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UI and AI Customizations Mod V1.9.2

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More questions.

  1. How does MeleeMultiplePenalty work? Does the solo unit do 25% melee damage to each enemy unit (allowing 125% damage output against five opponents), or does the solo unit do 25% melee damage divided amongst all enemy units?
  2. The damage calculations in https://www.dropbox.com/s/adm7wm62aja9g53/Infantry Weapon Curves.xlsx?dl=0 show that the Richmond infantry rifle has lower damage than what it shows in game. At 9.38-13.75 damage and ~52%-41% range multipliers, it should do around ~.7 more damage than what is recorded on that graph. Is the graph wrong or is the game wrong?
  3. Do brigades gain exp faster the smaller they are?
  4. Does exp gain for detached skirmishers get added to the parent unit upon reattachment and/or battle end?
  5. How does exp gain work for in-battle merged division brigades?
  6. How far can you get with one point in army organization? I have not seen anyone attempt to play or talk about playing the game with minimum AO. I play both factions with as low AO as possible, and found Union to be way harder with low AO, especially at Crossroads.
Edited by UG CW Enjoyer
Format spacing & expanding on question 3 by adding 4 and 5.
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1. 25% to each enemy unit. Usually this means that a single unit gets wrecked by 2 weaker units rather than the one monster beating up 5 though.

2. I would trust the game over the graph, though I'd have to go check to confirm.

3. Size doesn't matter if all other factors are equal

4. re-attachment(automatically occurs at the end of battle)

5. I think it's an average of some kind. I took a quick look but it wasn't obvious how this is working.

6. Not sure, would depend on difficulty. Shiloh or Gaines Mill with only 1 AO likely, though you can certainly get through with less than the max overall.

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  • 1 month later...

So I have the j & o 1.9.2 cust version of UGCW but I have a Mac and every time I try to change some of the configuration things is the uIaI customization file it opens it in numbers. How to I actually change the numbers and stuff and have it actually in the game?

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On 4/14/2023 at 4:45 PM, gavinreid said:

So I have the j & o 1.9.2 cust version of UGCW but I have a Mac and every time I try to change some of the configuration things is the uIaI customization file it opens it in numbers. How to I actually change the numbers and stuff and have it actually in the game?

The J&P mod is on 1.28.3 and is not compatible with the customizations mod. J&P already includes everything in customizations.

So if you installed both I'd reinstall the one you want to be using and then modify the config files in the respective mod folder. There should be a separate one for rebalance and for customizations.

For editing the files I'd recommend trying to open them in a text editor instead of a spreadsheet program. There have been problems with excel and such adding extra characters that break the file.

Hopefully that solves the issue, bit if not please let me know.

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  • 1 month later...

So I have a functioning 1.9.2 1.11 version of the game and can change the uiai folder and see results. I figured put how to use numbers. I now need an explanation on what each thing means. I get some of them like timer multiplier, but what about surrender and charge logic updates? And the melee morale routing and wavering, what will increasing them do, and what will decreasing them do? I hope you get what I'm asking because it's been so much fun since I've had it I have adhd and will forget to look for changes so it's hard to experiment myself. Thank you

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On 5/22/2023 at 1:58 AM, gavinreid said:

So I have a functioning 1.9.2 1.11 version of the game and can change the uiai folder and see results. I figured put how to use numbers. I now need an explanation on what each thing means. I get some of them like timer multiplier, but what about surrender and charge logic updates? And the melee morale routing and wavering, what will increasing them do, and what will decreasing them do? I hope you get what I'm asking because it's been so much fun since I've had it I have adhd and will forget to look for changes so it's hard to experiment myself. Thank you

The majority of the modifiers exist to allow the player to disable changes that have any balance impact. Some players prefer as close to a pure experience to the original game with only a few quality of life changes and bug fixes.

Below are some basic explanations of what everything does

Multipliers that increase the displayed timers and end of day time
timerMultiplier, 1
endOfDayMultiplier, 1

Enables or disables the fixed size curves so that adding men/guns always results in a net increase in damage with diminishing returns.
replaceSizeDegradationCurves, true

When enabled, rifled artillery will prioritize enemy artillery unless some other target is within a minimum range. Disabled by default because it makes smoothbores very hard to use.
improveArtilleryTargetting, false

Minimum and maximum multipliers to volley time when a unit is flashing white and sporadically firing. The max value was changed from 99 in the base game.
fireAtWillMin, 5
fireAtWillMax, 30

The melee damage penalty that applies to a unit when it is in contact with more than one enemy unit in melee. Base game value was .25
meleeMultiplePenalty, .45

When enabled removes the damage penalty that applied to infantry units when in fortificaions. In the base game fortifications let infantry units fire faster but deal less damage.
removeInfantryFortificationPenalty, true

Changes the way weapon recovery works for allied units. When enabled you recover more weapons from surviving men than from dead men. In the base game you wanted to get all of your allied units killed to recover more weapons.
enableSurvivingAlliesWeaponReturn, true

When enabled modifies surrender logic slightly so that it accounts for wounded officers. Also no longer requires that a unit have no nearby allies that are not routing to be able to surrender. Short version is surrenders are easier to get, but should feel a bit realistic.
enableSurrenderLogicUpdates, true

