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Just Need Some Clarification, Thanks.


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Ahoy captains! I just purchased NA and I'm just wondering if I'm going to get my key today, on friday or next friday.. And also when I finished my payment it didn't redirect me anywhere it just basically ripped the money out my account without referring me to anything so I was just thinking maybe I missed something that I was supposed to see :)

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You didn't miss anything - the purchasing system is quite rudimentary at the moment.


I'm not sure about the next batch of keys - it's usually in the evening Kiev time on Friday, so I would think you'd get yours tomorrow at the latest.  Take a moment to make sure the email in your profile on PayPal is current and correct.  :)

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Just to let Admin know, I bought my copy late last night and didn't get a redirect either, that part doesn't seem to be working.


Also I have a Hotmail account and have seen that you guys sometimes fall foul of the spam filter with occasional e-mails not even making the junk folder, given that keys seem to have run out now how long should people wait before contacting support about not receiving their key? Normally I would contact on this Monday, but should I leave it another week if nothing comes through today/tomorrow?

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