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It is Time to remove Ship Tow and here is why'

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27 minutes ago, Raekur said:

Just had a thought, if the idea to remove the ability to tow is to get people out into OW more, then shouldn't the ability to hop from outpost to outpost also be removed for the same reason?

If the end goal is to get ships moving across the water then being able to avoid combat simply by switching to a different port would follow the same lines of thought.


Believe it or not I anticipated this argument before being posted.  It is valid but this comes from our assumption from our god view.  For now I assume the jump is not really you but a subordinate you have deployed with certain instruction to proceed  if something occurs.  An individual is under orders from you to do whatever.  Even though you are located somewhere else.




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5 minutes ago, Dragonfire said:

Go take a Santi and sail it from port Gibralter to the flats area hell even Gustavia to there like we use to have to do to attend a port battle and then sail it back and if you make it without being sunk on the way let us know what an absolutely painful time wasting never want to do that again experience that was.

I've done that too and lost it  Everyone came out once I was in a choke point. Spotted by a trader.   They all wanted it and they got it too, much to my chagrin, but it was one hell of a battle.  Normally though you would sail as a group with squadrons of ships and screeners.   That would be the required decision point.  Is where I am going worth the investment.  Time and logistics.  Is that post In essence you make my point. To go conquer a location needs some forethought.  

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19 minutes ago, Teutonic said:

Anything that benefits a small group will benefit a larger group more.

Anything that doesn't benefit a large group will hurt a smaller group more.

Taking Tows away won't make large groups have to think more, it will just make small groups lose more. 

I do not follow your thinking. A smaller nation in a smaller geographical area can more easily respond to its location. A larger nation may more easily over extend itself.  subjecting major ships to interdiction.  If you want to be a sea power your ships need to sail.   

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Yes we used to be unable to tow, game had stil laction then but like stated its horrendous sail if you need sail to the other end for PB. But it didnt kill the action in NA.


I would suggest that Towed ship will have timer. Lets say towing frigates takes 1 hour? 3rd rate 5hours 2nd 10hours and 1st 24h?

All small ships would have instant tow.

Dont take the timers as must but i think adding timer to the tow would make it more stratetic and still have the comfort factor for relocation.

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11 minutes ago, HamBlower said:

Realy? Didn‘t know that RVR is part of Legends. 🧐

Every day a new knowlegde 🙄

You ARE aware that only a small percentage of players engage in RvR, correct?  There's a new knowledge for you.

Not EVERYTHING has to be geared towards it.  

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5 hours ago, Angus MacDuff said:

But also in real life, nations have fleets positioned at their important ports...something that is not realistic for the game.

Why? You can have 8 outposts. More than 2 dozen ships. Hopefully front lines will be fixed. It seems like clans and/or nations tend to expand bigger than they can handle or in to areas they can’t support.

It’s a real life player and in game captain recruitment problem, not a game mechanics problem. 

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21 hours ago, Sir Loorkon said:

This would increase the time sink. No thank you. How about reducing the BR limit of PB and the stacking of those „over the top“ bonusses? 

And you are correct. Unless I have a workable solution.  I am trying to convince the players who say NO to my idea.  So bear with me a bit and I think you'll agree that I solve the issue to a great extent.  Loorkon I know you from within the game as a player.  My Nom de plume here obviously has no bearing on my in game nom de guerre.  As of now I have over 2300 hours invested in this game. I am a PVP, RvR,  trader  and builder.  I play all facets depending on mood and other factors. just like a lot of players. I do NOT have an ALT though.  That may put me in the minority.  So I do not time sink as another player nor get any benefits as others do.

Now for some well known facts:  Traders to do anything of value must do a time sink to use your term.  They cannot transport goods magically. Traders cannot avoid choke points.

Most players husband their main battle fleet ships for major engagements towing invisibly past all the hazards a trade ship must endure to get to its destination.  Quite unfair actually if you ask me.  And quickly too.  So that allows unreal expansion of a single nation.  There is one place on the map where capturable ports are safe from this phenonium of enemy ships being teleported nearby to capture a port.  That is Bermuda once those 3 ports are captured.  That island is a long way to move major ships.  Hence its safely protected by that time sink.  To some extent many smaller nations would be more protected if the tow was removed.

What is my solution to the Time sink. I'll call it a Deployment" or (D) for brevity... What the hell is a deployment? Keep reading....

Something that causes a time sink issue with players is the time of a long voyage especially if you want or need to do something else.  That's the real issue! its not necessarily that it may take me an hour to get there but I want to go with my friend and do hostility missions but I'm stuck out here... with no beer... and whatever.

So in thinking about this fix I also tried to think of  avoiding exploits.  Not waist a continuas time in a trip but still require the ships to actually sail to locations having to navigate the treacherous waters that they would normally do. The ship travels in open water time but a player can safely  do others things.  

Deployment [D]  1) Every player can use a  [D} any time he wants.  2.)A [D] can be a single ship or fleet. 3) A [D] can be any ship or fleet a player has the ability to use.

4) A player can never have more than 1 (D) at any given time.

A deployment works like logging off at sea but you are not logged of the game.  Your (D) ships fleet exist out at sea as long as you choose unseen and safe where you left it and yet you can go do any other task you would like to do. Sail ships, fight battle, trade. anything.  All A (D) is your ships are deployed sailing the seas.  When you are ready wether 10 minutes latter or a week latter you can return to your (D) ship/fleet and continue on. 

5) (D) have a limitation.  The (D) cannot be done within 150 k from the nearest land.  This still requires the ships to spend actual sailing time and navigate through possible hazardous areas i.e.. choke points. It also will allow for the ability of scouts to be able to locate the ships if they happen to be lucky enough and be intercepted if the ship/fleet doesn't manage to evade or sink its enemy.

6) D ships cannot enter a port battle for at least 60 minutes.

7) Ships in (D) status are out at sea and cannot be used unless taken out of (D) status back into open world where you left it and you would be commanding it again.

I believe the solution is simple, neat and can streamline all play making the game much more enjoyable to all.


Please all you players who said no. Re-evaluate this concept with an open mind and then give your opinion.  Even if you still disagree.  I also think that a (D) in itself would help players with the monotony of the long mindless single voyage.

Thanks for reading...








Edited by Broadsides
added clarification 7 accidently skipped.
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