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Labour Hours Shortage


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I’m finding I’m running out of labours hours very quickly.

Within an hour I’ve used them all up, in that same time I’ve collected all the resources I need, xp and gold in abundance, apart from combat points, I don’t need to do anything else or earn anything else until the next day.

To be a  crafter, I can only play for an hour each day and then I have to wait 24 hours to build up hours to play again.

Is there nothing else I can do, to craft for longer, to stay online for longer?

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I used to sell my labour to other players.  There were a couple of lads who would pay me to craft stuff for them.  The would give me the raw resource and I would craft up what they had asked for and they would pay me as I gave it back to them.

Lately no one wants me to do that anymore.  I miss it.  I could make some gold most times I logged on.  If the lads were not online I would look for "WTB Labor hrs" in the trade window.

I been told no one needs me to help them craft because they just buy labour contracts.


Edited by Macjimm
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6 minutes ago, Headless Parrot said:

sse labor contracts. you can buy them, or exchange 150 combat marks for 10. each contract gives 500 hours

Yeah, saw that but at 5-7 points per match that's 25-30 battles, and there are better things to spend them on.

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1 minute ago, Macjimm said:

I used to sell my labour to other players

With contracts place on them most of the time, you then have to wait out the contract that you might not get.

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4 minutes ago, Sir John said:

can get the labor hours perks

I'll try that

4 minutes ago, Sir John said:

Also, combat marks are easier to come by when you pvp

I'm a newbie, learning the ropes in PvE

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Just now, BuckleUpBones said:

With contracts place on them most of the time, you then have to wait out the contract that you might not get.

Not sure what you mean,

Example:  I would receive Oak Logs from you and then I would use 1000hrs crafting Oak Planks and give the planks back to you.  You would pay me for my effort.  No contract

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you can buy labor contracts in the shop or from contract

and from the Admiralty for 150 cm (you can earn cm by doing missions  and combat)

the higher the rank you are the more LH you earn each day 

in the beginning of your building career, only make goods and materials what you need, and don't spill it to big quantities on one product


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You can use several ways to speed up your crafting:

- as mentioned already use perks for labour (royal shipbuilder etc.)

- set up your shipyard in a port with 40% LH reduction (most helpful)

- if you’re not crafting for yourself only, charge your customers with combat marks to replace your labour hours. It helps a lot to be a member of a clan on this behalf. You can exchange the combat marks for labour hours in the admiralty store.The price for the ships can be lowered accordingly. This way you have practically unlimited access to labour hours.

- setting up a building in a port with the possibility to convert labour hours to labour contracts is not really helpful as it does not increase the overall amount of labour hours available.

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On 7/9/2018 at 12:35 PM, BuckleUpBones said:

With contracts place on them most of the time, you then have to wait out the contract that you might not get.

Labor hours perks will help.  That will yield the most flexibility.

Buying them is a possibility, but since you mentioned you are on PvE, focus any contract activity in your capital port.  You are unlikely to get them filled anywhere else.  It's a bit better on the Caribbean server but there are still huge areas of the map where a contract will never be filled.  The reason is that in low population regions nobody will see them.

A shipyard in a port with a LH hour bonus will help also, but the challenge will be the sailing time that is going to generate in between that port and your contract activity in the capital zone.  You may have to focus on one or the other.

Edited by Marcus Corvus
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