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Long range accuracy vs base accuracy


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Hello everyone, can anybody tell me what the actual ingame difference between base accuracy (as in coincidence rangefinders) and long range accuracy (as in stereoscopic rangefinders) is?

Specifically, where does long range begin and end? Where are medium and short range borders? Did i miss it in the description?


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Here's what I could find:

  • +X Long-Range Accuracy and +X% Long-Range Accuracy do exactly the same thing, but only the former appears on the right panel. Same for Base Accuracy.
  • Like most things in the ship designer, but unlike accuracy modifiers in combat, these modifiers stack additively with themselves. So if you have two +100% the total is +200%, not x4.
  • I think it stacks multiplicatively with the Base Accuracy modifier.
  • It's a bit hard to tell for sure due to the limited precision of the accuracy display, but my conjecture is that 0.01x of the Long-Range Accuracy modifier is applied per km of distance. For example, at 25 km, a quarter of the modifier would be applied. This doesn't seem to depend on the maximum range of the gun, only the absolute distance.

So the final equation I would conjecture to be (base chance) * (1 + sum of Base Accuracy modifiers) * (1 + 0.01 * distance in km * sum of Long-Range Accuracy modifiers). Given that most damage seems to be done at closer than 20 km I think it's best to use Coincidence (Base Accuracy) rather than Stereoscopic (Long-Range Accuracy) in most cases.

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i think i noticed, that at least for late tech, the break point is at 10 km, so for lower than 10km, concidence works better, at 10km they do about the same and beyond the advantage goes to stereo. That is by comparing the numbers of the best of each ragefinders on 17 inch mk3 guns only, though. And potentially by km i mean yards, or whatever the distance is measured in, when in default settings. I will do more comparison on it tonight, but i would actually disagree and use stereos, as the loss in short range accuracy seems less significant than the gain in long range. I definitely will check out lower tech levels and smaller guns, too.

thanks for the input.

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Long range accuracy is good for Long range engagements where it gives largest bonuses for your guns meaning it's good if you're using large caliber guns that can damage target at ranges of 15+km, for anything else it is better to get base accuracy bonus as guns benefit the most from it at ranges up to 12km.

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Just to add to the fun, some secondary towers have higher smoke interference abatement at the cost of smaller base accuracy bonuses.

I use this to consider whether or not I'm better off with the higher base accuracy and a small smoke interference penalty (total smoke interference from funnels - smoke abatement from towers = final smoke interference value) or the other way around.

That's interesting because there are risks to having one funnel, but having two usually means higher than strictly necessary smoke interference.

The penalties from even small net +ve smoke interference can be quite high, too.

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On 2/2/2020 at 2:10 PM, Teckelmaster said:

Hello everyone, can anybody tell me what the actual ingame difference between base accuracy (as in coincidence rangefinders) and long range accuracy (as in stereoscopic rangefinders) is?

Specifically, where does long range begin and end? Where are medium and short range borders? Did i miss it in the description?


I was looking a this recently. If you take radar 2 it almost makes the rangefinder choice pointless. IIRC its at like 10-12km but if you select the range finder, then go back to your gun, youll see the accuracy bump, just switch back and forth a few times and figure out which one is best.

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On 2/8/2020 at 12:54 AM, Steeltrap said:

That's interesting because there are risks to having one funnel, but having two usually means higher than strictly necessary smoke interference.

increases your chances of getting hit too by increasing target signature.

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