When enabled the AI better accounts for its stat advantages when determining if it should charge.
enableChargelLogicUpdates, true

When enabled adds a 5 minute cooldown for reattaching detached skirmishers. Helps limit a variety of the exploits frequently attaching and detaching allows.
enableAttachSkirmisherCooldown, true

When enabled shattered player units will show up in camp instead of all men and the officer being lost.
returnShatteredUnits, true

Modifiers to melee when a unit is in the routing and wavering state. Base game values were both .7. This helps reduce the damage that routing units deal when in melee.
moraleMeleeRouting, .5
moraleMeleeWavering, .65 

When enabled allows you to use AISizeMultiplier to adjust the size of all AI units up or down.
enableAISizeMultiplier, false
AISizeMultiplier, 1

When enabled increases the size of player units somewhat in the tutorial battles for both sides. This makes them a bit easier as the community universally felt they were much harder than they needed to be and compared to other early battles.
modifyTutorialBattle, true

When enabled disables scaling entirely. AI unit sizes will only change based on difficulty and cross battle modifiers. Using AIsizeMultipier to adjust battles as you go is almost mandatory. As some battles become harder and some much easier. Many of the default sizes were setup under the assumption that scaling was applying, so AI units can be quite small at times.
disableScaling, false

Edited by pandakraut
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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi, I'm playing on BG but I want larger enemy units so I enabled the enableAISizeMultiplier and set the AISizeMultiplier to 2 instead of 1. Now during the pre battle screen the enemy has much higher numbers (27000) but in the actual battle the same smaller units (15000). I have to restart the campaign for this option to work? Thank you!

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  • 9 months later...

Can you please make version without weapon range arc color. I actually liked the old colour more. So can you make it optional, or tell me where to look in the file to change it my self.

Thanks for all the hard work

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So I have somehow messed up my game even when I go into it and redo the assembly chart and all that type of stuff it's not working because it doesn't have the revised one point whatever on it I have a Macbook so it's got the Mac 1.11 and I can also tell because the Cannons don't have the range indicators and also it is a lot harder and I've tried verifying or whatever the game files to like restart it and stuff but at this point I'm just not sure so I was wanting to know if there was a better mod or anything out there because apparently I thought I had the J&P rebalance mod but whatever I have it's just the folder that says customization 1.9.2 and it has about a 15 16 or something CSV document that allows you to change the UI and AI and I liked that aspect of it because I could decrease the enemy size and stuff but I didn't have a lot of options and I didn't understand all of them so if there was a better mod out there that is compatible for Mac if someone could help me and let me know that offers the same similar things as the other mod or more but if not if someone could please help me figure out how to get it back to working because I did have it working for a while but I edit the customization sheet using numbers which is like Excel because I have a Macbook and apparently that causes a lot of issues and one day it just stopped working

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  • 1 month later...
On 6/20/2023 at 7:19 PM, Acka said:

Hi, I'm playing on BG but I want larger enemy units so I enabled the enableAISizeMultiplier and set the AISizeMultiplier to 2 instead of 1. Now during the pre battle screen the enemy has much higher numbers (27000) but in the actual battle the same smaller units (15000). I have to restart the campaign for this option to work? Thank you!

I just got back here :D Any tips @pandakraut? Thank you!

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On 4/8/2024 at 3:00 PM, gavinreid15 said:

So I have somehow messed up my game even when I go into it and redo the assembly chart and all that type of stuff it's not working because it doesn't have the revised one point whatever on it I have a Macbook so it's got the Mac 1.11 and I can also tell because the Cannons don't have the range indicators and also it is a lot harder and I've tried verifying or whatever the game files to like restart it and stuff but at this point I'm just not sure so I was wanting to know if there was a better mod or anything out there because apparently I thought I had the J&P rebalance mod but whatever I have it's just the folder that says customization 1.9.2 and it has about a 15 16 or something CSV document that allows you to change the UI and AI and I liked that aspect of it because I could decrease the enemy size and stuff but I didn't have a lot of options and I didn't understand all of them so if there was a better mod out there that is compatible for Mac if someone could help me and let me know that offers the same similar things as the other mod or more but if not if someone could please help me figure out how to get it back to working because I did have it working for a while but I edit the customization sheet using numbers which is like Excel because I have a Macbook and apparently that causes a lot of issues and one day it just stopped working

I would recommend verifying your files to clear out whatever modded files you have and then installing the mod again. For the config files you want to use a text editor instead of a spreadsheet program as those can end up inserting extra characters that the mod won't parse correctly.

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On 6/20/2023 at 1:19 PM, Acka said:

Hi, I'm playing on BG but I want larger enemy units so I enabled the enableAISizeMultiplier and set the AISizeMultiplier to 2 instead of 1. Now during the pre battle screen the enemy has much higher numbers (27000) but in the actual battle the same smaller units (15000). I have to restart the campaign for this option to work? Thank you!

I don't think you should need to restart the campaign, should be able to change it, start the game, then start a new battle to see the changes.

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