order beginning.

3. More random hostility order locations around the port.


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