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[TRAP]Redbear89 Griefing 2 times in a row


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We had some pvp against Swedish. Player [TRAP]Redbear89 tagged me and my friends 2 times in a row, kept us in battle to make their big ships escape.

It is not RVR, it is OW PVP, even I told him, he did not listen. So beind warned 2 times, he insisted on doing again, he accepted the griefing telling us "he is doing this to save his friends"



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2 vid off 8mins what about the 2 hours off battle around that area this was two battle out of 10-15 dont cherry pick because you had a bad time there it was happen on both side many Tag on us and no shooting to get more in battle it happen too all off.

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5 minutes ago, redbear said:

2 vid off 8mins what about the 2 hours off battle around that area this was two battle out of 10-15 dont cherry pick because you had a bad time there it was happen on both side many Tag on us and no shooting to get more in battle it happen too all off.

I warned you many times, only recorded and posted when you did it second time, and you didnt give a shite. And if your behaviour is acceptable, I will tag and keep Rediii and his minions in battle for 90 minutes, over and over

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dont invent or make it sound as bad as it was these x2 vid are 1 hour apart i did not tag x2 in row with in 2 mins it was 1hour apart saying i dont give a shit is not true dont put word in my mouth we both had fight out there for 2 hours and like i said you cerry pick YOUR bad moments and make them out to be Huge Deal because you had a bad time if i tag you over and over nd over and over and kept you in battle for 1 hour i can see your point off so called Griefer but out off them x2 vid we was in battle for 4mins and both off them vid are all most 1 hour apart stop makeing drama out off northing and end this BS

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