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Where do I find a guide to pb hostility, frontlines etc ?

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Thanks @rediii this is a good start.

If a current guide doesn't already exist, I will take what I learn here and turn it into a guide. I'm pretty darn ignorant on this topic, so it will be a good guide for a noob.

Is the process for capturing a port exactly the same when the port is neutral, as when the port is occupied?

What are the steps to capture a port? 

Hostility mission is 10v10 max. What is the minimum? Can a single player start and complete a hostility mission?


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13 minutes ago, Graf Bernadotte said:

Step one to conquer a port is to fullfil enough hostility missions to get 100% hostility.

On Felix's map https://na-map.netlify.com/

For Brunswick I see:

Port battle 11.00 - 8.00, 10,000 BR, 4th rate AI, 1 conquest point, 35 port points

What are these numbers and do they relate to "100% hostility"?

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2 hours ago, Graf Bernadotte said:

You can get hostility missions for a county capital only from neighbouring county capitals or from neighbouring free towns. That's the frontline system.


The term "neighboring" is misleading to put it mildly. I would still like to see an explanation by the responsible dev on how this system actually works. It is neither proximity (flying - direct line) nor proximity (sailing - shortest distance avoiding land).

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5 minutes ago, van der Decken said:

Are the current high value ports staying the same?

no1 really knows whether the points allocated to ports, cost (in terms of points) needed for upgrades or the fact that upgrades are not mutually exclusive stay as there are now - but i guess we can expect something to change in this system. The fact that this change is not anounced pre-wipe just shows that the game isnt really ready to be released and the release we are getting is super rushed...

It's like swapping around types of chess pieces in the middle of a game...

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the api spits it out so ppl only have to look at felix' map after activating the apropriate filter. so the reason for them not telling us is not them liking to keep a secret - it them being clueless themselves...

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3 hours ago, Severus Snape said:

Be nice if some of this info could be found on an official gameslabs site or something...


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So I'm doing some testing on the Peace server while the War server is down.

Yesterday I took a Conquest Mission at Savannah for St. Mary's (a neutral port). I then proceeded to the mission off St. Mary's and sunk the single cutter (I was in my yacht), thus completing the mission. Then, nothing. No indication that I accomplished anything toward capturing the port.

I see references to percentage hostility, like "must have 100% hostility" -- where is that indicated? What does "100% hostility" mean?

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21 minutes ago, rediii said:

Because there is no war on the peace server

Ahh -- so capturing ports on the Peace server is a different process than the War server. I'll save that for later.

St. Mary's indicates 4th rate AI, but I was able to take a conquest mission in my 7th rate yacht. Could that be an issue?

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